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The part of me that loves,
still loves maybe eternally
I do not argue with it

I argue with the part of me that wants to hold–the one that isn’t love
the one that perhaps wants possession, fears change, or both

I kindly tell it “ they are well taken care of, we can go live your lifetime somewhere else” but still it furrows its brow

And I understand this part of me is hurt and I look at it with eyes of love because that’s the only way it will heal
and I kiss this weepy girl :)
The glowing vase in the middle of the garden calls to us and we jump up from our  cozy spots breaking with our lower halves’ crossed legged slumber
–limbs unraveling–
picking up speed towards it as if we were  about to take off
and gusts of playfulness revitalize our endeavors
takes us and we more than willing
laugh again
our chests rising and falling in exaltation 
our breathing heavy  

the glowing vase remains far in the distance but that is not what we are really after
I came here for me
and I came this way for you
that was all

for the things that have the greatest meaning
take the biggest leaps of courage
May there be more roads that open up daily onto joy
May there be more silent moments where gratitude
takes the heart into its two hands and we become filled
with an unending warmth
because we trust ourselves
and this great unfolding to sieve us at the end of this process 
into light
And you see things for what they are
and instead of letting it break your heart
or decide to run on the hamster wheel , ride the many Ferris wheels or rollacoasters of distractions
you choose to laugh in delight because you are Human
endowed with the gift of creating  alongside that which moves through you
and gave you life
and you know you can add what you see lacks
so smile not because someone told you to girl but because you have realized you’re as mighty as any other who has graced this world
Go on if you would like and  make somethings beautiful as an offering

You see things for what they are
ever changing 
 always flowing eternally towards the infinite
you need no one to tell you this    just close your eyes (feel it)
or wait
time will try to cocoon you, over and over
in an attempt to deliver you to the infinite
you will get there
in due time
for now rejoice in your humanity
I want a garden and an upright
a little head running through the grass
I want a desk facing the window
and a glass mug for my tea
and bookshelves full of books and vinyls

I want the sunset as much I want the sunrise
I want the deep fine lines that come with time. I want it, I wish it
Ms. Adrienne Rich I know it will take all my breath, but I hope it will become my will.
Like you wrote “it will not be simple”
So at the entrance of my home
I will hang a copy of your poem above the door. And when I turn back to look at that door frame I will think of this road, of this journey to that humble abode
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