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Eric the Red Apr 2018
In the game of love
It isn’t who races the fastest
To get to you who wins
But the one who stays
While all the others
After the race
Is over...
Eric the Red Apr 2018
While poets faced firing squads...
Cowards lived well past 100 years old...
Eric the Red Apr 2018
Over the billions of years...
I just happen to come across
The most beautiful
Space Dust
Ever created

What were the chances?
**** that woman is her own
Eric the Red Apr 2018
Sometime after 4am...
Her leg draped over mine
In the blue moonlight...
Candles out on the windowsill
I thought...
‘All that poetry was ******* worth it...’
Eric the Red Apr 2018
I’ve took them all
Our songs
Your poems
Artwork shared that were on the
Walls of my heart

Went on a mission to eradicate

In dreams I hear you call to me
It’s still there
Summoning me
Crying out
‘I’m in pain...’

Took it all
To the edge of the world
And watched it go over the edge
Happy now
All of it gone
Only to return home
To find
Your art back up on my walls
Your words in my notebooks
Your songs playing on the radio
Your pictures in my head

I can’t escape this sentence
The walls of your prison
This is life
Eric the Red Apr 2018
Raging winds
Surges over the planks
Sea walls failing
30 foot swales
Flags whipping

Then ...
It stops
Blue sky in the swirl
Sun peeking thru
Birds come back out
Waters subside
People emerge
Gather damage

Lightning starts again
Winds come from
Another direction

It’s starting again

What it’s like to love you...
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