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849 · Feb 2016
Ezre Holland Feb 2016
I despise the word 'loss",
it implies that something CAN be found,
but I know that I will
Never find you again.
So, next time you see me crying on the street,
don't tell me your sorry for my loss
I know your words like the back of my hand,
stolen from a card,
not given by the heart.
835 · Aug 2016
Picture you so easily.
Ezre Holland Aug 2016
Sat there.
In that moment.
Saying in my love riddled head,
i'm gonna write poetry about this one moment.

Now that I'm here.
Words aren't good enough.

This is for me,
in my love ridden head,
comfortably sat in that special place.
Made specifically for you.
Just sat there.
686 · Feb 2016
Ezre Holland Feb 2016
I think of the Mountain where my fantasies began,
the falling snow and light clouds float above me,
the great creatures I see and listen intently to.

The path I create up this great void is the path which has been chosen for me. A dead end maybe, but a path none the least.

I hear the birds sing their songs of grace and I hear the hoarse voices of sheep pass by me.
All I see is blue.
Blue sky, the sun hurts my eyes so I look away, a common habit, for I know the pain is not real. It is only an illusion of my past life.
The path I have carved,
the creatures I have had to face, listen to and speak to are all I hear now.
Silence. Darkness falls now. My heart sighs for I know that this Darkness will be forever, never to see the light of the sun again. Darkness. Relief. Finally.

673 · Jun 2016
Ezre Holland Jun 2016
Give me two seconds of your day
because I love to just look at you,
even if it's just for one moment
and when you look back, I hope that you
look at me and feel the same thing.

Give me two minutes of your day,
To read this poem and realise
I'm not good with words.
To show you that my definition of the word 'world' begins with you.

Give me two hours of your day
So we can talk endlessly,
With a coffee on the table that's turned cold
Because your voice is my distraction.

Give me two seconds of your day
To smile and stare at you and cherish you,
As though every dream I've had since you is a supernova amongst a dark void of black holes.
651 · Mar 2016
2 SeCoNdS
Ezre Holland Mar 2016
Its been 2 seconds since I thought about you last,
your final words and dying eyes,
your inability to speak, to say "I Live in you"
I miss that hospice bed and the bloomed gardens
of which you had the best view of.
I miss that last drive home,
it was silent because you were always
the life and soul of us all.
But most of all,
I miss your white body,
lifeless but still present,
soulless but still beautiful.

Its been 2 minutes since I thought about you last,
sitting in the front room hunched in excruciating pain,
watching meaningless TV but it took your mind off of reality,
your masked laughs and your baggy pyjamas that you lived in.
I miss your shaved head, it prepared you for the battle,
you faced the poison head on
Like you always did.
I miss your yellow skin, filled with venom,
your weary face.
But most of all,
I miss your character called Jim who faced everyday like it was somewhat normal.

Its been 2 hours since I thought about you last,
your booming laugh and horrendous screams,
your roars and cries,
your short temper and piercing orbs.
I miss the word "sorry" and your forgiving whisper,
your sausage fingers that would wipe away
my Tsunami tears telling me to "be yourself."
But most of all,
I miss your quiet glances that looked like nothing, but meant

Its been 2 years since I thought about you last,
your grass goatie and soft demenar,
Your protective wolf stance and your idiotic voices.
I miss sitting on the table annoying you.
Your music makes me feels immortal.
I wish you were immortal.

It been 20 years since I thought about you last.
I hate cancer.
I hate God.
I despise that your not here.
But most of all.
I love that you were my smile at the end of my day.


579 · Sep 2016
Dear future...
Ezre Holland Sep 2016
Dear Future Ez,

kind, calm, gentle Ez,
look back at the way you are feeling
right now,
on this empty train with your headphones in,
no care for anything else.
Now take that feeling and swallow it so it can flow to your heart.

Life is good.
Life is hard,
Life will always be hard Ez,
But it's not like you don't know that already,
Embrace it.
But know...

He would be proud.
So proud of you,
of big, old, kind Ez.

He is here. Here.

There are people who love you, Ez, let them love you.

Be careful, be safe, be proud.

Because Life is great.
472 · Sep 2018
Large and Small
Ezre Holland Sep 2018
Small who? Me? No?
Large you? No! Me!
I’m not your large but I am large.
Large in some sense and some in not
Large in the wrong ways
But small no
Small in no ways

Large who? Me? No!
Small me? No! You!
I’m not your small but I am small.
Small in some sense and some in not
Small in the wrong ways
But large no
Large in no ways

Hips too big to small
Lips two pencils
*** two pancakes
*** too many pancakes
Head too big for large
Thighs too little for small
Large too big for little
Little not little enough

Too fat
Too thick
Too small
Too thin
Too confident
Too shy
Too brave to not give a ****

Small? Me? Yes?
Large? Me? Yes?
394 · Mar 2016
Ezre Holland Mar 2016
She's stands there weaponless
as a wave of words fly onto her
drowning her body and soul
being told who she is and clamped
a weight holds her down
there is no escape
other than death.
378 · Mar 2016
Ezre Holland Mar 2016
When you left,
it was like a water fall
      the water falls without choice
          but I knew it was my choice to fall with it
to the rock bottom.
374 · Mar 2016
Ezre Holland Mar 2016
I control the wind that whips around you neck,
slowly suffocating you,
I control the waves that pull you in,
never letting you go,
Im the earth that tugs around your feet,
hauling you down,
Im the moon that reflects at that right moment,
blinding you,
I am the rain that shoves your car,
on that busy motorway,
I am the fire that spits at you fiercely,
burning your paper skin.
Patience is survival.
Do not test mine.
371 · May 2016
Ezre Holland May 2016
If you are there,
you 'almighty being',
listen with care.
You went and took him from me,
like he was **** on your shoe,
I just want you to know.




349 · Apr 2017
Ezre Holland Apr 2017
I would cut out my heart,
To give you one more beat,
I would cut off my ear,
To give you one last song,
I would cut out my stomach,
To give you one last taste
Of life
I would cut out my lung,
So you could breathe in our country air,
I would cut out my pancreas
to replace yours.

To give you everything back.

I would cut out me from my life scrap book
And weld your picture to each and every page
To let you see the ending of the story...

I would die.
To give you life.
I would die.
So you didn't have to.

If I could.
328 · May 2016
Ezre Holland May 2016
You are my Father,
time moves on,
You were my Father
as time moves on,
You are moving Farther.
313 · Jan 2019
Ezre Holland Jan 2019
Sometimes you forget how to write,
Not because you don't know how,
But because sometimes
Just sometimes
Your Okay
265 · Apr 2019
Ezre Holland Apr 2019
If only my endless words, my versus of poetry,
my sad encyclopedia could heal this wound,
but letters and spaces don't thread needles,
don't wrap bandages,
don't pop pills.

— The End —