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Last year built me up, then broke me down
Many times I wondered if I would make it.
I tried desperately to survive
Making friends with the blood pooled on my body, telling it all my darkest secrets.
I found love in the drugs that promised to take my pain away.
I’ve never been as lost as I was last year
But last year is gone now.
It’s a new year
Time for a new mentality
Time to find out who I am now that I’ve weathered the storm.
It’s not very good but for the first time in a while I feel like I’m going to be okay and I wanted to express that.
What a high
When you’re flying with your friends through the sky  
What a low
When you open your eyes and you’re alone
Endless daydreams
Of flying through the sky;
An incessant need
To get lost in the clouds;
A deep rooted desire to see
How beautiful she could be
If she set herself free.
Insecurity, anxiety, depression, loneliness.
They linked together, built a cage and trapped me inside.
I pound at the bars,
Shouting for help.
Just when I’m ready to give up
The door breaks open.
“I’m free,
I’m really free!”
I shout as I run for the trees.
Tears running down my face,
Hope bubbling in my chest,
Could this really be it?
Could I be stronger than them?
The sunlight stings my eyes.
I’m running so fast,
My muscles are on fire.
I pause for a moment to catch my breath.
The sadistic laughter echoes all around me.
My heart drops into my stomach.
I’m not free,
It was just a dream.
The monsters with their twisting smiles,
Laugh at my pain
And place another lock on my cage.
I haven’t written in several days
Not because I’ve been better
But because I’ve been gone,
Lost in the bottle
That keeps me numb.  
I like it here
But I’m scared.  
I haven’t had the words to say
That get me through the bad days
Because when I lose myself
I lose them too.
I hear the darkness screaming my name.
I’ve been having some good days,
But it won’t let me get away,
Not that easily.

It stalks me down the street;
Hunting my joy,
Trying to scare it away.
It digs its claws into my legs,
And begs me to stay.
It howls and yelps,
Whimpering that it misses how we used to play.
The scary part is
I think I sometimes miss it too
Wondering why I can never seem to get away. Even when I’ve ecsaped it’s grasp I still think about it and the good times we had. When it was just us and we didn’t need anybody else. It’s like being in an abbusive relationship sometimes
A million different voices,
Ringing in my head,
Filling me with dread,
Telling me I’ll never be enough,
That I should just shut up.
It takes control of my body,
Gripping my throat until it’s hard to breath,
Making my voice shake until I can barely speak.
I feel the bubble forming in my chest.
I know what this is
And I want to cry.
Here it comes again,
My most cruel friend,  
That I fear I will take with me to the end.
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