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effaced Nov 2015
i am young and old
i wonder what life has in store for me
i hear the pattering feet of mini me's
i see my face aged with wrinkles, arms full of babies
i desire a family
i am young and old
i pretend to be happy
i feel longingly for my future
i touch the new skin of my babies feet
i worry my children will hate me
i cry for the mother i never had
i am young and old
i understand i still have a life not lived
i say i'll love you with every breath i take
i dream of the first time you're in my arms
i try to be strong for you
i hope to be the mother i never had
i am young and old
  Oct 2015 effaced
Love lasts about seven years. That's how long it takes for the cells of the body to totally replace themselves.
i don't like the idea of a me without you
i don't know how to be okay with this
effaced Oct 2015
i did what they asked.
i asked for help.
and as i knew it would be
they refused me.
effaced Jun 2015
This time.
Ive drowned so fast.
There wasn't time to yell for help.
Water filled my lungs,
And weighed me down
Into an eternal sleep.
  Jun 2015 effaced
Rivers Kay
One day I'll break
one day unexpected
but you won't ever think it's breaking me...
until i'm already shattered
  Jun 2015 effaced
Rivers Kay
Maybe I'm not depressed
Maybe i had a bad day
Maybe i got hurt
Maybe i wasn't good enough for something
Maybe people shouldn't be so mean
Maybe i don't appreciate being lied to
Maybe i don't like lieing
Maybe people shouldn't judge others so deeply
Maybe i have a purpose
Maybe everything happens for a reason
Maybe i was meant to be hurt
Maybe i was meant to be played
Maybe i was meant to find him
Maybe i should have shut her out before
Maybe all these ******* problems don't mean ****
Maybe it's called life and,
Maybe people shouldn't watch my movie before reading my book
Maybe I'm just a person
effaced May 2015
i crave for the  blood flow

i cry for the **non-existent love
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