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5.1k · Jan 2011
A Samhain Night With Friends
Solitaire Archer Jan 2011
Samhain's Eve With Friends

The Lady's light is ripe and full and orange
so heavy the sky can scarce bear her up
as I tread slowly tap tap my staff clicks
my feet in their hurry crush sweet maple and acrid fir underfoot
and the early evening mist grasps at bare tree limbs like heart broken suiters

It's an early celabration Samhain Eve
No Matter
tis me alone and of course The Lady
Slowly I find my stone grove and rest a bit ... price of a Crone
No musicians tonight
Ah the tape will do well enough
No Sisters tonight
too far to come obligations trick or treat ...
No Matter
Circle swept and Caste,Quarters called
next all in turn music soft but building
insence sweet shrouds me
Fire my element crackles and spits with blessed heat

Time to steppe the Circle
This Dance I know so well
This Dance I have taught and danced and dreamt it always

Eyes Closed Cleansing Breathe
Bells on wrist and ankles chime

Now swaying stepping Luna's great course across the sky
once this way next reverse
slowly gently all recedes
there is nothing now but
me and She
She Morghanna Isis Gaia Mother Maiden Crone
My Lady

The flute is faint and hard to hear now
but the drum is strong heartbeat strong slow and deep
suddenly there are voices far yet whysper close
so soft full of laughter and secrets
..ghostly hands Sisters past, lost to me and spirits new entwine with mine and voices long forgotten soar
So Sweet
and my feet so clumsy and slow seem to fly and I hear the flute in the chime of Her laughter

She Has Come
Welcome My Lady

I hear nothing now but the drum and the rush of the wind through my hair
The Drum The Sisters The Fire
and My Lady

Suddenly my step slows no longer is it sure
aware of the stones beaneath and my hand blest but a moment ago now feels the loss of my Sisters grasp
but we are never far from one another
no matter the side of the veil

I tire and stop
the night has waned
the tape has stopped..when I cant recall

Never Mind

Close the quarters with thanks
Sever the Circle
Douse the smudge

Thank The Lady for a
Samhain's Eve , with friends

Solita Arcanes ShadoeWalker 31/10/10
3.1k · Jun 2014
But I'mnot bitter
Solitaire Archer Jun 2014
But I'm Not Bitter

a dark and dreary day ( I know its Tripe but today it is true )

rain makes me sour and truly an old crone
My skin is too tight and my bones are not nimble but stiff and useless
Stairs are insurmountable and the phone seems too far away for the effort
I no longer try to be pleasant and am left alone
but for my furry mob who can care less my bad mood
my desk chair is surrounded now with hot water bottles
electrical pads and nuke em packs and of course pill bottles
the detritus of pain

It is now a companion old and well known to me
I am told ever "Its age my Dear, Just live with it
I am told "It's all in your mind there's no pain at all"
I am told :Push through it and endure don't acknowledge it ignore it"

When will it leave ? at death ? What a thought to have to drag it with me at the end.

I curse his name
His Family
His Heritage
His Intellect
His Temper

His one action one blow in fury his one tantrum ...

And the sentence is life ...for me

I wonder ..If I saw him could I strike back?

I know there is no forgiveness no saint like pity or absolution

Every time I hit the ground in a seizure he has hit me again
Everyday I cannot climb the stairs in my own home He has thrown me once again through the window and I fall the 6 floors again

Stop holding on to it you'll never get any better ... And I try ..I really do ...

