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Feb 2018 · 115
Eric the Red Feb 2018
In the Sahara
Grows a Tulip
From the day
We met

In the Antarctic
A Black Rose
Fights against the ice
The day we pronounced
Our love for each other

Light has reached
A Black Hole
In the deepest of space
Will survive it
Penetrating it

Where nothing can grow
Where nothing living can survive
You will find us there
Our love
Our beating hearts
Feb 2018 · 146
Eric the Red Feb 2018
And if I had one day
That would be okay
With you
Would just ask
For the sun to never set
Nor the moon to never rise
Just get lost in eternal seconds
Press against your immortal skin
Get back all the time
Lost between us
Feb 2018 · 133
The Ghost
Eric the Red Feb 2018
How she slept
How she laughs
How she looks at herself
Her words that she writes
How she dances by herself
With music
With tears
So I’ll stand guard
Unrelieved watch
Over her
Until she joins me
Hear her whisper
Each and everynight
Before turning off the light
‘I miss you my love...I know you are there. I feel you.’
‘I miss you too...
I’m the Ghost
And she haunts me...
Feb 2018 · 562
Eric the Red Feb 2018
I swear everybody wants to call
Their Valentine today
At least for 20-30 minutes

‘Hey...just seeing how you’re doing. Happy Valentine’s Day. Remember me? Got any big plans tonight?’
Feb 2018 · 105
Eric the Red Feb 2018
A woman should know when a man cries for her...and her alone
Feb 2018 · 90
Lover’s Day
Eric the Red Feb 2018
And if you’ve already put his last name behind your first...
You’re so ******
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Behind those three thousand
Behind those plastic pouty lip poses
500+ Likes
Mouse ears & nose
Doe eyed filters
Behind the
‘What does everyone think?’
Very sad & lonely
If there is one at all
Feb 2018 · 116
Eric the Red Feb 2018
You’ve set fire to the wilderness of my soul as I sit & laugh at the flames that stretch into the heavens ...
Feb 2018 · 309
To My Moon, From Your Sun
Eric the Red Feb 2018
He saw her face for the briefest
Of Fall afternoons
Winking at her as he left
She saw him coming at dawns
But would leave before he’d rise
Could feel him burning all over
‘I’ll make the flowers bloom just for her...’ said Sun
‘I’ll make the oceans rage just
for him...’ said Moon
And he waited the most
In Summer
And she was the brightest
In Winter
you see them
They long to be united
Long to be with each other
But every morning
Every sunset
They catch a glimpse
To say
‘Good morning...
‘Good night ...
‘My love....

Feb 2018 · 125
Just Like the Lost
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Seconds tick away time
Time away from you
See you in the corners of my
Waiting for me
In my time away from you

Isn’t easy
For me
Waking from dreams of you
Even there you walk away
‘I want to tell you everything...’
And I walk along the sand
Hand in hand
With nobody
Just like the lost...
Feb 2018 · 163
Black Feathers
Eric the Red Feb 2018
My angel with the blackened
Owl feathers
Standing guard over my
Open them
For me
Feb 2018 · 161
Flowers That Never Die
Eric the Red Feb 2018
50 years from now...
Long after the chocolates have been trashed...
Long after the cards have been ripped in two...
Long after the forgotten sentiments attached, roses have withered...
Long after I have gone...
You’ll open up page 1
Of the words written just for you
The gift that stayed...
My Flowers That Never Died
Feb 2018 · 123
I Just Know
Eric the Red Feb 2018
If I were to ask her when she cried today, before she’d answer I’d say
She’d say
‘How did you ...

I just know
I just know
Feb 2018 · 179
Your Gift to the World
Eric the Red Feb 2018
You ask me to call on you
To never forget
About us
I ask you how you want to
‘Tell me of our memories...
‘The way you know how...
She says
The way I know how
‘You say it so beautifully...
‘Your Words...
‘I wish I could stay...
Just remember
Our laughter
Our pain

