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Poetry is like fragments
And that is the crux of being this type of writer

That fragment in time
Love or loss

Seeing and hiding

The pain
The silence
All internal

Sometimes little slips of paper
Left to be found in a jewelry box
Or luggage
or shoe...

Somehow always attached to leaving
But expressing in short verse
An insurmountable feeling of forever

Our words that never fail to carry
Be it to the heavens
To the sea

We see your captivating flaws
Take our anger and paint a tapestry of phrase
You will never be more beautiful
As when you are the subject of a poet
For that fragment
That stanza
It's yours

You are our muse
Our moments in time
A reality in our dimension
The reality of you
Eric the Red Oct 2020
Remember that bottle of wine
We shared
Remember buying it
Yellow purple label
Some valley somewhere
Red Wine
To your lips
Remember how we shared it...
It was the only way
from my mouth to yours...
Wine kisses with you...
Eric the Red Oct 2020
I’ve got about 20 years to live
Which, for being in my 40s
Is quite bold
People live well past 100 these days
Those with safe routes
Golden paths
Four year college degrees...
I drink a few gallons of wine a week
But can still run 10 miles
Without stopping
What a strange dichotomy
That woeful mixture
Could be an elixir for some
But it just stresses, strains, depresses, anxiously evolves
At this age you know
The loves who’ve come and gone
and with that admission  
Cynical wit adorning
You’ll know by now
That there truly was only one
And by that, the blood
That pooled, that never clotted
Mighty river
Will someday take you
Drown you bit by bit
For I’ve never been accused
Of being a good man
Men like me die alone
Halfway houses
1 bedroom apartments
With one couch
Men like me jump out of windows
Drown in rivers
Of blood that never clot
For your hand
To save me
20 years is pushing it...
Eric the Red Oct 2020
I’d hear a song of ours playing
Think about you...
The next one would be another
And I’d wonder how you were
On the third I’d know
It was the universe telling me
You were thinking of me
Missing me perhaps
I remembered every beautiful thing you said to me...
Turned those musings into music
Of its own...
And chose to be haunted by you
Eric the Red Oct 2020
3 Years of a ship out to sea
Declares never to return
Search parties dispatched
Souls lost to the bottom of the sea...

You’ll find me still at the wheel
In the plunge
Cold dark

Awaken what could never die
Hold me your mermaid arms
Pull me from this wreckage
Take out my splinters
Send up our flag

Adrift in waters
Nighttime sky
Whisper you love me
One more time...
Eric the Red Oct 2020
It’d be different if we had never met...
But we did
Not some bar or library or clumsy
Coffee shop coffee date
But an airport
Not a Friday or Saturday or Monday after
Work nice to meet you...
But a Thursday night into Friday
Long into the morn
It’d be different if our
First drink was wine or beer or one of
Those spritzers to ease into knowing you
But it was coffee at midnight
And conversation
3 hours felt like 5 minutes
And it’d be different if we hadn’t
Laughed and looked into
Each other’s eyes when
We made love
But we did...
It’d be woefully, painfully different
If we’d never met.
But we did...
Eric the Red Oct 2020
Say the right thing...
Govern thy tongue...
Elapse thy time...
Put it in your pocket...
Let it go...
Let her back in...
Love thee as if an hour exists
In time...
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