Then the seizures come or I cannot do a simple household task

or I must once more tell a friend I cannot meet them for tea (a selfish luxury)

You know I bet he has not thought of me in years ..but his actions govern what I can do every day of my Life

But I am not Bitter

Solita -2006

Author's Location: Toronto, Ontario
Solitaire Archer Mar 2014
Harken My Daughters
by Solitaire Archer

Harken My Daughters I bid listen to me
And as I say these Words So Mote it be

Teach her from now till time is forgot
Teach her broom and teach her ***
Teach now no reason to hide
Teach her scents and times and tides
Teach her hues and Teach her to bide

Teach her Moons and teach her flowers
Teach her herbs and to keepsafe Our bower
Teach her Air and Water and Fire
Teach her Oak and Teach her lyre
No buildings of Stone No meter high Towers
Let her Dance in the Snow and Dance in the Showers

Hark to me my Daughters dear Teach her so she has naught to fear

Show her Signs and cards and runes
Teach to her to call down the Moon
Teach her Sight and Teach her Bane
Teach her to invoke my Name
in my Place too- call down the Power
In our Circles or in our Bowers

As I have taught now you must too
Pass it forward your line ensue
Daughter to daughter your line in Light
for this moment forward as far as Sight
Witch follows Witch for eternitys Flight
Daughter to Daugther gives Power and Might

Harken My Daughters Listen me

Child go live it
So Mote It Be

These are my words, This is my way.
Doyenne Solita Arcanna ShadoeWalker @2012
2.7k · Jan 2010
The Question
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010
The Question

It happened again..a throw away question really these days ...
What Path is yours?
At once the rote rose in my throat ....
Witch Wiccan Solitary Electic and I stopped .. dead

Its true I am all these things and more to be sure:

I chose ...
Wicca because I am tied to the beliefs the ebb and flow rebirth and renewal
Witch because the practice makes my heart fly and soul dance every scent , stone and candle
Solitary because even though I have found so many Sisters and Brothers on my way
I have no stomach or strength for politics.
Electic..ah well here my problem lay
I love the freedom choice does bring
ButI am also a teacher...
I love the A B C's and 1 2 3's I love to do an intricate ritual from begining to end and feel the soft touch of the past as each step taken I understand that this dance has been stepped before decades past

It brings me great joy and comfort to know the dance I dance and the Names I use have been on the sweet breath of those who have gone before me.
So Tradition has a part on my Path after all ....:)
So who am I
I am Air and Earth Fire and Water
I am Past and Future
I am Mother and Babe
I am New and I am Aged beyond all Time
Come Join me in the Dance of the Circle
Teach me your Ways and I will share mine
Together we will Honour our sweet Lady with our gifts and talents
and we will know Joy in the Journey
I am
Solita Shadoewalker
These are my Words and this is my Way

- From Night Thoughts
2.5k · Apr 2010
This Morning
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
This Morning

I woke this morning to a beautiful dawn, the dew wet grass shining in the already bright sun
The Lady has blessed me once more
My tumblers run and dart, spin and frolic my private acrobats
Soft sweet calls and ankle swarms and my large cattle dog gently but with insistence herding me into the kitchen and my duties,
My Eastern altar is glowing with the suns rising
and wrapped 'round with the grasses and flowers of summer
Incense rises and the candle flickers as I ask for Her protection for these... my wandering one's today
The kettle's boiled and the day's tea is made and blessed and seven dishes filled and emptied.
The sun fully risen now and the house stirs family sounds as heavy steps wander above and radio plays softly
Round me now still piles of soft satin slick fur breathing soft and deep
noses all counted and accounted for
bellies rubbed and ears all tickled
7 foreheads softly touched and charmed
and all are safe and sound this day in our Lady's care.
I wander the garden now caressing those blooms that require some extra essence,
All that's needed is water and sun and love
through each touch comes life and will and care and thus the wheel turns and the garden thrives
Lilac, Lily and Rose and Ivy abounds and the garden thrives
I walk now from the front to the back door carefully sweeping
my chants softly sung
and the smudge bundle of sage and roses lit and smoking
salt scattered and swept and once more my small realm is safe
My Lady guard this house and all who dwell and those who would stay
I trust my most valued Companions are in your keeping
My Family My life are in your keeping.
I celebrate my life withing your Circle and my Joy within your keeping
All of this and things unspoken Joy and Light and Love
My Lady, Bless me.
Solita -2007
Solitaire Archer Mar 2014
The Fire Witch, Poet and Fool
by Doyenne Arcannes Solace

