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Xeki Sep 2017
like a beautiful rose
that's in forever bloom
never a care in the world
not a cloud of gloom

and when i see you
you make me feel safe
because of you
i can be brave

for my friends my family
even for you
and i actually thought
that your love was true

but now i have doubts
about what you say
because you could be lying
to make things your way

so please confess
if this is all a trick
to mess with my mind
to make me very sick

but until then
i will believe
that there's nothing to worry about
only love to receive
Xeki Sep 2017
i didn't know
but if i did i would care
about your liking
for long hair

but i didn't and now its gone
and now you dont even speak
seeing you like this
it makes me feel weak

and i want to talk
to listen to your problem
but since you dont
i cant solve them

so i just hide
i avoid you
and i know
that so do you

but the more i think about it
the more it hurts
and it just
makes me feel worse

so please just talk to me
let me know
what i did wrong
not knowing hurts me so

but i already know
that you wont say a word
and what said in your head
cannot be heard

so i just pass by
not a sound heard
but if i was brave enough to talk
then i would have dared

please just listen
and please understand
that i didn't mean
to make you so mad

so forgive and forget
like it never happened
or else my confidence
will completely flatten
Xeki Aug 2017
you close your eyes and breathe the air
to take the jump, you do not dare
because you dont know if you can fly
and if you can you fly through the sky
but if you cant then you will fall down
all the way until you hit the ground

so with not a sound you walked away
because you didn't  have much to say
you didn't spread you wings because it gave you a scare
because if you fall everyone would stare
so you sat right down about to cry
but no tear came and you wondered why

and you look up at the setting sun
and realized that the day was done
and for some reason you started to smile
and decided that you would stay for awhile
and you realized you had much to gain
if tomorrow you tried again
Xeki Aug 2017
i know its hard
to except me for myself
and sometimes it feels
like you trap me on a shelf

like some doll
that you'll throw away
sometime around
the very next day

its like im caught in the strings
of your expectations
while ******* to
your other creations

and you call it love
but it seems more like pain
and that you loose more
than you think that you gain
Xeki Aug 2017
i may seem useless
i may seem weak
but im so much more
and i cant be beat

and you throw your punches
to bring me down
but i will never
hit the ground

not by the hands
of someone like you
you smirk at me
but you know its true

and with one small punch
you will give up
so lets face the facts
you ain't got the stuff

so go and cry
to someone else
you just ain't good enough
to match someone like myself

to fight me now
nor fight me later
i think you better stick
to you simple job as a waiter

— The End —