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Xeki Nov 2017
We all have them
Don’t we?
Whether they be new ones
Or old ones
Painful ones
Or the unnoticeable ones
They trouble our daily lives
Never allowing a carefree living
Worrying about the next day
And what it holds
If it is a miracle
Or a tragedy
Reminding us
That we are incapable of solving our troubles
But we all have them
Don’t we?
These problems
These worries
These issues
Xeki Oct 2017
I'm black and white
No color present
Crippled emotionally
Leaving more than one visible tragedy
Looking down apon your shattered body
Covered from head to toe
With memories and lessons
In the shape of scars
And more that will be welcomed
As distress continues to spread
through out your mind
Filling your head with thoughts of suicide
And ending the pain that torments your life
Wishing you never existed
That you were dead from the beginning
That none of this came to be
Wishing as you lay down to to sleep
That you never open your eyes again
Just to awaken the next day in tears
We've all felt this pain
This agony
Trying to survive but not succeeding
As many are overtaken and blinded
Succumbed to the darkness
Making them think that they had their own free will to die
As they are controlled like puppets who's strings start to break
Making them useless and unusable
Shattered minds never to awaken again from their cold
Cold graves.
Xeki Oct 2017
Falling in no direction
Twisting and turning
Crying for help
For those who can reach but don't listen

So I continue to fall
My emotions screaming out at me
To do something

But the darkness invades me
My color faced away
The happiness and joy it gone
And I'm released to the darkness
A nightmare
A mess
A mistake
Xeki Oct 2017
As light does exists
So must the dark
Meeting at some point
From the other end of the arch

That binds their worlds together
And balances their chaos
A forever bond and agreement
That will never be lost

And so they harmonize
So that they cause each no harm
to make the perfect relationship
Making no cause of alarm

For don't you see best beloved
Though the truth may seem small
That there is light and dark in us
And it resides in us all
Xeki Sep 2017

Scars cannot be undone

Mental nor physical

Reminders of the past

Left as a lesson

Of what not to do

Or what you should do again

Some from others

Some from yourself

Marks to release the pain

Marks to forget

Scared hopes and dreams

Reminders of hate and hurt

Xeki Sep 2017
In the world of music
You can see many places
But you pass by the world without looking
Especially at all the faces
Xeki Sep 2017
I cannot see the world
No matter where I go
But no one ever looks
So no one ever knows

I may seem full of life
But inside I feel like I'm dying
But no matter what people say
I will keep on lying

I will always be alone
Never knowing any faces
So all I can do
Is to move to many different places
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