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Scratch my eyes out, make me blind.
Your sweet lies control my mind.
I shutter as you grab me from behind.
Puppet master, turning my life into a disaster.
I pray for the end to come faster.
Take my hand, and show me pain.
Take my heart, and drive me insane.
With you there is nothing to gain.
I give, you take.
Everyday a new heartbreak.
Everything about you is so fake.
I say cut out my eyes.
Keep telling me lies.
I still let you between my thighs.
I tell myself its not fair, but in reality I'll always be there.
How stupid of me to think you really care.
Doctor help me
give me the pill
the prescription
the fix it all
I’ll buy into the system
just take away the feeling
the shrink he says somethings wrong with me
its my brain
please Doctor
I’m begging  
scam me
give me the drug
the prescription
the fix it all
make me numb
and you could be numb too
we all have a problem
we all have a disorder
we are all bipolar, attention deficit, borderline or depressed
you see there is a name for your problems and a pill that can solve them
now you're hooked too huh?
now you buy into the system
its an ugly addiction
we’re all addicted to the high
addicted to the ****** the Lithium the Prozac
the antidepressants and the mood stabilizers
we all live and breath the fix it all system
over diagnosed zombies
lacking responsibility we beg
Doctor help me
tell me somethings wrong with me
tell me its not my fault
tell me you will give me my fix it all
I hate my Birthday
expected smiles
and attention, all on me
no solitude
no quiet
there is gifts
and pretend enthusiasm
blow out the candles
and make a wish
eyes, all on me
I hate my Birthday
no wish to celebrate me
my existence is no gift
not for me
I remember
a child with no voice and my own ghostly face
it was a  game
like cops and robbers
and silently she played
in the woods
some place far away
but its not like she would have screamed anyway
memories shrouded and disguised to cope
but now I remember
it was a game and I was their toy
I may only be seventeen years old, but I can already tell you this
that I am sick and tired
I am sick of the people who are judgmental and the people who are unkind
The people who tell Atheists they are going to hell and the people who mock Christians for wanting something to believe in
I’m sick of the hateful way people speak to each other and how everyone tries to form some kind of negative opinion about one another
I’m sick of the bullies in school who drive kids to suicide
and the parents who never taught them to be kind
I’m sick of macho boys thinking its cool to hate and easy girls with zero self-esteem
but more than that I'm sick of the society that made them feel this way
I’m tired of the snobs who turn up their noses at self-expression and of the hipsters frowning upon the so called conformist squares
I’m tired of making my own life choices based on a fear of someone else’s negative reaction I’m tired of people who look for the flaws in my life instead of basking in the beauty of their own.
I am fed up with people who complain about the clinically depressed and the people who spitefully use their own  rain cloud to block out the sun
I’m fed up with people who don't know how share and people who take advantage of their friends
I’m fed up with cheaters, liars and the inconsiderate
All in all I am fed up with cruelty itself
It serves no purpose other than to blind people from the beautiful reality of our lives
Hatefulness needs only to be replaced by love and acceptance and then perhaps there will be an overall higher level of happiness

— The End —