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876 · Nov 2017
My Woodpecker
Hannah Nov 2017
Those little pecks,
That little spark.
The little tears,
That strain my heart.

My woodpecker you were,
My woodpecker you will be.
And dead you were.
And dead you will be.

Silence it what I got,
Not the simple pecking.
No more late night talks.
No more simple chatting.

I miss you to death.
You were my best of friends.
Death is what got you.
Goodbye my old friend.

My dead woodpecker.
711 · May 2017
Is this Love?
Hannah May 2017
My heart is breaking,
The tears are streaming,
My breath is all but gone.

My body shakes,
The sweat takes place,
My tongue is all but dry.

My voice is cracked,
The words that spat,
My misery and despair.

My love you were,
The situation that was,
My forever is all but dead.
473 · Oct 2018
Life Without You
Hannah Oct 2018
I don’t want to keep living without you.
You told me to wait.
I’m doing my best.

Everyday I’m dying without you.
It’s hard to breathe.
It’s hard to rest.

Every time I see you smile,
I wonder if you miss me.
Or if I was only a burden.

I don’t want to keep living without you.
We were one.
We were us.

I never wanted to lose you,
Now I don’t want to live without you.
You made me smile.

I don’t want to keep living without you.
Not one more second.
Please come back.

I scream and I cry and I pray all night.
The moment you come back.
The moment normal will be back.

It’s harder and harder and harder everyday.
Why leave me in this place in hell?

I lost you.
I lost more.
The most I need is for you to say everything will be okay.
326 · May 2017
What You Are
Hannah May 2017
You're the fan with the summer heat.
The color blue with the computer screen.
The simple words only from you.
Why can't I forget you?

You're the dark skies during a storm.
And humidity right after.
******* these so simple things.
Why do they remind me of you?

You're the pain with heartbreak.
All the betrayal of trust.
The confusion and fear.
Everything you left behind.

But why are the smiles?
And the lighthearted laughs?
I'm suppose to be letting go.
But you kept coming back.

You're the final goodbye,
and all the last final tears.
I'm done with these games you played.
So to me, you're in the grave.
289 · Sep 2017
My Hands
Hannah Sep 2017
I don't know where my hands belong,
As I had thought they belonged with yours.
Intertwined fingers.
A comfortable silence.
I thought they had fit perfectly for us two.

Till you pulled away,
Left me stranded,
No map or directions of where I go next.
No goodbye.
No reason.
Just the harsh sting of rejection.

I had thought my hands
Belonged in yours.
For you had learned to grab mine.
I had thought you thought
The same way,
Like we kissed that first night.

I don't know now where my hands belong.
For I had thought they
Belonged with you.
But you pulled away.
And now I know my hands are
Meant to hold on.
But yet they won't hold on to you.

Even though I thought my hands belonged in yours,
I'll tell you the simple truth.
I wish that my hands did belong in yours.
But it doesn't seem to be true.
271 · Sep 2018
My One, My Love, My Only
Hannah Sep 2018
I'll wait my entire life for you,
despite the tears and pain.
The constant dreams about that day,
I've told you,
you are my one.

I don't know why it happened.
We had our life planned out for so long.
You felt as though you didn't deserve me,
but dear,
you're my only love.

You say you will come back to me.
Once you've had time for school and you.
To make yourself so much better,
to make our relationship so much more true.

My one, my love, my only.
Waiting is such the hardest thing to do.
But for you I'd do anything.

You say you don't know when you'll be back.
But that you love and miss me.
I don't know what brought on that pain.
But if I could take it back I would.

I want to be in your arms again.
To hear your heart against my ear.
I want to fall asleep with you.
And wake up always with you near.

My one, my love, my only.
I hope you come back to me soon.
People say this will make us stronger.
And I sure hope it does.

I don't want to ever lose you.
You say I never did.
But to not have you close like before,
is the most difficult place to exist.

Please come back to me.
Please please will you.
I don't want anyone else.
I only want you.
264 · Sep 2017
Hannah Sep 2017
Don’t talk.
Don’t make a noise.
Don’t think.

Close your eyes.
Do you hear them?
The soft little voices in your head.
The ones that are constantly talking.
The ones that scream.
That cry.
That are never ending.
The ones that no one but you hears.

Now open your eyes.
Look around.
No one around you can hear them,
But you can.
Every word. Every sentence.
But people only think you’re crazy.
Imagine that every day.

Now go outside.
Try to ignore them.
Try to convince yourself that they’re not there
But they’ll never leave.
And you know that.
But no one else does.

