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LJ Jul 2021
“Did they forget yours, too?”

He looked at me for a second before sitting next to me on the cold bench. “My birthday?” He shook his head. “Nah, I didn’t tell anyone.”

We sat like that for a moment, the only noise being from the cold October breeze. “Oh.”

We enjoyed the comfortable silence for a moment before he spoke up again. “Birthday's aren’t fun without you, anyways.”

I froze, not expecting him to say anything like that. I looked at him. “What?”

He looked me in the eye and spoke softly. “You mean a lot to me, so don’t go spending important days like these alone. I want to be by your side, just like you were by mine. Is that okay?”

Looking at him now, on the old bench my grandfather made, I was reminded of when we were younger. Even before all this ****, he was here.

His hands were a lot rougher now, his hair a bit grayer, but after all this time, he’s here.

“Yeah…” I said after a moment of silence. “Yeah, I’d quite like that, actually.”
LJ Jun 2021
I'm alone in transition
Everything's shifting
And the biggest shift of them all
Is who I have to hold
I'm not old enough
To understand what I want
So when I see videos
Of parents calling their transgender child
I cry
Not because I'm happy
Because I'm sad
That they get that
And I don't

I've seen mothers throw gender reveal parties for their son when they came out as transgender
I have seen a birthday gift being legally changing your name
I have seen support
But have never truly experienced it
LJ Jun 2021
I don't know why
You left me
Without saying goodbye
But maybe
It's my fault you ran
It always is
Bury my head in sand
It's never his
I'm just a bit embarrassed
Don't worry, dear
But, in all fairness
You're never here
You left me with no road home
No reason to try
You left me feeling lost and alone
All I could do was cry

I'm not saying it's all your fault,
My burn just needs some ice,
But to pour on wounds some salt,
A note would've been nice.
LJ Jun 2021
I've lost my appetite
I mean
Sure, my stomach sounds
As if it is screaming for me to get up
And get some food
But when I actually get that food
Then what?
I raise the fork to my lips
And try not to hurl
And ****
How good it feels
This emptiness
Satisfies me
The crying
Calms me
The diet
Flattens me

They say
"Beauty is Pain"
LJ Jun 2021
"Why are you here?"

"Because I love you."

"Will you leave me?"

"No, I'm not going anywhere."
LJ Jun 2021
Can't figure out the reason why my parents fight so much
Can't figure out why all the photo albums lie collecting dust
Can't figure out why mom's old room is meant to remain untouched
Can't figure out why dad yells when I do something like breaking a cup
Can't figure out why I'll never be enough
For the parents who left me unloved
LJ Jun 2021
Make up your mind
You have to choose
Because if you keep doing this game
"I changed my mind"
Both of us
Are gonna end up getting hurt

You're killing me
LJ Mar 2021
"Goodnight, dear. I love you."

But as usual, I can't bring myself to say it back.
LJ Mar 2021
I will not be there
When you need a friend
After all it's your fault
That we reached our end
LJ Jul 2021
“Please!! Just a little more time!!”

“One year. That was the deal.” He held his hand out.

I took one look back at the life I had made in this extra time I was granted. I turned back to Death, face full of tears. I sighed.

And turned back to him.

I took his hand.
LJ Jul 2021
Am I real?

I don't... feel real.

Am I alive?

Or am I dead?

Everything is so...

L O U D-



"Dude! Are you okay?"

Oh, it's him...

"Hey, it's okay, I'm here..."

'I'm here...'

