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1.1k · Jan 2019
Table for Two
Albert Chokoe Jan 2019
As I get inside the restaurant

With my one and only

Looking stunning

In our matching outfit

Heading straight

To sit at an organised lovely

Table for two embellished with roses.

we are ready to dine together!

in love and peace.

Waiter! As I raise my hand

Can we have our menus?
Love reigns
hearts in jubilation
714 · Nov 2018
Poem: Let them Talk
Albert Chokoe Nov 2018
Teller of untruths
Cornered in my name with boon companion
As they are bored to tears
To spin a yarn in my name
Fruitful or fruitless but…
Let them talk

Deep inside I know I am the sugar in their tea,
Daily headline in their labourish chat
Indeed, never a dull moment in my name
For thy unconstrained conversation

I am truly blessed to be surrounded
By fabricators fabricating fabrications in my name
Because of thy jealousy reigning in their flesh but…
Let them talk!

Pen by Albert Chokoe
Albert Chokoe Nov 2018
No one said it would be easy
Yet no one said it would be hard as a rock
Sometimes life can torture you to such an extant that you feel like
your sinking deep inside the mud of curse but
Hang in there
No one said it would be easy
Yes, you might be facing difficulties but
Never throw in towel

Think out of the box and rise above pitfalls because
No one said it would be easy
Yet no one said it would be hard as a rock
Rebuild your confidence
Never lose sight and
Breed light from darkness because
No one said it would be easy
Yet no one said it would be hard as a rock

Pen by Albert Chokoe
Fearless Poet
404 · Jan 2019
It’s Friday Friends
Albert Chokoe Jan 2019
Pleasure or business!
let my mind decides
along my body
which voluntarily cease to keep calm.
My soul admits,
It's Friday friends.

Morning treats can corroborate,
Friday mid-afternoons are so gentle
jam-packed with positive anticipation of the weekend.
Let us go and enjoy.
It’s Friday friends.
272 · Nov 2018
Success in disguise
Albert Chokoe Nov 2018
Let the eyes be clean as a whistle
See beyond and
Feed the mind, the wisdom of Solomon and
Quench the thirstiness, riches of the world
Wish your thought, luck of the Irish
Pursue the quest
Leave no stone unturned and
Let the wallet smile the notes
For thy success in disguise
263 · Jan 2019
If I had Girl
Albert Chokoe Jan 2019
If I had a girl
I would be her Romeo
and she shall be my Juliet.
To the moon and back I would spoil her,
treasure every moment I spend with her,
till tears of joy drop down by her cheek.

If I had a girl
I would ensure the happiness in grief.
Take the bull by horns
for any situation of uneasiness towards her

If I had a girl
I would adore the tone of her voice
love the way her eyes coruscate
Smile every minute I hear my name
coming out from her lips and
forever be indebted to her.
only if I had a girl
241 · Nov 2018
Albert Chokoe Nov 2018
You dawned on me like a ray of sunshine
In a morning of a cloudless sky
That felt warm to the skin

I could just draw out your face
From a soft light in the sky
Seen from the fading darkness before sunrise

My lips shall praise your heart of gold
Under the shadow of your wings
With my heart rejoicing in thee
For having you as my soulmate

With a heart and hand
You welcomed me warmly
And fed me tenderness wrapped in a smile
That healed all my discomfort and for that
I crown you my sunshine
Albert Chokoe Nov 2018
I grew up from the dusty streets of none streetlights
Where darkness reigned in the area
Blurry enough to see the future
Place were dogs called people barking fallacy,
milking out my strength out of jealousy
“Burying me alive not knowing that
I am seed”

Hard to believe
Education left me educated
Success became my friend
Pauperism left me in placid
Future became clear
Victory in pocket, village boy on the map
From the dusty streets of none streetlights
212 · Dec 2018
I Found a girl
Albert Chokoe Dec 2018
I found a girl
Beautiful and saccharine
I whispered unhurriedly underneath,
My pillow
"Love is beautiful and
I will always love you babe"

Every second of the minute with her
Melts my heart because
She kisses me under the millions of shining stars
Captivating our hearts,
To stay unbroken in this deep affection
Accept as true
I found a girl
Happily in love, love conquers
Albert Chokoe May 2019
I am just a boy with dreams,
Who keeps his eyes on the ball,
Cling to what is good and worthwhile
and work things out of fear of failure.