Try living every day with those constant whispers.
Or screams.
The constant voices that you can’t get rid of.
The ones that drive you crazy no matter how hard you try.
Because they don’t care.
They never did. And they never will.

Now go to bed.
Get under the covers.
You might think that they’ll go away before you sleep.
That’s a lie.
Now with no distractions they get louder.
Trying to convince you and convince you to do as they say.
The government is a lie.
They’re after you.
They’ve bugged your house and everything that you eat.
They’ve brainwashed you into thinking this was normal.
That everyone around you was crazy
And you’re the only one who can see the truth.
No matter how hard you press your hands against your ears,
They get louder and louder and louder.
They scream.
You close your eyes.
But they will not leave.
No, they won’t ever leave, no matter how hard you wish.

You manage to sleep, if that.
You wake up, rubbing your eyes.
And the routine starts all over again.
I give credit to my dad for the title. It's an anagram for Nash who's full name was John Nash and he was a famous mathematician who had schizophrenia.
258 · Dec 2017
One Word
Hannah Dec 2017
I just wanted to say goodbye
Before you died.
252 · Apr 2019
A Story for a Girl
Hannah Apr 2019
When I first met her,
She had a smile as bright as the Stars.
Eyes always lighting up.
A mind that would soar.

She loved stories.
About dragons, knights, and queens.
The ones with magic.
The ones with thieves.

So, I’m going to tell you a story.
About how a girl who can die so many times.
About a girl that has lived,
A thousand times.

The first time she died, she was 11 years old.
She moved from one state,
Right out the door.

She was reborn a few months later.
Her love was for the violin.
She cherished her music.
It taught her to swim.

She died when she was 14.
Her dad left her mom.
Kicked out of the house on March 22nd.
She felt she had nowhere to run.

She once again was reborn.
Her violin kept her here.
Her friends and her teachers,
All wiped away her tears.

She died for her third time when she got accepted.
A bittersweet death,
One she didn’t know she could cheer.

This one took a long time for her to be reborn.
The school of music was what she wanted.
But she also wanted more.

She was reborn when her mom pulled her out.
And felt the hug of her friends a few days later.
To see the smile on their faces.
To hear that they missed her.

She died on her first heartbreak.

But she was reborn because she had loving friends.

She died when someone betrayed her.

But she was reborn when she promised “Never again.”

But what I never understood, was her death on September 1st of 2018.

That was the day that changed her.
The day she told me she would never die again.
That no one could steal her heart.
That no one would ever break in.
She told me that she was herself.
That his lies wouldn’t break her.
I saw her build a wall on her own.
I saw her start to pretend.

A few days later she died again.
But this time because of her sister.
Suicide watch was on the run.
She thought no one would understand.

To be not a burden,
She shut herself in.
She closed all her doors.
She started to pretend.

She was reborn when she started to heal.
She realized her worth,
She knew not to kneel.
She was her own,
No one could take her.
No one could stop her.
She was her maker.
251 · May 2017
You Hear the Voices
Hannah May 2017
You hear the voices.
I hear them too.
The ones that whisper those words,
too deep into the night they’re there.
Too early in the morning they dare not sleep.

You hear the voices,
They’re all in your head.
But their words and actions are true,
they know their place in your life.
And they dare not leave.

You hear the voices,
The ones that scream.
The ones that say awful things,
And keep you awake at night.
They won’t let you go.

You hear the voices,
That ones that laugh.
You shut your eyes in hopes they’ll leave,
But they won’t.
They will always be speaking.

You hear the voices,
They will always be screaming.
Always be laughing and talking.
You may cry, but they’ll never mind.
You’re a captor in their horrible dark world.
250 · Nov 2017
Why You?
Hannah Nov 2017
The days you leave
My heart that sinks.
Your back that turns.
The tears that leak.

The silent that speaks.
The truth it reeks.
Behind the darkness.
Nothing to be seen.

There is no end.
This endless cycle.
You walking off.
And me following behind.

I see the truth.
I see the lies.
I see you have
No thought of me in mind.

So here I stand,
You walking off.
And I stay.
Just another speck of dust.

You have won.
I am now gone.
You can't play games.
Without my piece.
238 · Nov 2017
Simple Truths
Hannah Nov 2017
Those simple words.
Those simple truths.
The pounding heart.
It can't be true.

Those simple lies.
Those beautiful eyes.
That softened voice.
The deafened silence.

