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You are the last rose in autumn before winter
on cold night bright defying the muted sky
Be an opening flower
the touch of  warm rain water over your  petals releasing
the smell of your lilies

Your smile-sudden and blooming with laughter,
                                                                ­                          I see.

Tasting rain water with my tongue,
                                                         ­                                 I understand

Hear.                                                ­                                 Clarity. Clearly

The flowers is on my bare chest and I become we. And we delight in each other  and in the rain and in the turning of the earth’s soil and in the material dance of form. The way that the sun makes us both perk up let’s  me know we both recognize where warmth is and where it is not.
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Oh joy you make me smile

you with each day charm me
woo me into more bliss
keep me laughing

Thankful for all living
The rain refreshes
with each drop skin,
stem and silt loading
on paved roads

brings water to my lips
I, a human flowers, feel
Hiding in your smile are the fresh flowers
in the vase and the hours you spent decorating your mind with book lines
Hidden in your smile is the mediation cushion
and the feeling of your healed sprained wrist touching the mat

Hidden object in your beautiful eyes
is the dark soil with dying insects, and crumpled brown leaves you turned
into a radiant garden

they see, but who knows
if they really see
water in a cloud
or the challenge in your expansion
Dame tu abecedario para comérmelo
para finalmente tragarme todo esos límites y esponjarlos para abonar las flores que nos quedan por plantar
(It is a question left in my throat
I wish of  the little things to be granted wisdom and safe passage )

Dear flower,
keep my gentle and soft like you
share with me how you bursted through the dark earth

Dear sky,

who has blessed me with rain
whisper your wise counsel over me
like the rain and mist that engulfs us in June–what way is the sea ?

Dear red dirt,

When I hold you in my hands I cannot help but feel I awe. How do you remain so beautiful
have we always been as beautiful as you?
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