I am not cream of the crop,
I am not even bright but,
I just do wonders in the name of “I am capable”,
because poverty doesn’t excite me.

Pen by Albert Chokoe
Fearless Poet
202 · Dec 2018
Albert Chokoe Dec 2018
Heedless behavior

left heroes to zeros from the top of the world

to the bottom of the world in a big whole of contrite full of fallen magnates

financial intelligence matters

201 · Apr 2019
Poem: Head Up
Albert Chokoe Apr 2019
It is hard more than you may ruminate
living with disability,
a wheelchair to make a move,
white cane to ensure safety,
While on other hand,
kids jeer left and right but be
Proud as a peacock in your condition for you didn’t choose it.

People talk,
Some gawp,
Others giggle in your condition but it matters not
Keep your nose to the grindstone because
Fortune favours the bold.

Some of you thought of suicide,
some of you suffered depression,
some of you believed that you are not good enough,
with tears in your eyes, questions you asked yourselves,
how did this this happen?
why am I different?

Who are you to judge yourself?
If you could read my mind
You will see that in you, I see
A tycoon,
I see a winner in this journey of life
Get out of that cage of self-doubt and put one's shoulder to the wheel
Don’t throw in towel, remember
No arms, no legs Nick Vujicic conquered without an excuse

You can do it,
Believe in yourself,
No matter how hard it might be,
how painful it might look.
Don’t be too ******* yourself
Pull up your socks in that inflexible locus,
because every cloud has a silver lining,
Head up.
Lets support disabled people left and right, up and down
191 · Feb 2019
Beauty with brains
Albert Chokoe Feb 2019
Imagine being so eye candy.
Looking stylish,
with eyes on the prize
slaying with education
depending on no one.
What a sheer bliss!
Beauty with brains.
189 · Nov 2018
They are not happy
Albert Chokoe Nov 2018
When i look into their faces i see hate
Accompanied by bitterness
Day and night plotting my downfall
Hoping to see me six feet under
Because they can feel and see the light at the end of my tunnel
God, your kids are not happy with me

Deep inside they are burning like a house on fire
Smiling steaming venom of anger around me wishing to see me struggling like a pauper
Not knowing that my “God has not finished with me yet” but
God your kids, are not happy with me

They see me as a threat
A roaring lion in jungle full of zest to destroy
A heartless being in the society
Because of the Almighty’s doings on me
God,  your kids are not happy with me but i thank you for your blessings
181 · Nov 2018
I am the one
Albert Chokoe Nov 2018
As I look straight into her beautiful eyes

I saw happiness,

The meaning of love, and I said

“Let me hold your hand tight

And let our hearts speak the language of love.”

She just smiled broadly because she knew that

“I am the one.”
171 · Jan 2019
Rotten kids in the city
Albert Chokoe Jan 2019
Left and right
day and night
In the noble city of standards filled with different tribes,
blood can be shed in no time.

Innocent souls get mugged
as they are being incapacitated with some sort of weapons
by hooligans ambling all over the city to feed their tummies.

When the alarm rings!
It’s hard for me to wake up and get ready to go to work.
I snooze the alarm while meditating about how will I survive the city today.

I am afraid to walk in the city because it seems like
everyone’s life is at stake.
The city has been turned eerie by the rotten kids of the universe.

Oh God help us
It’s getting worse day by day.
Rotten kids in the city
171 · Apr 2019
Poem: I am me
Albert Chokoe Apr 2019
I am me
I am a fighter
Knight in the shining armour
I am me

Poor or rich
Appealing or unattractive
I am me

Educated or illiterate
Clean or *****
I am me

Tall or short
Dark or white
Disabled or not
Hey, I am me

You may look down upon me
Hate me in a smile
But still
I am me

Six feet under, might be your wish towards me but
Like a seed I will come alive
Because I am me,
Unapologetic fearless paladin

Pen by Albert Chokoe

— The End —