The world that spins.
With a smile I grin.
With a question of why,
A question of why now.

The confusion that fills,
My messed up head.
The ache in my heart,
The question of when.

The fear of leaving.
The wonder of new.
The curious of what's next.
We both know we're true.

So maybe it's right.
Or maybe it's wrong.
Depends on the sacrifice.
And the words of our song.

So what is fate?
What is next?
We'll never know.
Till one of us says yes.
232 · May 2017
This is My Body
Hannah May 2017
This is my body
and I'm allowed to say no.
You have no control.

This is my body
and I shouldn't have to fear you won't stop.
But yet it has not left.

This is my body
and I am the controller.
You cannot tell me what to do with it.

This is my body
and this is my mind and soul.
I should not have to fear.

This is my body.
This is my no.
You don't have control.
230 · Oct 2017
Hannah Oct 2017
Sometimes the simplest words
Are more easy to write
Than to say.
Even in the most quietest of voices.
Even when they go unheard.
229 · Sep 2017
Hannah Sep 2017
The clock keeps ticking.
The day goes by slow.
Every breath.
Every word.
Every empty thought.

It's time to say goodbye.

You're all mine tonight.

Every second of the hand.
Every thought without a plan.
227 · Nov 2017
The Life That's Lived
Hannah Nov 2017
The lies,
The fear,
The screams,
The hate.

The stares,
Don’t care.
My heart,
That breaks.

Your eyes
Don’t lie
Your words
That do.

I know
I shouldn’t
Have fallen
For you.

The blood
Oh God
The pain
The hate.

The fights
That light
Our fate
This day.

The loss
This battle
This day
I hate.

My head
That spins
And lies
For you.

The words
That leave
My lips
They crack.

And people
Can’t see
The mask.

They see
A smile
Bright on
My lips.

The bruises
The truth
That’s within.

I pray
To God
To save
My soul.

I pray
For him
To not

My prayers
They are

The hell
I live
Is my

My soul.

This is
The end.
219 · Oct 2017
Despite the Obvious
Hannah Oct 2017
Despite the obvious you promise a forever.
Despite the obvious you claim you love me.
You claim that you're in love with me.
You claim that it's only me.

Despite the obvious,
You love me for all of my flaws.
For our views that don't agree.
For our beliefs that don't match up.

Despite the obvious,
You say it doesn't bother you.
You say that you'll only love me.
You say that it's my choice.

Despite the obvious,
You still don't know heartbreak.
You may know the world through a different view,
You still have yet to feel heartbreak.

Despite the obvious,
You know I don't trust you to keep your word.
You know I'm prepared for any moment you could leave.
For all of those to be left broken.

Despite the obvious,
You know I'm scared for you to leave.
Despite the obvious,
You know I know that you love me.

Despite the obvious,
You have overlooked them and saw only me.
You saw the love for me.
You saw my love for you.

Despite the obvious,
You saw beyond our differences,
Even if they bothered you.
You saw me and just me.

So despite the obvious,
Still don't make promises you can't keep.
Don't say words you mean.
Don't love that you don't truly feel.

Then I'll know and be okay.
218 · Nov 2017
My Phoenix
Hannah Nov 2017
My phoenix...
The shiver of the last note played,
On the violin in my hand.
The life I once had lost.
I found again.
For you are my phoenix.
That shivering note of the song at last.
The deafened applause of the audience,
You listened to my voice.
My words have never been stronger.
My phoenix.
My violin.
I pushed you away.
And now you're reborn again.
218 · Oct 2017
I'm Sorry
Hannah Oct 2017
You've apologized to the point,
Where sorry doesn't mean anything anymore.
To where I feel nothing anymore.
I just wait until the next time you hurt me.
215 · Dec 2018
Realization and Self Love
Hannah Dec 2018
Today I had the realization,
That I used to never dress for myself.
And funny enough,
I realized this,
While I was buying bras and *******.

I asked myself:
“I now bought these but who will see them? And will they love them? Will I be looked at like I’m ****? Will I be beautiful?”
As I asked myself these questions I realized I never bought for myself.

But I bought them anyways.
I bought them because I’ll look at them. I’ll dress in the bras and ******* and find myself ****.
I’ll find myself beautiful.
I’ll get in them and look at myself in the mirror without fear that the person I’m with won’t love them.
Because I’ll love myself.

This is the realization I waited for.
I’m not waiting for love.
And I never realized that every time I bought things I never bought for me.
I bought to be validated by my partner.
But I don’t need that.

