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Eric Jul 2020
We both have our strengths and weaknesses
You sit outside our tidy kitchen, as vanity stares at you from the glossy wooden surface
Now let me digest
Eric Jun 2020
Pullies pulling from known meadows
Reels in Dark hallways
The patients' rooms shine reading lights
But flowers bloom outside

Hope's aura locked from blind eyes
These bricks must hold the key
Boom sounds the drum, a distraction I suppose
But break this padlock free

I'm a genius, I can't be held
Every chamber I've decoded
Slash these chains, still I haven't found
True light remains hidden

"Give up", says the voice
"Home is gone, forever undiscovered"
The drum beats on and so I follow
And become the light of others
Eric Jan 2020
The boy lay awake, searching the deepest caverns of his mind. Every cell from his skin to his soul, hoping for what his imagination prayed to be true. Dreaming, daydreaming, night reflections of a force with which he felt, but no, the world was not ready. Magic. Oh sweet and glorious answer to the universe’s most complex riddles. Magic can only be the truth that vices our world, underneath the deceit of war and money, hate and poverty. Magic sustains what appears to be lost under the one percent of ultimate greed. It has been present throughout all of history, secretly tickling the imaginations of children and the hopes of men and women. The world wants it to carry their weight, but no, the world is not ready. So the boy lay there, eyes fixed on the glowing stars of artificial energy, patiently calculating what real actually is. Oh he was not ready to bow to the suggestive voice of the governed world, nor was he willing to accept the definite stories of our religious figures. Because threaded within the seams of all existence is the unfactored spark, which knows a more complex algorithm than man, math or science. And the boy, like every child, knows it too. But the cruel and bitter world has stolen that truth from the grasps of every child, and with it goes their ability to summon that magic from between the threads of our universe. And now this boy who lies awake, is balancing on the needle tip of a mountain, figuratively speaking. At the base to the south lies the structured world of predictability and perceived security. And to the north? Oh, the north is beyond words. The north is imaginaction, and then hope, but if you travel deeper into apparent blackness, you will see more than your eyes can offer. The north is truth. Yes dear boy, travel north, as so few do. Travel to where your dreams await, Because what you think you may know, knows you a whole lot better. So find it and then spread out your arms.
Eric Nov 2019
Bring it all back don't go wandering
There's nothing up ahead or behind me
There's nothing that I've built, it's always been here
Your picture on my shelf, but you're much more clear

And I see happy endings
If it were right now, this is my ending
How better written would it ever be?
Now is perfection and it's all I see

Enjoy this drink enjoy this moment
Twirl in this smoke, euphoric god send
Take care, cause I'm not there
I can't remember cause I'm right here
Eric Oct 2019
Framed in black edge, sharply cornered
The definition of past, tells present, predicts future
True are the occurrences, which speak of memory
But reflections only teach, and blind ahead we are

We walk the thinnest thread
Between clay and diamond
So mould your teacher out of clay
and chisel out a brilliant future
Eric Sep 2019
I cried when I saw my pizza slide face down onto the floor of the oven
It burned me down to my nerves and I let out I yell of pain
It wasn't the pizza I cried for
But the broken road I travelled to no where
Eric Aug 2019
We always dream
We work to live those dreams
Until we realise that we're right where we need to be
And our canvas is still blank
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