The tears mixed with the rain
That’s where I’ll be
With you
Once again
Feb 2018 · 159
I Love You
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Feb 2018 · 105
Summer of 23
Eric the Red Feb 2018
‘I’m pregnant...’
It’s how it started
My firstborn
My love
‘Come with me, we’ll get married...raise our baby...’
She stopped me
Started to cry
‘You don’t want to marry me?’
‘The baby might not be yours...’
‘But I want it to be...I want your words on the baby’s walls...but I have to know first...for sure...will you raise the baby as yours?’
I nodded stupidly, spent the next 8
hours with her in her stuff still there, my mind taking inventory of what I could part with...
All with another man’s child growing in the belly next to me...
She rolled over
I left
Smile on her face
Never saw her again
Years passed
She still worked at the same place
Her car in the parking lot
There by the speedometer
She still had a poem from me
For her to read
‘We might be the only hearts in the world who’s hearts are in sync with each other...don’t ever stop beating dear heart...or mine will too...’
Feb 2018 · 100
Just One
Eric the Red Feb 2018
And if we hurt/damage/destroyjust
In the process of
Loving each other
Isn’t that
Too many?
Eric the Red Feb 2018
In the dark
Unable to see
You whisper
Whisper to me
‘Did you hear...hear me call
‘Out to thee?’
‘Oh yes...this is our spot...
‘The place we have to build...
‘If we can’t be together...
‘Right now you & me...
‘Our Love is fragile...
‘Needs a forest...
‘Needs a sea...
‘Your lovely voice
‘My love I heard it...
‘Calling out to me...
You have your back to me
Stoking the fire
‘Don’t forget about us...
‘And what we can be...
Eric the Red Feb 2018
The loneliest spot on Earth
Is sleeping next to a person
You can’t fix
No amount of encouragement
No amount of post it notes
Of ‘we can get help’
‘I love you no matter what’
Can fix the unfixable
Fake accounts
The next time my heart aches
For someone
I’ll remember
The screams of the unfixable
And the loss of our dreams
Feb 2018 · 104
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Those ghosts hiding in your heart
Will soon take form not only in your mind
But you’ll see them in the day
Corners of your eye
First thing in the morning
Last thing at night
You’ll be the only one
That sees them
I hope you rid yourself of them
Just let me haunt you one more
To say goodbye to your body
To your soul
Feb 2018 · 101
The Wise Ones
Eric the Red Feb 2018
The Wise Ones
Might’ve lived when they were
Did as their parents told them to
Had that one love
That artist
Of words
And requisite
Of art
That gave them the world
That dreamer
But then they wised up
Got their bills paid
Had their babies
Their heartache
Got older
Put their hopes
Dreamers away
For this life

And dying in their beds
With that last bill paid
They’ll smile and think
Of their dreamer
Their artist
Of words
They had taken a

But they were wise
Not to do so ...
Feb 2018 · 117
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Saw 847 faces
Driving 847 cars
Traffic in
Traffic out
Passed by 49 faces
Walking 49 different ways
Made eyes with
And she still
Wasn’t you
Why couldn’t
Of them be
Feb 2018 · 163
Out to Sea
Eric the Red Feb 2018
And one day
You’ll realize
That what’s good enough
For the heart
Isn’t good enough for the soul
You’ll take my unopened
Put them back
Into the bottle
Slip them gently
Back Into the Sea

I think that day
Is today
Feb 2018 · 117
Eric the Red Feb 2018
I wonder
If she ever
At my words
‘Oh my...I love that man. Yes I do...yes I do...’
Feb 2018 · 415
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Do you look to the South
The same way I look to the North
When I think of you?
Feb 2018 · 174
If You Give a Poet a Cookie
Eric the Red Feb 2018
If you give a Poet a cookie...
He’s gonna want a cup of coffee
And not just any coffee
But the good stuff on the high shelf
And if you give the Poet the Kenyan Organic Whole Bean
Reserved for your best company
He’s gonna want creamer
The good Whole Foods
$5.69 creamer
And if you give the Poet the
Expensive creamer he’s gonna
Want to sit down and talk
Of great books
Great music
And he’ll notice you’ve got
A record player
And if you have a record player
The Poet’s gonna wanna go
Through your collection
Your Fleetwood Mac
John Coltrane
Tom Petty
Nina Simone
And the Poet will put his coffee down
And look at the back of that
Nina record
And tell you that
‘This song...this song
‘Reminds me so much of what
‘Love sounds like...’
And you’ll look at the Poet
Cause he just touched
Your heart
Made it skip a beat
And you’ll think to yourself
‘I just might invite that Poet over again tomorrow...’
But if you do
That Poet is gonna want a cookie
If you give a Poet a cookie...
Feb 2018 · 125
Part of my Constellation
Eric the Red Feb 2018
I see you in the distance
My star

I’m here too
Never touching
But constant

You’re not alone
And I don’t feel alone
Knowing you’re there

So bright
So beautiful
We are part of the same
For millions of years to come

Come closer to me...

