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The tips of his wings stained a crimson red,
the light drawn from his eyes with his final breath,
a loathsome look upon his shame filled face,
forgetting all his amazing grace.

he's fallen from the tips of heaven to the depths of hell,
the angel his face stained with an auburn glaze,
captured in the battle just lost,
his nobility failing at his own great cost.

they whisper in his ear, the superficial beings,
they speak so mellow yet there words be celestial,
they scrutinise him, tempting his weaknesses,
their ****** eyes divulge his very being.

"Come my son ill give you peace" his father calls from above,
at this his tepid and tedious ways at once are banished,
he takes his fathers effluent hand and he is made clean,
saved from the superfluous for all eternity.
She is evil,
her manipulative ways have warped my mind,
she is evil,
she has caused me to commit an unforgivable regicide,
she is evil,
her heart is stone, and it calls me to be executed,
She is evil,
her lies have made me lost, my sanity to be disputed.

I am evil,
this story has twisted me into a monster,
i am evil,
my body taken over by a ruthless imposter,
I am evil,
corrupted by my blood thirsty hands,
I am evil,
in my wildest dreams - these werent my best laid plans.

He is evil,
my best friend, who fears i have played foully,
he is evil,
isn’t what i’m doing sick and cowardly?
he is evil,
the father who brought out my fatal flaw,
he is evil,
silence! he speaks no more!
The sounds of gunfire penetrate our ears,
Ive been training for this day for years,
My trusty steed below me never leaves my mind,
For he knows id never leave him behind,

A clap of thunder bellows the skies,
The glare of fear never leaving our eyes,
My horse is my shield,
The pain that we yield,
Sticking together through fiery fields,

My master is light so its easy to run,
But this journey is far from done,
Bullets have penetrated my side,
Im down on my knees,
Lost all of my pride,

Then he screams out in pain,
My master is dead alone in the rain,
I scramble too my hooves and try to get away,
But its too hard,
All this hurt
All this pain,
The last thing i heard on that dark winters night
Was the flare of a machine gun,
and im out like a light
Love made to look complicated yet simple,
his last breath, one of joy and not sorrow,
his wife, with child, unaware of his demise,
blood leaks from his head, the greatest is behind,
crushed beneath the wheels of his car,
his wife cradles their new born baby boy,
not yet named, his innocent face held close to hers,
she hears the news, her heart implodes,
her insides turn to nothing,
from happiness to horror in a split second,
she gazes at her baby boy with eyes like his fathers,
tears fall down her face, flawlessly white.
she cries out “Matthew, Matthew”
grief stricken, she stands alone.
I know I have messed up,
that my apologies are empty and placid,
I know sorry is not enough,
for the pain that I have visibly caused.

my reasoning is obscure,
for nothing within me is simple,
fleeting hearts are broken into fragments,
as my words were spoken.

I truly am in love with you,
weather you believe that this is true,
I know that the way it looks,
is that I have been unfaithful to you.

I know that I have lied,
my reasoning unrecovered,
I am sorry, for hurting you,
let me make amends?

allow me to explain my love,
to me this was no game...
I loved you whole heartedly,
without a glance or question.

so allow me to explain to you,
where my heart does truly lie,
because with you I am madly
in love...
this poem doesn't rhyme,
it doesn't really make sense to most people, but I hope it makes sense to you...
I hope someone makes you very happy...
Peaceful minds put at ease,
hearts encased with love,
pain hides in the depths of bodies,
cold to touch.

The hate is irrelevant,
her thoughts no longer include me,
I am cast aside,
my feelings now mean nothing.

but she is still so beautiful,
I feel encapsulated in her presence,
I love her so purely,
so simply.

She loved me once,
in another fleeting world,
but I was deluded,
she used me for a time.

She pushed me away when it suited her,
now i'm broken,
it hurts to even look at her,
I am finished.
Her name leaks truth,
an outer beauty oblivious to human eyes,
but a beauty within is found in the depths of her heart,
delve deeper into her mind and find a writer,
an artist careful of how she crafts her words,
a voice of obsessing lovers,
she creeps into the back of my mind.
what is so wrong about our names entwined within a love heart?
an ethereal sense of desire overwhelms me when I am with her,
wrong but right,
an angel in the eyes of many,
never to be forgotten...
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
when people see me,
they don't see me

they see this curse that took its time to develop inside me,
and had my body nurture it and watch it grow and multiply
only for it come back and bite me in the ***.

my curse is one that i share with millions,
it is a sly, manipulative devil which takes every bit of you
till you are no more.

so when people look at me,
they see an empty vessel which has been overthrown by an evil dictator.
one subjected to pain and torture day in and day out.

but that is not me,
i, instead am a soldier,
one who fights battles everyday.
i refuse to sit back and watch my life pass me by..
i will be a survivor.
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