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A million different voices,
Ringing in my head,
Filling me with dread,
Telling me I’ll never be enough,
That I should just shut up.
It takes control of my body,
Gripping my throat until it’s hard to breath,
Making my voice shake until I can barely speak.
I feel the bubble forming in my chest.
I know what this is
And I want to cry.
Here it comes again,
My most cruel friend,  
That I fear I will take with me to the end.
I hear the cruel chorus of voices in my head
Begin to quiet;
The fist of anxiety that’s squeezing my lungs
Loosens its grip,
Letting me breath for a moment.
The soft voice like an angel
Whispers in my ear,
Telling me everything I’ve longed to hear.
I finally found my happy place;
Away from the screaming,
Now I’m just dreaming.

I wake up,
And everything I once held dear is gone.
The crushing feeling sinks in
As I realize it was just another demon,
Feeding on my misery and doubt;
But it’s too late now,
‘Cause by the time I figured it out,  
It has become something I can’t live without.
I’m standing on the edge of a cliff
I think I always knew I would end up here
With feet bare;
Dress ripped and sleeves stained red,
The wind blowing through my hair
And across my face;
I have a decision to make.
Will I plummet to my death
Or fly to whatever is next?
I look out at the horizon
With tears in my eyes;
The past flashing through my mind,
One last time
As I watch the sun rise.
I take one last breath,
Prepare to leap,
And pray for the best.
This is an image that flashes in my mind every time I think about the future and I just had a nagging need to write it down.

— The End —