Feb 2018 · 104
Lovers Nebula
Eric the Red Feb 2018
We exist out there somewhere
Always have
Maybe not of this earth
Or of this universe
This strain of time
But we’re out there
With our
Planted Tree
Our shared dreams
Our unlimited time
And place
I can’t wait to get back there
With you...
Feb 2018 · 94
Slumber Instructions
Eric the Red Feb 2018
When you come to me
In my dreams
And you hold onto me

All thru the
Eric the Red Feb 2018
I don’t even care about words right now...just want to stare at pictures of you all day...
Feb 2018 · 120
Incinerated Forest
Eric the Red Feb 2018
She took her gasoline can
Emptied it on my branches
My leaves
My outer bark
Covered me
Doused me
And stood on the edge
Of my forests
My green
She knew what she was doing
It had been 3 long months
Without her
Without a word
4am Monday morning
I saw the match
‘You haven’t written in a while
‘Are you okay?’
Let this fire consume us
I don’t ever want
To put it out
Feb 2018 · 190
Carpathian Sea
Eric the Red Feb 2018
I struck you sometime after midnight
Mid ship
Your seas pouring into my cabin
To my neck
And I submit
Drowning with your lips upon mine
Till we hit the sea floor
Feb 2018 · 93
My Lighthouse
Eric the Red Feb 2018
You are my reminder
That my soul needs more
Than my body
For my red coat
I love you
Feb 2018 · 215
Quell the Masses
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Stone cutters cut slabs
For the Masons to form
Architects to derelicts
Home builders
All play their parts
Building foundations

Singers & songwriters
Performing arts
In moonlight

Preachers & Priests
With sisters
Pray over
The revolutions
Started by poets
Feb 2018 · 139
Dear Writer
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Someone you’ve never met is waking in this universe
Under the same stars as
Ready to appreciate
The beautiful
You write
Feb 2018 · 148
...the imparted
Eric the Red Feb 2018
...there’s a quieter version
...of you
...that you rarely show others
...but show to
...each & every day
...your silhouette on Sunday
...mornings looking out the window’ve made us coffee
....and your love notes
....clash with the person show to everyone else
...I thank you for giving
...that side
....I shall guard it like treasure
...always on the watch
...never to be relieved
How could I ever use such beautiful words
My fortress in the forest
Of evergreen emerald
Feb 2018 · 106
The Planted Tree
Eric the Red Feb 2018
It’ll be so wicked
To lick the juice
Of our fruited sin
Off of your chin

