yes, I am a try-hard I try hard to make people see me yes, I am a people-pleaser I don't want anyone mad at me yes, I'll hop on the bandwagon I don't want to be left behind
is a black cat with white paws one stitched back up from where she finally burst at the end of her long silky black tail is a white tip that I would chew on when I was young her eyes are green her nose pink I've had her since I can remember My beautiful stuffed bella
People love me I know they do So why do I feel so alone Why does everything feel gloomy
Why do I long a hug so bad Even when I'm hugged Why do I long to be loved so bad Even when I'm loved
Why can't I feel I swear on my life it's there So why Why is it like this WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY *ERROR
just once I want to be called beautiful I wont believe you anyways but i'll want to just once I want you to tell me i'm worth it I won't trust you but i'll try just once I want you to see me i'll pretend you weren't looking at me but i'll know just once I want to be told i'm perfect flaws included but I won't believe you
I buried your number In a pool of empty digets I forgot your name After you mentioned it at the bar But for the life of me When I woke up the next morning Your face stuck to the back of my eyelids like lead set in tar And for dear humanity While I drank my black coffee I couldn't remember anything about who the hell you were