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It does not sit right with me that any baby girl
Might inherent this world as it is
That “this” is what we choose to uphold
That “we” collectively hold each pole in place
And try to cover it with a tarp and call it a an exquisite
Manifestation of a world
That small limited obstructing vision of what we should camp through live in
It does not sit right, so reach inside of me and with my two hands
And unzip my mouth
Might who choose to present as girls in live in a better and kinder world
Sometimes I sit and look at this world and think “ this, this is what we choose to manifest?” We can do better
I dream of better
They grip at me  
Two fists snuck into an envelope of soft words
I get “Adjust” instead of its harsher
commanding counterpart “change”
(“comprise”  is in absence in this conversation)

But I see my grandmother smiling
And great grandmother dancing
And all the womxn that have made me
appear from behind the mesquite
emerging from the thick wilderness of time
to transcend
to bear naked their wisdom and  grant me their heart

Their dance swirls within me
Their smile leaps
reaching through flesh
like a ray being emitted from my inner cove
To materialize over my face

And I can sit calmly and confidently
Smile And say “no”
“You cannot dance with me.
Toxic male masculinity in the work place.
I get a sense like society reinforces male ego by allowing men to belittle women or try to control them in order to boost their confidence. I keep feeling like men are so personally insulted when I have a strong opinion and when I am direct in the work place; most of men who unaware of their male privilege are  so annoyed and don’t question their initial response to critic they take it so personally.

Some try to reach to control their environment and others perception of them by trying to control and domesticate those around them and for along time women have been an easy target.

This happens in reverse too but I feel like it’s very rampant when it comes to women experience in a male dominated workplace

Your girls are just as worthy of an opinion as your boys, period.
if there is
if there is
If there is all the things that thrive within the being
those that never die, those that perdure untouched, uneffected by the outside lores
then there is always the presence of forgiveness
the room for second chances
and there is return
It is their eyes–
everything around me I want to nourish until it is bright
and full of it’s own loving light
–shining through
My little home with its little desk
juxtaposed with my big desire to live deeply in my skin
and just cherish this
these tiny hands
this, this real and very precious life
this that is me
is cherished
I start with this
this me
this growing, stumbling
precious being
this me
that extends to this precious cherished you
Who knows if it would be advantageous
if I could shake it off like a dog this cold wet sorrow
that shows up
who knows
if I ask a child
they might indeed
will give me wise and honest counsel
(maybe they know)
the simplest answer
could be buried under a mountain
of fears, of conditioning, and adult foolishness

the solution might be simple
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