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 May 2017 Jim Hill
 May 2017 Jim Hill
Tug me into the ocean, deeper and darker, take me to heaven
I'm predictable, baby, and my poetry fits in the waves
but the ocean functions the same, cover me in your water
and turn me into the summer breeze I'm powerless, unseen
melt me like ice cream in a summer day, bring me to my knees to pray
dance me like a bonfire, wash the sand off my sweater or just
let me wear yours when this feeling needs rekindling

and suddenly all my favorite songs were about you
and suddenly all my favorite poems were about you
close your eyes to what you can't imagine, sixty seven
hours spent with you and I'm falling into you deeper than the sea
and hot like I'm dancing in your island flames
just to speed my heartbeat to match and catch yours
 May 2017 Jim Hill
I don't trust you like a shirt, but I want to be down with you in Hollywood
baby the streets got that effect on me like a wanderlust
I'm still floating about free game working late, I don't want
you to tell me I'm good I want you to tell me I'm great
I want to be all your falling moonlight fantasies late night
catch fire my golden skin emerging from the shower in my calvin kleins
make me feel Portuguese, a misty memory resurfacing to my mind
collecting sparks in my eyes with bright wonder
 May 2017 Jim Hill
We're in the sun and I'm moving from your mouth
to your jeans, we're watching the stars and we're moving
We're going down the green boulevard and we're cruising
you speak Romanian, I speak you, we're going to far
and moving to the beat as one and the wind blows the hair
in my face and I got news for you, I can see you just clearly
as I could before, carefully, barely hanging on and catching movies

I can't keep away from your kiss, back and forth want to feel
the rest of you and all of you can't wait to catch you all alone
we're in the sun and I'm moving from your mouth
to the hole in your heart, tell me how you feel and who you are
you speak barely, your rhythmic breaths tell me all I need to know
waste the day and spend all the time in your pockets, all alone
floating around your head and hanging midair in your palms like
a red balloon
I take a hot long shower
At this odd hour
The sun is long set
As i get soaking wet
The water washes away the dirt
And with it all the hurt
My muscles relax and my brain sighs
In here i sever all ties
The constant sound of water against tiles
So many long miles
 Apr 2011 Jim Hill
Carly Salzberg
Fluid like the Guinness that flows from the oil rust taps, rapid and white battered. It laps quickly between every bridges thigh, whining as waves do in captivity. The air is thick and dewy in the Galway harbor. Each breath tastes saltier than the next. The rush, the rapid race signals the open sea. Spring could not come sooner than is demanded. Still six old rust stained fishing boats bob along the mossy stonewall. Untouched. The flow churns quicker; the longer the eye stands in gaze. A ***** yellow sign signals caution –a stolen ringbouy, a stolen life. And there amid the unrest I like to rest and reflect beside fettered waters whose tempest surface hides my face.

I am not alone,
the troubled waters
call my name.

— The End —