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Madness Unseen Jun 2019
Monsters live where they make their bed/
Controling you while living in your head/
And some befriend you and help/
While the others want you to suffer 'til you're dead/

The monster is your own mind/
It's your subconscious, you're bound/
Behind every decision/
With astounding precision, its work is found/

Puppeteer in the shadows of the mind/
It's your instinct, making you blind/
In its grasp is your emotions/
While its master plan is being alined/

You wouldn't know what it seeks/
Our down fall or rising to our peaks/
Friend or foe, ally or enemy/
You're powerless against it, so to speak/

So enjoy the ride while it lasts/
And let go of your past/
Live in the moment, be happy/
The possibilities are vast/
Madness Unseen May 2019
Beauty only knows how to hide the truth,
We're all hanged from a cliff with a loose noose.

If we hang on we choke and lose breath,
If we let go we fall to our death.

That is what life is, a mess,
When choices end the same, death.

As for beauty, a lie to give purpose,
To live through this life's curses.

You get the point, nothing more to say,
And that's why i end the poem this way.
  May 2019 Madness Unseen
William Blake
The modest Rose puts forth a thorn:
The humble Sheep. a threatning horn:
While the Lily white, shall in Love delight,
Nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright
Madness Unseen May 2019
Beautiful silence, I'm with you around others
Beautiful silence, I long for your when I'm alone
Because the voices in my head, won't go quiet
When noise is around me, you are in my head

When i was alone someone said
"There's no death without pain,
You can see it in eyes of the dead,
Running from it is in vain"

That kept me awake night and day
"Thinking death will come and it may"
Waiting for death to come my way
Fearing my own shadow all day

Trying to think of something else
Trying to distract myself
I am trying with no end
But my mind is going wild by itself

I think of life and i think of death
And think of the madness in my head
But there is no end, it never ends
It is the madness that I dread

I want the beautiful silence
I want the beautiful silent absence
I want a long silence in my head
I want it as long as I'm alive before I'm dead
Madness Unseen Apr 2019
In the darkness of night,
Where you see no light,
On this road to nowhere,
Dead bodies hanged in height.

I hear the crow's song,
It's everlasting and long,
It's the dead's way to tell me,
with them, i belong.

And it won't take much time,
'til I've done the climb,
I'll end up like them, hanged,
Driven mad by this rhyme.
Madness Unseen Apr 2019
I'm angry, I don't know why,
Calm myself, I do try,
This anger burns me and I fry,
to calm myself I use a lie,

A happy world no one cries,
where you have it if you try,
this world has a pure sky,
I can't even believe my own lie,

I see the real world with my own eyes,
compared to my lie, it's a far cry,
and that's why I must say Goodbye,
'cause in reality I'm going to die.
Madness Unseen Apr 2019
Skeletons we hide,
Behind the laws we abide,
Hidden inside our hearts,
The evil goes deep and wide.

To keep the truth hidden,
Label others heathen,
All the stories are made up,
If you speak up, it's treason.

Here's a series of lies,
While the truth dies,
Upcoming new seasons,
Existence cries.
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