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Eric the Red Jun 2020
Where are the poets, the activists, intellectual front lines during these times?
Voices of reasons, stokers of flames, calmer of storms
Let it be not in celebrities, athletes, talk show hosts...
Bring about change thru words. Wisdom. Leaders of Rhetoric, for if not, we will be doomed by legions of the privileged and martyred deaths will never be avenged, abandoned by time...Violent ends without ever beginning!
Come about oh ye Stokely Carmichael’s of this age, Abbie Hoffman’s of the Suburbs, let YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!!!
Protesters need you!
This time, this place, this nation that’s so *******, who’s wound is wide and bleeding profusely...
Eric the Red May 2020
Last night I dreamed of you...
Walking your way down an aisle...
Bouquet of flowers in your hand...
Smiling at me, eyes locked in at me...
All the songs we ever shared...
Played as you stepped
One foot
Closer to be my wife...
And then I woke up...
Eric the Red May 2020
Sometimes life declares war on you
Without you knowing it
Years pass by
Decades even
Before you know it
But small victories reside
Before surrender
Even tho
Life takes the best parts
Leaves you with graying
The laughter of your children
The home that lies within your
The road to your childhood
Summers with a beloved.
All small victories
In a war
That life always takes...
Eric the Red May 2020
I would rather die
Broken bones.
In a gutter
On a rainy day...
Rodents nibbling on my
Shoeless feet.
Than to ever be married again...
Eric the Red May 2020
I like to send pings out into
The galaxy
Dressed as poems...

...hoping you’ll come back with them
Eric the Red May 2020
Dearly departed martyred requiem of a heart...
I’d still be able to recognize your kisses in any sea...
Sip from your cup than to drown in anyone else’s ocean...
The places no one could touch...
Still belong to you...
Loving words we spoke to each other still dance around a midnight fire, holding hands and dreaming of each other...
Dreaming about a day
And numerous moon filled nights...
Eric the Red May 2020
And if they still love you
When you’re drunk
You must have a loveable face
Tell good jokes
Make good drinks
All of the above...
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