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GHOSTiePOST Sep 2020
Broken jaw

Limp wrists 

Why am I pretending to be weak?

It's the easy way out

My substances walk themselves in

Now there's no crutch left to lean on 

Excuses as empty as my stomach 

I think it's time to feast  

I've preyed on those who couldn't speak

And learned to run without feet

So why is this temporary challenge 

My ultimate defeat 

Been playing victim long enough 

That ***** can take a seat

I'll pull the chair from underneath

And hope he falls into the deep

No reflection in the mirror

Just what's left, hollow as ever

Anything that might be missing

Is a piece I took

With no plan to replace

Self destruction comes too natural

I don't want to die

But that doesn't mean I want to live

The distiction between the two is action

Comeback season is now in session
GHOSTiePOST Jan 2018
Do you ever miss places?
That house on the corner
Those moments in time
A lifetime ago
Simply memories
You can never revisit
Just reminders
Of how far you’ve come
Who you were
Versus who you are today
That’s someone to be proud of

Places of past are my terrors at night
Eyelids close, now Its fight or flight
But your ankles just broke the fall
Memories flood & your lungs fill
Drown while you crawl
Lessons learned and lessons lived
Applied, rehearsed & perfected until you’re fake
Ashamed of the ashes you derived
Who I was, made these bones ache
The **** I’ve said, made my soul break
So I killed the boy to become his man

There’s no place like home
There's no woman like mom
Just a house of deja-vu syndrome
Beauty in-between chaos & calm
The one place it's okay to be blind
Until you want to see forever
There's more road ahead than behind
It goes quick, keep a present ember
& aware of your state-of-mind
If there's one thing to remember
You're at your best unconfined
GHOSTiePOST Apr 2016
Meeting a new person
Is actually the beginning of a journey
Between your soul, and theirs
Everyone in your life is for a reason
With permanent stake in your well-being
Thank God for positivity
Burn a bridge held by negativity
Time is irrelevant, speaking in eternity
So don’t miss the signs
They’re often too brief
I’ve made my mistakes
Failure comes from turning blindly
They’ve left nothing but aches
Face value comes so lightly
You forget about the snakes
Most are ebb and flow
Good karma helps you grow
Little by little, piece by piece
Your soul’s make up that jigsaw together
With a picture underneath
Every puzzle needs a partner
Except for my unfinished mess
Most try and end up failing
They probably needed less
Or give up just by looking
It’s probably for the best
Don’t say I didn’t warn you
Save a broken chest
The last thing this world needs
Is one more jagged heart
Who only wants to fit
I’m just another missing part
GHOSTiePOST Mar 2016
My fracture lines are showing
As if I’m the all-knowing
Aiming for perfection
Settling on individualized complexion
See nothing in my reflection
Maybe that’s all I’ll ever be
Exiled misfit by objection
Marked with blood-stained-sheepskin
& running my mouth
Instead of fitting in
So keep quiet
Emotionless creatures should be cast out
Loyalty’s an illusion contingent on amount
And my whisper is lost while everyone else can shout

But you’re an anomaly
Kinda like your prophecy
Or my imagination
Covered in sin
With that **** eating grin
Turns his back on God
When he can’t seem to win
Swallow that pride
With a side of humility
Choke it down
Like every Sunday afternoon
I said my prayers
But He sent rocks to break my fall
What made me think I could stand so tall?

Not the first or the last
Just apart of the past
I’m a walking contradiction
Who’s become stagnate
Classic degenerate
So now I’m stranded
And all together irrelevant
Never the best
But I can do better
My blood’s turned black
With bones ready to crack
You won’t see me relapse
Unless these lungs give out
Or my legs finally collapse
GHOSTiePOST Jan 2016
Sober as a Saint
Stained like a sinner
Your perception is faint
Makes my spine shiver
The gossip's hard to conceal
It's always "who's sleeping with who"
& "why am I still single"
When all I want
Is for you to be real
Need the beauty
Hate your sight
Want the scenery
Minus the light
Clinging to reality
That's the real fright
& I'm sick of pretending things are alright

Curves leave you contrite
Kiss of a lover
Personality missing stereotype
Heart of a mother
Makes my rate stutter
Obsessed with her mind
Possessed by her touch
Lost in her eyes
It's a little too much
******* what a rush
Connecting dots
Untangling thoughts
She's seeing faces
Avoiding places
I'd like to hold her hand
But I’m left wandering what’s in the other

House so quaint
Tongue so clever
Words to the poet
Limbs to the butcher
Life's moving fast
A car without breaks
Rolling hills
Blinding lights
One hit's all it takes
There isn't always a motive
Sometimes I just wanna live
Insanity on the brain
They haven't splattered yet
No one likes a stain
I have the bar set
Nothing to lose
The world to gain
Just try keeping up
& I'll try staying sane
GHOSTiePOST Nov 2015
Head in the clouds
Feet on the ground
I think you’re going places
And don’t forget to tie those laces
Brimming with ambition
Always on a mission
I know you’ll see it through
The road might be long
But you’re so **** strong
Why second guess?
You’re dressed to ****
And you’re killing that dress
I wouldn’t expect much less

Head in the clouds
Feet on the ground
Every minute with you is laughter bound
This thing we made will always be sound
Even at each other’s throats
Never stays prolonged
Small town girl meets big city nerd
When has that ever been heard?
A dull moment with you seems so absurd
We come so natural
But keep it judgment free
With sarcasm deeper than the sea

No one like you
I’ll show no fear
No more endings
It’s you my dear
Those phone calls at night
Always leave my days here bright
And why you make this feel alright

Head in the clouds
Feet on the ground
I’m still happy this friendship was found
You’re my fresh start
Cause girly you’re just like me
We stay so callous and free
With love hidden underneath
Reserved for those
Behind that doormat from home
Still fine to roam alone
There’s adventures ahead
With story’s around the bend
And I can’t even imagine an end
GHOSTiePOST Nov 2015
If I ever…
If I ever really did it
I’d do it big
Roses on the floor
Sweets galore
Under the sunset by the shore

If I ever…
I mean, really did it
I’d bring us back
Evening with the fire
Hand full of wine
Nothing under the wire

If I ever…
I mean, really ever actually did it
I’d take you to that old band box diner
Fake smiles until memories start to flood
Move on to the people of our lives
Hug goodbye, and go our separate ways
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