LJ Apr 2021
I say
I don't deserve you
Find someone better
But in truth
What does it mean to deserve?
LJ May 2021
I'm so glad you're moving on
Just don't call me
When it goes downhill
In fact,
Don't call me at all.
LJ Mar 2021
My mother was the one who took me to the hospital. I would've died if it wasn't for her. She blamed herself for not seeing it sooner... missing the red flags. I kept telling her that it wasn't her fault. She did absolutely everything right, but she won't change her opinion.
Eventually, she cried. I was laying on her chest, she was careful of the tubes when I climbed on her. I was half asleep when I felt the tears running down my neck and listened to her muffled sobs. I didn't know what to do in that moment.
My neck grew cold and my chest grew heavy, but I stayed silent.
LJ May 2021
My family is great
While the other kids
Grew up learning recipes
Passed down from generation
To generation
I have learned
How to pronounce
The long names
Of the many medications
My mother
My father
While the other kids
Flaunt their mother's eyes
And father's last name
I took
My mother's happiness
My father's patience
And both of their
I love learning
About my family
LJ Jul 2021
I'm a good person
I'm kind to everyone
Even though I've been hurt
So many times

I'm a good person
I'm trying my best
Even if my best
Will never be good enough

I'm a good person
I help where I can
At the cost of my own feelings
I'll help someone else

I'm a good person
I'm losing good weight
Eating so little
To make my body appealing to your eyes

I'm a good person
I'm doing so much
Just waking up in the morning
I'm trying to help

Am I good person?
I realize I try to help
But will I ever make
Someone's life better?
LJ Jun 2021
How do you do it
Bring the fork to your mouth
After seeing something
That makes you lose your appetite
How do you do it
Shower regularly and feel clean
Without feeling so disgusting
No matter how hard you scrub
How do you do it
Wake up
Do it all over again
How do you do it
Keep your chin up
When so many things
Have weighed my head down

How do you get through this?
Because I still haven't figured it out
And I could use
A bit of
LJ Apr 2021
You tried to shake me awake. "Wake up! It's time to eat!"
And I swatted your hand away, and it might've been rude but...
"I don't want to."
LJ Jul 2021
The moon was still visible, but hard to see behind cotton candy skies. The moon rested just above the lake a mile or so out. Twilight was always gorgeous out here.

My target was one of the only ones who left their window open with this windy weather. But it’d make it easier to sneak in.

God, when did I start calling him my target? I hate this job.

I climbed through the window quietly.

His room was dark, all black and gray except for the curtains, which were white. The curtains were going crazy in the breeze, while everything else sat still. What a dull room.  

I sighed and took out my gun; a simple pistol with a suppressor attached. I took a deep breath and silently crept towards his bed.

He looked so peaceful, sleeping. I took another deep breath and crossed the room to the bed. I looked at his sleeping body sadly. This was the last time I’d ever get to see him again. I hate this job.

I climbed on the bed, quickly putting my gun to his head and my hand to his throat before he could react. He woke up and looked at me, shocked. God, this hurts. I hate this job.

He calmed down a little. Is he not afraid to die? Or did he think I was too weak to shoot someone I was so close to? He looked at me and reached his hand out to my face. His voice was raspy, and his throat moved on the inside of my palm. It felt kinda gross, but I didn’t move my hand.

“You-“ He put his hand on my arm softly. It didn’t hurt. He wasn’t trying to hurt me. It just made it harder knowing I had to hurt him. I hate this job.

He moved his hand to my face and caressed my cheek. My ****** expression shifted to a much softer one, but not so much he could tell. It’s hard to tell when I’m happy because of my eyes, which always made me look mad. ​Evil.

Nightmare eyes, I always thought. He always said I was beautiful no matter what, but I hated them. I didn’t really mind when he called me such feminine things either, until all the guys in my school started calling me girly. Even then, I didn’t say anything to him. I let him call me whatever because it was him.

My mom used to say my eyes always made me look evil. Blonde hair and red eyes. The guys in my school always made fun of me for it. But he never did. 'Guys leave him alone,' he told them, 'he can’t control it, just like you can’t control how small your brain is.'

“Last words. Make em’ count.” I ordered. A tear fell slowly down his cheek and was absorbed by the pillow.  

He smiled weakly. I loosened my grip around his neck but didn’t let go. He rested his palm against my cheek.

