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Xeki Sep 2017
Ever on I continue
For it is my fate
I will never stop
Even if I'm in bad state

For some say my life has no meaning
Nothing to represent
And everyone i meet
All they do is resent
Xeki Sep 2017
Flowers blooming
Petals in the wind
Flow ever towards the distant sun
But can never quite reach

Never touched by man
For they are very sacred
But they also carry a message
That not many teach
Xeki Sep 2017
I finally see the light
That this wasn't meant to be
That it really wasn't you
And you didn't want to leave me be

It was the one
That I let call me friend
But I guarantee
That this friendship will end

For when you lie to me
You don't deserve my company
No matter what you do
Even if you act desperately

Now we are together
Like we are meant to be
We are not alone
It's now we instead of me

Just remember
That I will stay true
And that I
Will always love you
Xeki Sep 2017
i have theory
that i think is true
of who you would talk with
and who you would run to

if I was gone
for me you wouldnt cry
you can't fool me
im no regular guy

so run off to your sweetheart
cause I know I'm not the one
i won't play this game anymore
im just really done

of all your games
of all the lies
of all the jokes
im ready to sever those ties
Xeki Sep 2017
As i sit alone,
not ever known,
drifting into darkness,
never knowing happiness.

Laughing children pass by,
you question why,
you have no one,
and you wish your life was done.

To take the knife,
and end your life,
and no one would ever know or care,
not a story of you to share.

No one to grieve,
only relief for all of who dont care,
no more cold glares,
just the quiet silence.

unloved by those you loved the most,
but no longer for you are lost,
to the hands of death,
a tormented soul.

Death is nothing more nor less than life is,
just nonexistence in a non existing world of cruelty,
pain, and hurt,
with nothing to gain.

Love is a lie,
no truth lies within,
its just a game to toy with emotion and win,
as love is not love,
but hate in disguise,
nothing more than udder lies.

Feeling trapped in a place you cant escape,
total darkness surrounds you and you struggle for your life,
its like the knife,
to end you life,
its something you know you cant escape.

A place of no light where no one can see,
no on will look,
no one to leave,
as you take the knife,
about to end your life,
and people just walk right past.

No one will care,
no one will see,
when you are gone,
and thats what i mean,
people dont see the hurt inside,
so whats the point of living in a lie.

As the knife crosses your skin,
out comes the deep red blood that you drew from within,
and as the blood pools around you,
you close your eyes and smile as if you have won,
for the deed you had planned is finally done.

But when you open your eyes,
you are no longer there,
in the place of no light,
where no one would stare,
but instead you are surrounded,
by the ones that you love,
and the ones that do care,
and you cry,
for you never realized that they where there,
and you smiled a smile that nobody new,
for it was a true smile that was hidden within you.
Xeki Sep 2017
my picture i show
shows that im full of love
for every little thing
even the sky above

for all deserves the love
even the misunderstood
and sometimes i feel
like im the only one who could

love the sky the trees
the life in the world
even the smallest butterfly
blown by the wind and was swirled

so look in your heart
for the love deep inside
and should you embrace it
you can and will feel the pride
Xeki Sep 2017
im tired of trying
to hold up that wall
of keeping a smile on my face
when its not true at all

all i see is someone whos tired
every time i look in the mirror
someone who shouldnt exist
just one big error

i thought self harm was the answer
but it just made things worse
and no one hears me no matter how loud i scream
so in the end it just leaves me hoarse

i cry and i cry
but no one seems to care
im just insignificant
and it feel like im being deprived of the air

im tired of trying
to do what seems right
it leaves me so exhausted
because it takes all my might

because its so hard to handle
the pain i feel all the time
and it so hard to bear
that im about to cross that line

its like im just a puppet
to all their little games
and i try and try
but it just reminds my of the pains

of every ones disapproval
of all their dissapointment
and the pain is within
which cant be reached by medicine or ointment
in any time of darkness, just remember to look for the light ,or anything that will shine in the darkness for you to bring you back. you are beautiful for yourself and always remember that.
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