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Aveces me enamoro de los puentes
fácil y fatalmente frecuento lagos de ideas
en esos charcos anchos me gusta salpicarme en el <<quien habrá caminado estos rumbos con solo tiempo como el factor de lejanía entre nos >>
The jazz became part extraordinary
swinging into my ears
leveling my mood and the uneven picture frames of the past hanging within my mind needing of proper straightening of care and of being carefully hung to show my immense gratitude for what was
It is about timing
and the willingness to act
I had the willingness but never the timing

Half of it is grace and the other is your own hand
I am walking into the light
into a reawakened life
into the vast colors and into
my own fullness
brilliant and unobstructed
I rest in life
here in this place and at this moment
I will choose to see the brimming cup
and hold back the tears of joy
because I made it back
back to myself
thanking little limbs for walking me
thanking my soul for not leaving me
thanking my heart for daring with me
here in this place and at this moment I choose to linger in my wholesomeness
Poetry whirls around me
and you will blow in like a leaf
And we will twist and turn
swirl in a leafy tornado

**** playing it cool
**** stoic faces
**** stiff limbs
you and I will dance
and the music will end all of time and drown out everyone except you and I
My duty is not to suffering
or to a half lived life

My duty is not to complacency
or to self pity or  to “woe is me”

My duty is to releasing all the
“ it’s not that bad” descriptions from my life because anything I describe with “not that bad” is not good enough –not if I want a meaningful and fulfilling life

“it’s not that ..:”must be replaced with “ I am blessed to have this” with the sweet sensation and utterance of “wow, I am so lucky” this is the space I am creating
that is my intention, that is the life I am working on having

I am opening the door to all things that bring joy and all the possibilities of a deeper more authentic life that overflows from my core
onto this daily altar that is my life
finally, i understand peace is a price too high to pay. continual compliancy is not a sign of consistency or of love. indifference is more painful than goodbye, and forgiveness is not something many are willing to do just as compassion is a muscle so is letting go so is admitting to seeing the steps you took of your own free will to destroy your own self worth. simple and benevolent the truth will find you scrape at your insides, stick its finger in your wounds
and reveal what still aches
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