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Eric the Red Mar 2018
Saw that green piece of paper blowing in the wind and humans just know...
‘That’s $10...’
And now I can get a Chopped BBQ sandwich and a bottle of good beer on the way home even though I’m short $9 on my power bill due 2 days ago.
That smell is divine as I open my door and swig my beer & rip the CUT OFF notice from off the ****
Let’s eat good everynight...
Eric the Red Mar 2018
Only when I’ve become destitute by my journey’s end
Desert upon my bare feet
Skin cracking
Ran out of water
Begun to drink the blood

Only when treacherous rainstorms
Have pelted my crawl through the
Leaving my feathers soaked

Only when the wilderness has
Sunk it’s maze onto my soul
No way out but in madness
Dirt under my nails
Moss across my body

Only when I’ve knelt upon
Mother Earth
In spiteful prayer
Pitiful to the last

And you are no longer a dream
But reality
But am tired from the ages
Will I ever demand
Your wind
Your touch
Your fluorescent

That you can now whisper
To me
As you lie next to
I demand it
Eric the Red Mar 2018
I’m beginning to fall more & more
In love
With this world
Because you’re in it...
Eric the Red Mar 2018
You make every day feel like
The First Warm Day of

Swinging on the swings
With your pigtails
Me so shy with my big bangs
Corduroy pants
I steal a quarter in my mamas
So I can buy you a chocolate milk
You hold my hand
So close to me
Some of my old lovers might
Read this
‘Oh he’s talking about me...’
She knows who she is
The one with the chocolate milk
In her hand
My love in her
Eric the Red Mar 2018
Even I can’t deny it
That millions
Perhaps billions of
Years ago

Your moon tried to save
My sun
From going into a
Black hole

And you held onto me
As brave
As you are now

‘I won’t let you go...’
But it was too much
Your fingertips
To hold onto

Perhaps billions of years ago
We said we’d meet again
Our moons
Our suns
Exploded into a trillion
Different particles
Into space

Making their way into the waters
Into the trees
For another million years

My heart recognized you
The moment I saw you
My sun knew
You were the moon
That collided
Of years ago
In front of that black hole
That dispersed us
To now

It’s time to make our own

Where stars are born
Eric the Red Mar 2018
See you so far ahead
The curvature of the earth
You leave in your wake
Are on the same map
Same course now
Using the same wind
Under the same stars
Navigate to

One day I’ll board
Your vessel
Tie off a line to the
Let it take us anywhere
We want
In this life or the next
Our coordinates
Will line up

My god I hope it’s this
Eric the Red Mar 2018
She has a past that your mind will not wrap itself around fully
Her past will tell that little man
Inside your head lies
You know him
He’s the jealous one
The sleep on the couch man
The never returns texts
Or phone calls little voice
Little man

Ask yourself this little man
Inside my head
How much have you lost
Because of your rage
Your jealousy
Stupid accusations
Yet she stays
Her with her passion
Her glorious past
That she’s gotten over

Why haven’t you?
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