Now is the season of ice and fire
Indigo skies and glass tipped trees
I am the fire witch Poet and fool
Come dance tonight with me

Gray shadow skies and cold rainy dawns
Changeable as time and unchanging as stone
I am the fire witch Poet and fool
Come sing my song with me

I dance the fire and step on the smoke
I whirl and spin and step on the beats
heart beats blood beat
I am the fire witch
Poet and fool

Now is my time
This is my Power
The Fire Witch croons the Call
No one here but She and me
The Lady

and She watches the fire witch dance
No Rite or Circle but love alone
I am the fire witch

Solita 2010
1.6k · Jun 2010
The First Time I Saw Her
Solitaire Archer Jun 2010
The first time I saw her ,She was dancing in the fire
flickering with the pipes, naked feet stepping on the drum beats
Glorious and free wild and unconfined
The next time we  met the frost coated the trees
She was mist wrapped and the snow sparkled in her fiery hair
and softly She crooned the Quarters gentle She called us to worship
Then Spring
Life bursting yellow and white ribbons twisted through glossy tresses
Harp and drum flute and horn
Myrrh and Rose and Jade She comes we follow
and now Fall the time of sleep of sleeping death
the fire is high the Sisters here and we wait
Flute cries and lyre weeps yet the drum pulls calls stronger and more insistence
She comes robed in orange and brown mustard and wine
Slowly pacing the course of Sol then Luna's track returns
Tall and Regal, Cool and Controlled

She walked to the fire and smiled, holding out Her hands
She calls us to Dance

Singing ballads, new and old cooing, humming or merely swaying

The first time I saw Her she was Dancing in the Fire

Solita Arcanes
Solitaire Archer Mar 2014

by Doyenne Solace Arcanna ShadoeWalker


In This Place And At This Hour

In this place and at this hour Sisters gather to Call the Power
Winds will rise and lightning crack
We pace the Circle fore and then step aft
Luna's path we steppe then Sol's retrack
Circle once and then return
My Lady we have much to learn
Winds will blow and Earth will flower
Fire will burn and Water shower
This rite complete come rising Sun
Lady here thy will shall be done
In this place and at this hour
Lady keeps this Sacred bower

These are my Words This is my Way
Blessed Be

Doyenne Solita Arcanna ShadoeWalker 2012

•❤• Wiccan Blessings Bright and True from this Old Witch straight on To YOU!!~•❤•~
1.4k · Mar 2010
Memories Of A Crone
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
The candle is lit and the house slumbers as
I turn the pages of this most personal tome it is not magik but memory
that urges the turning.
From the Oh so careful initial lines of a Very young woman beginning her search
with every I dotted and T crossed
every day logged and noted .To the busier
days of finding teachers and noting the questions that HAD to have answers.
With accolade's that came when at last I was asked to lead and the tears and uncertainty when the time had come to leave.
The wonder and renewal that comes with teaching and the pride as my students stand on their own and go forward.
Too the life moments when my attention was scattered a parents passing the ending of a marriage
Every drop of candle wax and oil stained sheet recalls vivid memories and tears and laughter.
My Book is not as pretty as I once thought it would be ,
But I met My Lady in its pages and for that I will every be grateful.

Solita Shadoewalker
- From Night Thoughts
1.3k · Jan 2010
These I Call
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010
These I Call

