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Eric the Red Nov 2020
You’re given 2 or 3
To shine in a lifetime...
Maybe you’ll get more in the next
But here it’s 2 or 3
Love more than you hate
Agree more than you disagree
But remember you truly only
Love one beautiful
In this lifetime. Remember that...
You can love and leave
But keep on good terms
If you’ve been wronged
For hate can wilt you from
The inside out
A sore that never scabs
A monkey that’ll always lead you around
Notice how people react to you
When you enter a room
How they say goodbye when they know
They’ll never see you again
Never be the slow bullet
Never be the slow bullet
The slow bullet takes
From your life
Decays your days
Tells you everything will work out
I’ll be better
But they never do
Be a dodger of bullets
Most notably the slow one
Even if they’re the one truly
Beautiful soul...
Eric the Red Nov 2020 difficult to muster more day
...shall confront it
...walk out of my cage
...look it in the eye
...filled with anger
...tell it off
...set myself free
...find some peace
...let the days
...pile up between me
And the Fear
Tomorrow, I promise
Close my cage
On your way out
Eric the Red Nov 2020
Even when all that is left
Is our sad requisites to each
Even as the earth rotates
Our sad ‘what ifs’ will
Begin to collect dust
Fade with the years
Sand castle
Will crumble into the seas
But before it does
Before time has its inevitable way
Let me take the time to say
I love you...
Eric the Red Oct 2020
Comets come along
Once, twice, maybe ten
Times in a lifetime
Linked at the hip
People meet in
Strange and beautiful ways
And the keyhole
To your heart and soul
Can only fit those comets
Those once, twice, maybe ten
Souls that fly by you
To help you navigate in the
Nighttime sky
For the rest of your life...
‘You’re my tribe, whatever tribe this is...’
You just know it
You just feel it
When you’re around them
Eric the Red Oct 2020
Was the last time I saw you
Last time I kissed your lips
Felt your warm body
Against mine
Remember how you looked at me
In the window
Like you knew
Women always know
How you took my pieces
And brought them to life
Once more
The last time I was ever loved
Eric the Red Oct 2020
‘Keep it centerpiece in your life’
‘Respect its power’
‘If only your dad...’
Grandads last words
Just a portrait of a man
Darkened features
Staring straight ahead
Wiry hair
Eyes I never liked looking
Moonlit backdrop
Did as grandad said
Years passed
Kept it at the end of the hall
At a height of where his
Head would be
And at the lowest times of my life
Thoughts of my own demise
I’d look down that dark hallway
To see
A silhouette form
Around the frame
A man
Drunk and enraged
I cursed at it
‘You are nothing to me!’
Only to see its eyes
Turn red
Turn back again to see it
Go back
Once again
Thrown it out
Torn it apart
Burned it
Only to find it
On the wall
The next morning
And one day
After I’d lost everything
After decades
Of failure
But never looking at it during that time
I looked down that darkened
The portrait
Was me...
Eric the Red Oct 2020
The best ones
That were written about you
Were the ones written by my
When you were
1000 Light Years From Me
I had nothing to do with it
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