Were playing those mind games again love,
Remember? I can still hear the mourning dove.
Love is the answer to it all isn't it?
Or is it too hard to admit?
I'm mesmerized by everything we do,
But when I see you with him, it makes me think till I turn blue.
I wish things were different. Don't you?
But I can see its too hard for you to chew.
Darling I love you so much,
Please don't let go of the clutch.
I know I matter, and that you care,
But seeing you with him is extremely hard to bare.
I'm sorry I snap when I think everything is deceased,
But remember our fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast.
He makes you happy, that is good,
I think I've finally understood.
I promised I wouldn't let you go,
And I promise I will keep it so.
Love don't worry about our chestnut tree,
I'll be here when you need me.