I reach, my feet toes digging into
the soft damp earth
this is the power of Body,
clay and sand and rock
this is the Grounding Point
This is the point of Calm of Rest
I Call North
I entreat the Earth
I acknowledge the Power of My Body
I throw my hands high reaching, yearning
the wind wends my skirt round my staff in Freedom
This is the point of Reason
This is Zephyr and Breeze and Gale
I call East
I entreat The Air
I acknowledge the Power of My Mind
Now I pull my Power
from deep in my core
call and play until it dances over my fingers
This is the point of healing Fire
This is the Power of My Actions
The crack of lightning and the snap of Fire
I call South
I Entreat Fire
I Acknowledge the Power of My Actions
Now I flow in not out
engulfed, enfolded warm and safe
as the day before breath
This is the point of Feeling of
comfort both given and received
I call West
I entreat Water
I Acknowledge the Power of My Feelings
Upward pulled with Luna Joined
With Sky and Moon I am rapt in a star filled bowl
This is the place of Consciousness
I Call a Sacred Place
This is Galaxy, Moon, and Stars
I call Up
I Entreat The Cosmos
I acknowledge The Power of my Consciousness
Through my mind and my core
Through that which makes me Witch
Through legs into Earth
Through crust and deeper yet
Slower it steadies and my heartbeat slows ,
and matches that which sustains us
I Call Down
I entreat The Core , This Sacred Place
I Acknowledge The Greater Life and Web of all Being
Mother Earth
From within now come Soul Spirit
Essence of Life
This is where My Lady waits
Goddess , Ancestors , Guides and Companions

I Call The Center
I Entreat The Spirit
I Acknowledge the inner ways and song and dance
Visions Quests and Dream Times
and Shadoewalkers

These I Entreat and Invite
These I Honor and would learn from
These are gifts to me
from My Sweet Lady
Among these I will wait
In this Sacred Place

- From And The Circle Cast
1.3k · Apr 2010
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
There is a thief who lives with me

A thief that steals constantly
He steals my sleep my time and my peace
He saps my strength and shortens my reach

There is a thief who lives with me

He steals my hope and shortens my days
He runs his hands along my spine clenching and twisting and he smiles
His reach extends from my spine to my eyes locking me in his vice
He wraps my mind in his dull red haze and he makes me stupid and vile

There is a thief who lives with me
We battle every day every hour waking sleeping
There is no time when he is not a constant companion
He keeps me spinning in bed searching for a place of rest
Every hour it is He that controls my work and my play

There is a thief who lives with me

I try to seal my world from him
I stuff the cracks and bar the doors
Dark the windows and stopper the gates
He finds me no matter

There is a thief who lives with me

But he knows me well, this thief of mine and soon he's found the cracks
The chinks in my Armour he knows so well and soon his art he racks

There is a thief who lives with me a companion old and wearisome
There!! You see he comes stealing minutes and hours
My thief of days

My Pain

Solita _2007
- From Invisable Bonds
1.3k · Jan 2010
By Fire Born Epilouge
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010
By Fire born and Water blessed
this soul is released
Earth unbind and Spirit Guide
this soul homeward soars
Summerland calls and Lady beckons
Joyous and Bright The Circle Turns
in Honour and Celebration
Sister's journeys ends and begins once more
May the next turn bring Love and Abundance and Joy
Cedar and Laurel Amber and Jet
Sage and Feather and Stone

With Song and Dance we Celebrate and Mourn

The Circle is turning now slower and solemn
with memory and grief
Willow and Benzoin and Jade
Lady keep our Sister dear
Be at Peace

- From And The Circle Cast
1.3k · Apr 2010
~~ But I'm Not Bitter~~
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
But I'm Not Bitter

a dark and dreary day ( I know its Tripe but today it is true )

rain makes me sour and truly an old crone
My skin is too tight and my bones are not nimble but stiff and useless
Stairs are insurmountable and the phone seems too far away for the effort
I no longer try to be pleasant and am left alone
but for my furry mob who can care less my bad mood
my desk chair is surrounded now with hot water bottles
electrical pads and nuke em packs and of course pill bottles
the detritus of pain

It is now a companion old and well known to me
I am told ever "Its age my Dear, Just live with it
I am told "It's all in your mind there's no pain at all"
I am told :Push through it and endure don't acknowledge it ignore it"

When will it leave ? at death ? What a thought to have to drag it with me at the end.

I curse his name
His Family
His Heritage
His Intellect
His Temper

His one action one blow in fury his one tantrum ...

