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Apr 2021 · 191
My Body Teaser
My body Teaser
How I wonder when I'll see you again.
I know you said we'll never meet again.
But I must say I didn't intend to take the bargain.
I deserve to have a taste of you again.
I'm not in love at this point but I want us to have some gain.

Before you I never thought locking lips could be so soothing until yours jammed mine.
It was an accident the first time, then the second, then the third then we lost count.
I find comfort in your arms alone.
As I close my eyes now, I see your lips calling unto mine even from such long miles.
My two rounded milk jars made a wonder by you at each encounter.
How you nimble, how you touch.
how you tease, how you fundle.
how you caress, how you taste those two makes me follow you to the next point.
And your touch - so ecstatic.
Melts me like heat does gold, Like sun does butter.

When you move your fingers downtown
I transcend into the most placid part of my mind
Taking cover from my past pains and dissapointments.
In that minute a thousand thoughts form in my head, yet no word would come to accentuate what I feel.
Slowly you stretch the fingers into my redsea,
Sets me on and on into the lost realms.
I feel the electric waves down my spine that moment
I drip like the juice in a berry.
Ripe and ready to be ******, not to be buried.

Before you I let no tongue down into the sanctuary.
It appears like a defilement to the holy place.
But once a trial with you I know it's never going to stop.
The feel sends me singing,
out and loud my voice ringing as the Harmony of a happy choir.

My own body Teaser,
You still never told me how you do these.
That even in my dreams you hold me still,
Even there you touch me and my moan echoes into the reality.
How you stare, you stare so deep my mind you read.
How you jump with much excitement, holding nothing back as you unwrap me.
In that minute you turn a kid.
An excited kid holding his birthday parcel, fulfilled at it's content.
The next moment you jump on my Honeypot, hungry as you are.
A hungry bear
My own bear
My own body Teaser.

I see you come in person yet never deprive me my coming.
Believe me.
I am not to be owned, I am for no one.
I am me , I am mine.
But with you I experience the reverse, I express the reverse.
I thirst for you, you are water
I hunger for you, you are food
I gasp for you, you are air
I long for you you are my body Teaser.
Apr 2021 · 146
My love
Perfect gift,
Gracious heart,
Lovely vibes,
Purest friendship,
Sweetest grooves,
Exciting moments,
Sexiest intimacy,
All in one is what you bring.
I'm blessed to have you.
Now I know you.
Now I have you.
You are mine.

With your thoughts I sleep like a baby.
Twitching like fingerlimbs.
I'm helplessly in this thing you give,
And you make it so.
I'm happy you opened your arms when you did,
I'm happy I ran into your arms when I did.
Now I'm competing with birds in the air,
Now I believe I deserve what I feel.
You are so perfect.
My Love.
Apr 2021 · 609
Nothing makes a difference now;
  The Dawn is broken
  The birds are chipping
  The light is brighten
  The babes are laughing

I still sob and whimper
I still stagger to refuge
My heart breaks into smithereens even now more than that night.
My eyes filled and swollen like the ocean breezing down like dew.
Distressed and re-pressed
Scrambling out of confusion
Overwhelmed by emotions
The lightening comes cracking
I feel my heart jumping

It's settled now.
I mean the verdict has been served.
Finally there is a resolution.
A number of us will carry the shame,
Life will sometimes flash the fame,
Nothing will ever remain the same,
Cuz players don't change the rules of the game,
We are here today, we accept the pain.
But the power that made it so won't take the blame.

The sound of violence
The sound of hatred
The sound of struggle
The sound of terror
The sound of blood
The sound of tears
The sound of loss
The sound of Us
The sound of defeat

Please we have a story
Not to win a glory
Or to take a sorry
But we must tell our history.
That one night when all fade away
That one night when all stayed awake
That one night when all tried to race
That one night that changed the pace
There was nothing to stake again, all was taken away
Oh! I promise to stop the reminiscing
Not again will I recount the moment.
But the sound forever remain in the subconscious
Oh! I hate that sound!!!
I write this in memory of the victims and survivers of 20/10/20 Lekki massacre in Nigeria. You all are heroes the true heroes past
Apr 2021 · 158
Multiple Silence
The noise never stops.
The silence never plus.
The heights we wish to beat.
The limits we try to cross.
Overshadowing the lies we meant to be.

Always at it beyond the risk.
Nothing to show when life is bliss.
No voice.
No choice.
No joy.
No opportunity.
Yet, we live in our multiple silence.
Leaving in silence will not make any changes to our lives, society and world at large therefore we must make conscious efforts to leave beyond silence
Jun 2020 · 201
The caos
The caos
How it became necessary that I come I do not know.
For almost twenty years All I knew was fun, fun, fun.
I was not told about other phases,
Everyone I know wore a smile on their faces,
Growing to become a man on daily basis,
Just staring at every with zero gazes,
And I was left unarmed for worst cases.
Where is the life I used to know?
When did it became the caos?

Now I am grown, images begin to form pictures,
I have been weaned from the allusion of years.
Now I am grown, with meaning to every sound, music no longer lay to waste around me, I understand the unspoken messages now.
Now I am grown, lost some friends and made new ones, I see beyond the struggle for the stick- sweet now, men want more than a stick they want the whole forest.
Now I am grown, wishes grew wings and flew away,  dreams became slurry, excitement turned disappointment.
Who would have thought that the once Rosy life would turn so messy.
Where is the life I used to know?
When did it become the caos?

Greed and selfishness became partners to power,
So many blind men pursuing it,despirate to wield it.
Bitterness and anger became friends to the follower, successfully taking away humanity replaces it with kin cruelty.
Hate called vengeance and together they visited brothers, inciting a cold war.
Lies took hypocrisy to pay a visit to the house of the Supreme one, met his Clergy and became his friends.
Where is the life I used to know?
When did it become the caos?

Blood over blood.
Skin over skin.
Black over black.
White over white.
White over black
System over standard.
State over people.
Power over Right.
Force over choice.
Merit over worth.
Where is the life I used to know?
When did it become the caos?

How it became necessary that I come, I may not know.
Now it has become necessary that I stay, stay to know why i came.
For every sweat that dropped in the struggle for existence. I will stay.
For every voice that was silenced and stuffed with grunt. I will stay to know why I came.
For every tears that rolled against the joy that would have leaped. I will stay.
For every believe that was jacked away and replaced with skepticism. I will stay to know why I came.
For every stronghold that was plunderd, exploited and bunt down to ashes.
I will stay, Do my part and influenced those around me to do it like we would have had it, because we must stay to know why we came.
It could stop to be a caos someday if we stay and stay to the course.
May 2020 · 495
I was a young maiden when I had you.
At first,
It was just a flash.
Oh heavens!!!
Such a purity.
Your beauty was such that slapped the strongest of men,
Your depth humbled the most arrogant of them I ever met.
When you stayed,
All wondered.
Never let anyone away without a laughter.
Your shadow I saw my lips stuttered.

The days decided to be two decades through the night,
Yet I held you as a treasure through the flight.
Too precious to be drowned in my mind,
Now tells me why your crown was taken to a hive.
You may not know how firm I stood with bows and knife.
I took down one I thought was a foe.
The blood that day from there still flows,
Then I knew you bowed and left your might.

Four score five today.
I still wish,
Wish that that Iroko in the centre of Igbo Olodumare still stood.
But alas!!
The low in wisdom conspired,
And cut down the most admired.
Oh, my dear
My world
To what extent can a mother mourn her child,Her treasure of great value,Her world and dreams come true?
And you can only imagine from the sound of her soul.

— The End —