“You’re beautiful.” He said.
LJ May 2021
And you said it
With no emotion
And you've said it before
To many
I was no different
But still
I felt honored
To be loved by you
LJ Jun 2021
It's like you were an alcoholic
And I was just another empty bottle
LJ Jul 2021
It's not a matter of when I will die,
It's not a matter of how I will die,
It's not even a matter of why I'll die.
It's a matter of...
"Will anyone care?"
"Will I have left a dent on the Earth?"
"Will I have mattered?"
"Will I have changed someone's life?"
And if I can't answer those questions...
Then maybe...

I don't wanna die yet.
LJ Jun 2021
When you can't fly,
You learn to jump
As high as you can
LJ Mar 2021
"What are you thinking about?"
"I can tell that you're thinking about something."
"I guess..."
"Don't. Just stay in the now with me, alright?"
LJ Jul 2021
My smile doesn't fit me anymore
Too big for my skinny face
Too pained to really mean anything
LJ Jul 2021
I don't understand you

But I'd like to

I just wish I had more time.
LJ Mar 2021
I am only an idea
Nothing more than a passing thought in your brain
One that isn't around often
But often enough for you to know it's there
But why care so much?
I'm just another thought.
LJ Jun 2021
I'm not sure
If I want to sleep
Or die
But I'll find out
When I close
My eyes
LJ Apr 2021
I packed your lunch box
I ran you a bath
Mom was asleep
So I helped you with your math
I wiped your tears
And hummed a tune
You snuggled up close
In a tight blanket cocoon
You closed your eyes
You drooled on my chest
And I smiled softly
Oh, baby sister, rest
Sleep well
Sweet dreams
You know,
All those things
Big brother loves you
You sweet baby girl
I'll love you forever
You're my whole world
Momma is asleep
Dad's left for work
So when you are in trouble
I have to be the ****
But baby girl I love you
I don't mean to be so harsh
And though my punishments angering,
I'll never make you starve
The way mom and dad
Always treated me
I just hope that you
Grow up peacefully
Baby sister you're growing
And I am so, so proud
And I'm sorry I'm all that's there
No parents are around
But baby girl I love you
And no payments due
I'm just looking out for you
Like I always do
LJ Jun 2021
And with mercy sewn into your smile
A simple smile--even yours--could not spare me
The unending guilt I felt for leaving
LJ Aug 2021
When you mourn
You mourn with the moon
Because she too
Weeps at the tragedy
LJ Jul 2021
She wants me to be loved
She wants me to move on
She wants me to get by
Without someone to lean on

I'm not much one for games
I'm not much one for laughs
I'm not much one for smiles
But for her, I'd love all that
LJ Mar 2021
I had just finished my food. Mom had made spaghetti.
I shouldn't have eaten anything. I ran to the bathroom.
Just to be safe, I paced around the toilet.
Just to be safe.
LJ Apr 2021
There's no hate quite like Christian love,
Kicking your child out of your house
Because she decides she wants to be
A man
There's no hate quite like Christian love,
The pastor preaches his beliefs
And everyone agrees that
A man should not lie with another man
There's no hate quite like Christian love,
You decide you would choose religion
Over your own son.
There is no hate quite like Christian "love,"
When religion comes first
When all we need
Is your support
LJ Jun 2021
It's not photography
It's just a heavily edited picture
LJ Aug 2021
The ghost of your touch
Still burns on my skin
Though you are not here anymore,
The feeling of you
Will stay forever
LJ Apr 2021
"Everything's okay'"
"Nothing is fine."
"You'll be okay-"
"In how much time?"
"Listen to what I say-"
"As long as it's kind."
"I've had some time away-"
"And what did you find?"
"That it'll be okay-"
"But I've waited a long time."
"The pain goes away-"
"I think you are lying."
"Please, it's okay-"
"Nothing is fine."
LJ Jun 2021
Like a dead fossil crystallized in amber
My image of you held perfection
And perhaps I left before things got too bad
Because I wanted to preserve that image of you
LJ Mar 2021
"Do you love me?" You give the strings on my heart a little tug. I sigh and say yes, feeling obligated to make you feel better about yourself.
But the moment you said, "Do it." The strings weakened.
And the moment you stuck your tongue down my throat, they snapped.
LJ Jul 2021
A single red rose
Planted above recently laid out dirt
Dirt that had been hammered down
With an old shovel
Dirt that made an audience
With tear stained smiles
And soft apologies
They whispered a final goodbye
And the rose lost a petal.
LJ Jul 2021
Put your blade to the ice
Now soar
LJ Mar 2021
Barely sleeping
Barely eating
I'm sure soon
The reaper's reaping.
Barely eating
Always weeping
A monster near me
Silently creeping
Barely sleeping
Alarm is beeping
But I'm too
Busy grieving
LJ Mar 2021
I didn't know tear stains were a thing
Until I met you
Hello :) this is my second account. Check out my main, IlliterateCardinal007 where I post more and with better quality.
LJ Jun 2021
The number on the scale guides me
The number on the clock beside me
Hand in hand
I'm slowly killing myself
And I haven't slept in days
118 lbs.
And I'm still feeling fat
The number on the scale
Takes my hand
And gives me some friendly advice
"You should eat less," it tells me
And so I do
I barely eat at all