And the sentence is life ...for me

I wonder ..If I saw him could I strike back?

I know there is no forgiveness no saint like pity or absolution

Every time I hit the ground in a seizure he has hit me again
Everyday I cannot climb the stairs in my own home He has thrown me once again through the window and I fall the 6 floors again

Stop holding on to it you'll never get any better ... And I try ..I really do ...

Then the seizures come or I cannot do a simple household task

or I must once more tell a friend I cannot meet them for tea (a selfish luxury)

You know I bet he has not thought of me in years ..but his actions govern what I can do every day of my Life

But I am not Bitter

Solita -2006
- From Invisable Bonds
1.1k · Jan 2010
A Students Gift
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010

Teaching as I do those younger then I
I am oft asked strange and wondrous questions
Some make me think examine my ideas and thoughts
Some make me smile .. as I remember when I asked the same question, the same way

And some ... Confuse me

This is one of those

It was the end of class and most had gone , a few stragglers were chatting and I had stopped listening
"excuse me please" a so soft voice asked and I looked up into dark serious eyes chestnut hair framed the face of my most quiet student.

Sitting back I put down my pen and gave her my attention..This would be the first time we would speak in the 5 months since she began

"Can I help you with something?" I asked?

She looked down at the books she carried and said almost too softly to hear.

"How often may I use magic?Is it best just for Ritual and Ceremony?"

As I looked up into her face I realized that what I said now, here in this room would send her toward my Lady ...

or send her searching further.

Knowing this I chose my words carefully

"Ritual and Spells , Sabots and Circles all are places we call Power and Worship..But let me tell you how I use magic and perhaps it will help you see"

"Shall we begin at the beginning?" and smiling offered her a seat,

"This morning as I got up and lit a candle in the East window along with a small amount of morning incense , to salute the Dawn and The Lady

When I set the tea *** I stir in a chant of health and safety with the teabags and with each small dish placed before 7 prancing, sleek and furry babies comes a soft touch on each forehead and a Blessing to bring them home safely after their wanders,

My plants as I water them I touch the leaves and infuse through my touch the essence of life the phone rings and as I listen to a Brother or Sister
They know I hold focus rune stones and that I send them calm and caring thoughts to carry them through their hectic day.

Spells for safety and chants for health charms and symbols and song...

There is no hour no moment that I am not Witch
each step and breath is magic and through my practice
I pull that which is Power and Energy

To "save" magic , for Rituals and Sabots as though we might somehow out me it is if someone came and
said "Breath only for Ceremony and Rites"

It is beyond my reason to be a sometimes Witch ..

From my last thought at night to the first light of day

I am Witch ...

cooking , cleaning, shopping, crying ...

I am Witch

Magik is in the air I breathe and each action I take , granted after all these years most are second nature to me now.

But there was a time...not so long ago ...When as a serious ..very young ...Novice believed that magic was so special that it should only be used with great ceremony..

But now after all this time and with my Lady's gentle guidance I know every breath and heartbeat is a magical thing ..

a celebration ...a joyous affirmation.

So now through the eyes of time I have offered her my Way and I see the light in her eyes and I knew I had explained what I felt..and she had understood.

Don't save it
Spend it
Shower your world ,
Enfold your life,
Wrap yourself in the Energy of the Universe...
And the Magic will Enfold, Protect , Nurture and Love you
and your Path will never be far from you.