I’ll plant
The Forbidden Tree
In our garden
So we can pull
The fruit
Any ******* time
We please
Feb 2018 · 155
Losing a Child
Eric the Red Feb 2018
For 3 seconds in the morning when I wake up
You’re still alive
Then I do the math in my head
And you’re not
Feb 2018 · 186
1,700 Miles Away
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Saw my 1st ghost at 5
My 1st crush at 10
Had my 1st kiss at 12
My 1st  ‘FIRST’ at 16
Saw my 1st dead body at 22
Waded in the Dead Sea at 23
Ate my 1st lobster tail at 24
Held my 1st born at 27
Nothing happened in my 30s
Walked away from inflicting pain
And being inflicted
By standing up for myself at 39
But 1,700 Miles Away
Is a 1st kiss I long to receive
So you can whisper
And clear my history
And we can make a longitude
Of firsts...our own
Feb 2018 · 103
Ripped Apart
Eric the Red Feb 2018
She was the only one amongst the many that called me friend
Upon my exile
My going away
And shutting it all down
To be alone
The only one
Who found me
And asked
‘Are you okay?’
Feb 2018 · 239
If I told you about her
Eric the Red Feb 2018
I’d be gushing words
Stepping over myself
Showing you pictures of her
‘She’s so beautiful but her words
‘Are even more...’
I’d tell of how she sings me to sleep
Comes to my dreams
Holds me there
And you’d say
‘I’ve got to go...’
And I’d say
‘Wait...wait...cause what she really has done to
‘Stayed...when others are too busy
‘She finds herself in my words
‘Finds herself in everything that I do ...
‘And is patient enough to accept that...
‘That is why I love her so...
But you don’t hear it
Nobody does
Because nobody understands us
Nobody ever will
Will they my love?
Feb 2018 · 6.5k
If You Fall for a Poet
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Just know...
He’s had lives & loves before you
Remember that when the bricklayer or the mechanic
Asks for your hand
You’ll receive one flower
Instead of a dozen roses
Picked on his way home
Handwritten notes in your shoes
Instead of Hallmark greetings
Elaborate dinners cooked by him
Where he said he’d clean
But didn’t
Spur of the moment
Road trips
Instead of planned vacations
The opening of windows
For the springtime thunderstorms
Listening to the beat of his heart
While the rain drops
The drain
He’ll write you with jazz playing
Wine in his bottle
Records in his head
Absorbing you into his world
And if he dies before you
And you bury him
And you mourn over him
Lasting for years
Remember his flower
His notes written just for you
And if you see his ghost
Haunting you
Then the Poet
Has fallen forever for
Feb 2018 · 169
Connecting Comets
Eric the Red Feb 2018
You’d rather succumb
Than not submit
Be weak & let go
Than be strong
Take all your guards down
To hear me say my words
To you
To have but a little something
Of me
Your voice goes quiet
When we part
And I love it
It’s the tail end of your
Passing me
In the night
You know who you are
More than you’ll ever know...
I know your star
Stay where I can see you
Feb 2018 · 161
Eric the Red Feb 2018
I brought one sandbag with me
To stop the inevitable
of you
When you come back
Feb 2018 · 119
Dream Traveler
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Rolling over to find you
Snuggled into my back
Trying to find warmth
‘Did you miss me?’
‘You know I did...’
‘I’ve missed this...’
Kissing me
Scent of your body
Giving off radiance
Your hips in the moonlight
Lip trembling
Opened eyes in desire
Then coming in for more

Clock reads
Smell of your hair
In my nose
The place next to me warm
Get back to sleep
Back to you
Eric the Red Feb 2018
For what it’s worth
You’re never too old
To start a Facebook account
I hope you live a life worth
Posting up
With a face that doesn’t need a filter
A life filled
Full of Likes
And if you find that you don’t
I hope you find the strength
To start a fake account
Feb 2018 · 122
The Scarred Heart
Eric the Red Feb 2018
If you opened me up
To reveal my beating
You’d find the lacerations
Of years
Of lovers
Goodbye to my grandmother
Friends I’ve lost
The ones
Who said they’d stay
The Scarred Heart
‘There’s a bandaid on a part...
‘Of your heart....
You say
I say
‘Is you healing it...’
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Everyone from the age of 10 knows that the best
Sick Day
Movie is ‘The Princess Bride’
Even if you’re playing hooky
‘What about The Empire Strikes Back?’
Asks my 10 year old
And now I have to rethink
Feb 2018 · 130
Cleaning out the storage
Eric the Red Feb 2018
Found that orange pillow that you’d bring to our Saturday nights
On my couch
And like a dummy
I smelled it
And somehow
The gods remembered
How much I loved you
Because the smell of your
Hair was still upon it
After years
Eric the Red Feb 2018
‘Look at the moon! It’s so beautiful...’
‘We should get a soda...’
‘Are you hungry? I’m hungry.’
‘My Mom & Dad are kinda crazy, all parents are aren’t they?’
‘I know it’s hot but we should turn the ac off and roll the windows down...’
‘Guys are jerks sometimes...’
‘I thought you were cute...’
‘I wanna go to Europe someday...’
‘You read too?!’
‘I had SOOO MUCH FUN!!!’
‘You like me? Really? Aww Eric....I like you too...’
‘I don’t want this night to ever end.
‘I don’t want to go home...I want to stay with you...’
‘Look at the’s so beautiful.’

July 17th 1999
It was a Saturday
Humid night
You had a white t shirt on
I remember everything you told me that night
Even if I don’t remember
Anything I said
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