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Eric the Red Mar 2018
People’s concept of forever these days last about 3 weeks

Sometimes even a month

I’d believe someone who
Flat out says
‘Let’s just try to make it past 3 weeks...’
Instead of
‘I love you forever...’
Eric the Red Mar 2018
It’s said that the further you go
Out into space
Time slows down
Everyone back home
Will age
But you’ll stay the same

One of us will become a phantom
While you’re gone
So be safe out there
In all that black
Currently orbiting Tethys
One of Saturn’s moons

I don’t care if you ever come back
I hope you never come back

Goodbye Tethys Moon
Eric the Red Mar 2018
What’s so intense is that 100 years
From now
Everyone you see today
Will be dead

You might meet someone today
That’ll drive left of center
A week from now
While playing on their phone
And die in a head-on crash
Taking a number of souls
With them happens

For others
It’ll take years
Dying a thousand deaths
Beating pavement

And in that last 5 minutes
You’ll still stare at the doorway
Wanting a miracle
That’ll never come

It’s just death knocking
At your door
And your tired
Worn out body
Will finally answer it
Eric the Red Mar 2018
It’s hard to care about the night
When your moon is gone
I miss you
My moon
Eric the Red Mar 2018
You should know that when you look up and into the heavens
Past the blue skies
That eventually
It leads to darkness
Surrounded by atmosphere
As black
As night
As it should be

Made of darkness
Not of clouds
Shrouded in mystery

But dark
Eric the Red Mar 2018
It’s all too much of the same
I can fix you
I can love you like no other

All ends the same
The door knocks
Quiet rapture
Knock knock knock
Upon my heart

‘Go away! There’s nothing but
‘Sadness, Emptiness, & a Fortess
‘Made of Solitude
‘On the other side of that door

But they come
Thinking that the man who
Writes such words
Must be the
Romance they envisioned
The promise that surely is

It never is

knock knock knock

‘Know me forever...
‘All there is
‘Is today...
‘For tomorrow you’ll be gone
Eric the Red Mar 2018
What’s needed is a good cold rain
Wash away the winter
Wash away the day
Wash away the inevitable
Alleviate the pain

What’s needed is a good cold rain
Submit to the stream
Submit do not go against the grain
Submit all night
Submit all day

What’s needed is a good cold rain
Mix with the leaves of yesterday
Mix today with springtime vein
Mix muddy with sunny
Sometime today

What’s needed is a good cold rain
Say goodbye to the winter
Say hello to the splinters
Say my name just once more
And I’ll
Wash myself away
Submit to going away
Mix tears in moonlight
Say you’ll miss me
‘See you again...someday’
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