Because my only caretaker
Is the number on the scale
LJ Jul 2021
It was 11:43 pm.
The street was quiet,
And the streetlights were the only thing allowing us to see each other.

His uniform looked damaged,
His eyes looked droopy,
And his hair looked gray.

The officer who came to my house in the middle of the night to check on me.
He got on his knees,
Got down to my level,
And placed a hand on my shoulder.

What's crazy is he encouraged me to do something illegal.
"Sir. All my life I have wanted to graffiti a building."
And he chuckled...
A warm and melodic sound in the quiet of the neighborhood...

"Then you can't die until you do it, huh?"

And I agreed.
Because he was called to check on me...
Because I was at a dark place in my life.
And he said quietly...

"There have been a lot of suicides in this county... and I have seen every one of them."

And I knew what he meant.
So I nodded.
And he stood up, told me and my mother goodnight, and went on his way.

And that officer will never know the impact he had on my life.

But I'll thank him anyways.
LJ Jul 2021
It's so nice being out here
Listening to the world wake up
Well, birds are waking up the world...
But their voices are lovely, so it's not an ill way to wake up at all.

It's so nice being out here
Watching the world wake up
The sky gets brighter around me
And I hardly even notice

It's so nice being out here
Inhaling the scent of the world waking up
It smells like coffee and flowers
A scent I have grown to be quite fond of.

It's so nice being out here
Feeling the world wake up
A car speeds by
And the louder-than-loud bass from the fast-paced song on the radio rumbles underneath my toes.
How ironic, listening to a fast song in a fast car.

It's so nice being out here
It smells, feels, looks, and sounds relaxing...
And I could get used
To sitting on the porch at 5:52 in the morning.
LJ Jun 2021
The strings on the guitar
Are so close to snapping
Though, I unfortunately
Have to tune it up
Every time I twist the ****
It inches closer
And closer
And eventually it will snap

I'm never touching it again
I'm too scared to break it
...well, I will touch it...
The temptation is too strong...

But every strum, I will wince
LJ Jul 2021
My alarm clock mocks me with flashing lights
"Wake up! Wake up!" Is all it cries.
I try my best, to no avail
The best I've done is stay out of jail.

Breathe, you can do this
But being trapped under these blankets... it's bliss.
Get up, one step at a time
God, will the alarm stop that chime?!

I'm frustrated already, it's 10 in the morning.
My brain keeps shouting some false warning
Nothing will go wrong, so what's the issue?
I'm gonna cry, but I can't get up and grab a tissue.

My alarm clock yells
Those annoying bells
A simple task

I'm going back to sleep.
LJ Mar 2021
"Do you love me?" He asks, his most ugly puppy-dog eyes looking straight at me.

"Yes," I lied, my most manipulative puppy-dog eyes looking straight through him.
LJ Apr 2021
I don't want to see me, either
It is revolting.
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