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Kristica Mar 2015
why do i have to be so hard to love?
i love you whole heartedly why can't you love me just partially
Kristica Mar 2015
you can't fall in love with someone only because they love you too.
trying to save just one heart break
Kristica Mar 2015
i don't cry when i look in the mirror.
i only pull out my hair twice a day.
i've slowed down pulling off my skin.
i dress for myself, not for boys.
i grow my nails out to paint, not scratch with.
i eat everyday now.

and best of all, i never killed myself.

*what are your biggest accomplishments?
these aren't things i can share at a dinner party i suppose.
  Mar 2015 Kristica
blair asher
up close, you started to be 
less than enough; i saw the 
love you gave me and wanted
 more and i’ve never spoken 
words that tasted more like 
regret than our last goodbye
—i was wrong, but 
every time i look for the same 
regret on your face, all i see is wellness and moving on
it's a good thing that we didn't try harder
Kristica Mar 2015
my brain is so tired of trying to put my thoughts into words.
that's why i may seem sad.
because i am sad.
and you are sad.
and sadly, sad thoughts linger and mope around because they just want to be loved too. even if that does involve them overtaking your brain (and sometimes even your body.)
but we are also both happy.
yet still i have such a hard time writing those ideas. because they're always so new, fresh, and lively. which is why they bounce around everywhere and i wish i stayed on one idea for more than a forth of a second because sometimes i'd love to remember but all i seem to be doing is forget.
and we're missing someone.
but we both know neither of us can forget you (reminder: you is different to someone else. you has a different meaning to certain people. everyone else calls you you. who i call myself others call you.)
and we're enjoying someone's presence.
even though i love to be alone.
but the point is we are constantly changing and you can never feel the same way twice and that is a beautiful blessing but also a ******* curse.

i wish when i said goodnight i actually meant i was going to bed.
i wish i understood where i go with this stuff.
i wish i went to sleep before even just one of my friends for once.
i wish my eyes worked at night.

i wish i wasn't so ******* needy.
Kristica Mar 2015
and i hope to see you in the next world.

maybe then we'll do this right.
in some universe i know we work out.
Kristica Mar 2015
i take my daily walk
(that is never the same).
i may walk the same paths
but i can't walk the same steps.

now i'm afraid you can't repeat the past.

*and i'm more afraid of finding out whether that is a good or bad thing.
sorry, Jay Gatsby.
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