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Aug 2019 · 77
Danny Fada Aug 2019
Your smart, but arrogant,
Now, just a fragment.
Part of me, inevitably,
Half the duality.
Too proud to listen,
To learn,
To see,
Everything we could be,
Lost in our fantasy.

You see life in purple and blue,
Violet undertones and a cynical hue,
Pessimistic narcissistic,
**** me, ******* too.
Scratching biting and pulling,
Life tears into full view,
We move past it, always dull,
Pain and misery follow through,
Changing the narrative,
Becoming passive,
Our lives comparative,
To collateral damage.

So beautiful and sharp,
with eyes of Tanzanian blue,
Lips so tight and lush,
Spinning my mind you're a rush,
I idolised you, loved you more than I knew,
There was nothing I could do,
from boy to man I grew,
My love is my homage to you,
Part of me and you too,
Embracing everything we are,
What we've been through and couldn't do.

I let you go I gave you that version of me,
its uncanny to the real thing,
Alike not akin, the aesthetics paper thin,
Different mind different day,
Price I pay of a chameleon soul,
Never a permanent role,
Now i live a life of arrears,
No place I can find,
No tears no fears,
Without any peers,
The life of Danny.

— The End —