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I have the urge to buy a glittery pink jacket and a turquoise hat
wear one personality and then wear the next
loosen up the ego
How little I know is the constant
but I am not frustrated or in denial of that
it is fine by me
kicking off my shoes and resting my back over the bed
feet dangling
knowing zero is less daunting now
always humbling
the traffic off of the main road is muted by the floor heating
my fear tamed by my will
that does not want to let uncertainty climb up
upon me
The hinge that holds the door
does not creak this is evidence enough that I should be grateful

but I take deep breathe and it’s as if I inhale the world pain and so I creak
 even if the hinge on the door does not
The hardest thing by far is
lovingly letting go
I smile and I cry at same time
I am joyful and in sadness simultaneously

My eyes well up and I not sure why anymore
It feels bruised
The area to the right of my heart
towards the middle
almost at the midpoint where my ******* meet
is in pain
but when I look in the mirror
there is no green, purple or yellow
and I wonder if in a few days it will show itself or if it will take years
Are you conscious of the power
your thoughts and words have to create

when you awake dear
do you say thank you, too

do you like excessively warm showers
do your toes turn red as you stand there, too

and have you learned to pray even if you do not call it by that name

Do you meditate
do you see divinity in everything
can you see god–the all– in the swaying of the leaves
have I met you

I am here
alive at the same time as you

you can come in dream if you wish
May you wake up and may the sun smile upon you
The are many triumphs that might not seem mighty
but they are
like looking in the mirror and smiling gently at your reflection
putting your palms together and saying “thank you for this new day”
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