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Eric the Red Jun 2022
Everyone wants a poet…
Just not the madness that goes with it.
Everyone wants a wilderness…
Just not the animals that exist inside of it.
Everyone wants peace and solitude…
Yet yearn for attention and acceptance.
Everyone wants the headdress of a warrior…
Yet will not go into battle to earn it.
Everyone wants to reach out…
Just not the silence that will be in return.
Everyone wants justice…
Yet turn their backs and says ‘that’s someone else’s problem’
Everyone wants to receive and take care of a simple love…
Yet they can’t even love themselves.
Everyone wants to yearn towards a future…
But can’t even look at themselves in the mirror.
Eric the Red Apr 2022
It never rains here
Just snow and cold
It’s been 2 years since i was in a
No lightning off in the distance
No thunderheads billowing
No thunder for that matter
Rising up
In the southwest
Humidity you can feel on your skin
And in your soul
No fireflies
Turning their lights on and off in the bushes
No backyard barbecues
Family laughter
Miss you all
Red dirt backroads
Good ol Boys and 20 minute commutes

It never rains here
Just snow and cold
Hour commutes
Coffins on wheels
And no time for anything
The sun sets behind mountains
People get into road rage here
They die on bicycles
70 percent of take home goes to rent
Just so I can say I live in Colorado…
I never want to understand this cursed place
Eric the Red Apr 2022
If I don’t move a muscle and stare
I can see all of my dreams
Smell of your skin
Leaving me
Eyes can move
Legs get up and it’s gone
The dark filled sky
All of it
Walking towards it
All of it
Eric the Red Apr 2022
I’ve dug myself so deep a hole
In this life
That I have no choice
But to write my way
Out of it…

One **** line of poetry
After another…
Eric the Red Apr 2022
‘I’ll make you feel like you’re closing a cell behind you for 10 to 14 hours a day…
‘I’ll give you an hour at home for eating when you get home…
Then you’ll be so tired there’ll be nothing ..
‘I’ll age you rapidly..
‘I’ll make you feel rundown for loyalty ..
‘I’ll message you on what vacation I give you
…demanding an answer by the end of the day’
‘I’ll make the years go by like weeks…
‘I’ll make you lie there staring at the ceiling
…at 4am, wondering why you have to do this again…today..’
‘I’ll give you just enough to get by and make the bills pile up…’
‘I’ll make the weekends go by like they’re part of the week..’
‘I’ll give you the false sense in your head
…that you love it here.’
Remember that
Eric the Red Apr 2022
One day I’ll walk right out of this place…
Been saying it for years now
This thing killing me daily
14 hour days
Come in when it’s dark
Leave as the sun goes down
Sales growth
Replaceable by the end of the day
All of it

One day I’ll walk right out of this place…
Not say anything to anyone
Will it matter 50 years from now?
It would in 50 minutes
That which is my responsibility
Medical Insurance
Food on the table
Guess that’s why I clock in for death
And in 100 years I’ll have been a poet for just 30 seconds…
Eric the Red Dec 2021
Only in the darkness
Does one truly feel alive
Eyes open wide
The light burning
for it to please please
Go away
Some live the day in the fake
clawing in all intensified
Back to take me cavernous
Staring at walls
All hours of the night
waiting for something
To come through
'Take me with you...'
'I'm going on ahead,' they say
in all the cold, watching them
get smaller and smaller
Until finally out of view
Leaving you in the dark
where you wanted to be in the first place...
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