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 Jan 2013 Dawn
 Jan 2013 Dawn
There she was
with lollipop legs
and cream soda curls
as she kissed the crown
of her camel 99
and a cascade of carcinogen smoke
drifted up from cherry red lips
and she looked at me with neon blue eyes
and the liquor on our breathes
spelled both our demise
as we played cat and mouse games
under beaten black and blue skies
When it was all over
and I had tasted those cherry red lips
and felt the alabaster sway
of her marshmallow hips
she said it wasn't very often
you felt highs like this
we both let out a sigh
and then parted with a kiss.
 Jan 2013 Dawn
Marsha Singh
I think of something I'd like to tell you
in my bedtime voice, from a shared pillow
into your warm ear, but can't – so

I hide our secrets inside verses and
I author universes where, despite love's
disappointments, you're still here.
 Jan 2013 Dawn
Marsha Singh
I only wanted to learn love; the unknown was unbearable.
Like a child plucking flimsy wings
from pretty little dying things,
I'm innocent, and terrible.
 Jan 2013 Dawn
Marsha Singh
Be reckless with your words to me;
incite, provoke, use words as lips
and teeth and hands and silk restraints.
Press them deep into my skin –
leave marks, leave late, and come again.
 Jan 2013 Dawn
Sunny Paige
If only I could hold myself the way you hold me, I might be better off.
Alas, I could place my hands exactly where yours were
to no avail.
Because my hands are boring, and yours are full of endless intricacies
that keep me up at night.
 Jan 2013 Dawn
Laura Naumann
I still need your love
Though you may forget
I''m not all grown up
I am a kid
I still need your love
Just as much as before
To sit and to talk
For you to hear more
I still need your love
Though I play hard to get
I want your attention
For my stare to be met
I know I sound needy
Very hard to be pleased
For one thing I'm greedy
I still need your love <3
 Jan 2013 Dawn
Luke H
Don't go to Alaska

I think the mountains will pierce your eyes
and the wind will kiss your neck
I'll melt glaciers of ink for you

Don't go to Alaska
You're far too sentimental

— The End —