I’m my own validation.
I love how I look.
I have a small chest and ****.
Yet I don’t have to make sure the person I’m with will love them. No. I’ll make sure I love the way I look.

I always believed personality was better than looks yet there I was buying for my partner. And I don’t need that.

I’m buying for me. And I’m buying for self love.
202 · Sep 2019
What Has Been Found
Hannah Sep 2019
It was the sway of the tree limbs,
the gentle hum of the wooden swing.
The sun on my face,
the wind in my hair.
The soft stir of the grass,
the smell of the earth.
It was the way my hands folded,
against my soft, bare lap.
And then I knew.
I had finally found the answer,
of what it means to be small.
To be one in so many different organisms and species.
To be only one,
compared to so many.
It was the comfort,
that even though you are so small.
When you stand up,
walk home,
you smile knowing that someone is waiting for you.
200 · Oct 2017
Hannah Oct 2017
I'll fight for you.
Even if I fight alone.
Or you can't fight for yourself.
But do us both a favor,
And pick yourself up.
It doesn't have to be now.
But I'm going to help you win.
So pick yourself up,
Brush off your clothes.
And live.
And I'll keep fighting.
195 · Aug 2017
To My Brother
Hannah Aug 2017
You were unexpected.
You were my other half.
Our stories were the same of how we both came to be.
But yet we were different.
I lived to be sixteen.
And you weren't even born.
Only 13 weeks into our mother's pregnancy that you were here.
You were going to be the second Capricorn.
We were both produced out of mistakes.
But mother would always say "happy accidents."
Why did you have to leave us?
We had your name picked out, Jonah Sebastian Justice.
But you passed away before hearing it.
Why did you go?
Why did you leave?
I'll still remember hearing that our mother had a miscarriage, I had to work that day. I thought it would help.
It didn't.
But I held through well enough until I got home, can't cry at work.
Why did you die? Why couldn't you have been strong?
I hope you're well now, wherever you are.
I hope you're safe.
I hope you come back.
I hope somewhere, wherever your soul it, that you know and remember who we are.

Jonah Sebastian Justice. July 5th, 2017.
186 · May 2017
To You
Hannah May 2017
Unread letters,
Unspoken dreams.
All the words I could've said.
The things I regret,
Yet you know
With out any words being spoken.
181 · Jul 2021
The Memory of You
Hannah Jul 2021
I’m haunted by the memory of you.
The one that keeps me awake when I should be asleep.

Asleep next to my lover,
Asleep next to my partner who holds my hand,
While I weep.

I’m haunted by the memory of you.
The young girl who got pulled in.
The one who you didn’t let go.

But it’s not just you who haunts me.
It’s the many others who have scarred my troubled mind.


I’m haunted by the memory of you most.
The first person to pull in,
Into a world I didn’t belong in.

I’m haunted by your words.
The ones that make me insecure,
Even to this day.

Am I worth it?
I don’t even know why my partner is with me.
I’m broken, I’m withered, I toss in my sleep,


I’m haunted by the memory of you.
A memory buried so deep.
A memory that daytime doesn’t touch,
But when night comes,
It sneaks in and steals my sleep and dreams.

I forget where I am,
I’m alone in my thoughts.
I don’t want you here,
I’m stronger than this.

But am I truly?
I’m still haunted by the memory of you.
157 · Aug 2019
Dear Goodbye
Hannah Aug 2019
Dear mother,
I’ve only been a disappointment.
I can’t make you smile or laugh.
There are three other children who love you most.
I’m just the unlucky last.

Dear father,
I lost my relationship to you.
You couldn’t support me through and through.
We argued,
I left for mom.
How do you make it through?

Dear Jon,
Oh Jon.
My one true supporter.
Take care of my mom,
My sisters,
My brother.
I don’t want to hurt you much longer.

Dear Sister,
Dear M.
You were my best friend.
I let you down once more,
I guess here’s to the end?

Dear brother,
You’re 10.
You have so much life to live.
Don’t focus on one thing.
Don’t make my mistake again.

Dear baby,
Dear sis.
You’re only 2 months.
Your infant amnesia
Will make sure I’m gone.

Dear lover,
My love.
I can’t keep on loving you.
It hurts me to say,
I may love you too much.

Dear Best friend.
You’ve hurt me the most.
I know you inside and out.
But you’ve forgotten me.
And I gave you a family.

Dear me,
You won’t do it.
You just want to let go.
Your thoughts and your fears,
Are hard to let go.

— The End —