Then, with only a smile and a nod she left, but Student and Mentor connected and I was able to pass my passion
forward and Lady willing one day she too will pass forward the Rapture

One student ...One small question..Thank you my Lady for sending me this sweet reminder of the Passion and Joy that is my life in your keeping

Solitaire Shadoewalker -2007@Copywrite
- From Night Thoughts
1.1k · Apr 2010
The First One's
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010

She sits by the fire and stirs her ***
the day has been a long one and tonight's new moon means no sleep tonight
for there are times right for harvest and can be done no other time
The folks of the village depend on her art for to bring new life
and easing the pain of the living as well as honouring the dead
There is no Rede or three by three here
no shiny wands or talismans
she is elder here and thus respected perhaps feared
but she lives her life alone
She was the beginning
a first footer here
seeking only to serve
little profit is found outside of the town
What would she thinks of our books and our Rede
She who never learned to read
Was She more or less then I?
Did She seek to lead?
Would she smile at our toys our trinkets and beads
or shake her head and turn to leave

I wonder what the First Ones would see looking now at me and thee

Solita - 2007
- From A Crone  Recalls
1.1k · Mar 2010
I Choose
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
Looking out my window I see signs of spring
the small green blades that signal winters end
I should be rejoicing but I sit here in sullen silence
The birdsong is clear and joyous in the the yet cold air
and the last of the ash coloured snow melts its way down through the grate
but once more I sit here wrapped in self pity
My small companions tumble and spin at my feet they are great stalkers
and most wondrous tumblers
But here I sit cataloging my fears, my pains and trespasses
Suddenly there is a soft light that enfolds
I close my eyes for I know my Lady has come
Her soft voice asks "why do you forge such a burden child?"
"I forge Lady? looking up to Her " I don't understand. These hurts have been done to me they are not my transgressions not a burden to forge to carry, "

She smiled and gathered all my hurts into her lap and slowly one by one she drops them "
"These are indeed hurts against you and you keep them well polished with constant care and attention,
why hold them close they have done their work why hold them any longer?"
and She dropped them one by one and as She dropped them they shimmered and vanished.
"These things only have power from you, if you do not allow them they cannot hurt you".
"Do not give your life to those things that are in their essence harmful.
Little Sister this is a burden YOU make by your choice
" I bid you begin another chain one of joy and contentment of generosity of time and of sharing. you will find your burden much lighter and will find there will be many more that would share your burden .
And just as suddenly as She came the light faded though I was warm still

My choice .. of course it was I had known it all along So I rise from my small chair at my window and choose...I choose to be apart of my life
I choose to share what knowledge I can with those that would seek
I will acknowledge my gifts and
I will not cherish those troubles that this turn of the wheel are mine.
I choose to participate
I choose to acknowledge
I choose to celebrate
I chose ... to Live

My Lady I thank You
With no berating... no sin or damnation once more I am on my Path
I am so blessed in Her light

Solita -2007
- From Invisable Bonds
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
What is the worst thing about the pain?" She asked me, none had asked me before

So I sat and thought and watched those around me..and what I found out surprised me

So I counted the broken promises and canceled dates
the half done dinners and shortened holidays

The eyes of my friends and family have gone from concern to disappointment to boredom and at last to the shifting that denotes no pleasure in my company.
the visits and phone calls have slowly dried up till there
are none

What is the worst part of dealing with chronic pain?

Its the isolation and the looks that say "well, She looks fine"

Oh My Sweet Lady !!

I wish that pain was bright pink
I wish it glowed and sparkled

and...I could hand it off to someone else to deal with for awhile.. How long would you carry this burden my dear friend?
Would you like to carry my "invisible" disability?

It is me that turns invisible unseen and unheard

Will you take the endless burning pain even temporarily?

Will you take the 12 hour days granted to me and not the

24 that Sol promises?

Will you take the broken dates and spoiled dinners?

Will you watch their faces go from loving concern to polite excuses to loveless and dutiful?

for an hour a day .. a moment..?

Never mind,

What is the worst part of living with pain?

The worse part is of course ;)

.. I cannot dance till dawn my friend

... this is the worst part.,
- From Invisable Bonds
1.0k · Mar 2010
The Power Enfolds
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
The Power Enfolds

Its dark now and the silver light of Luna coats everything with a gilt edge
the air is cool , not yet summer warm and it softly bites my skin,
Still shy after all this time aware of the marks of time

not vanity really ... but the awareness of being a Crone now

Slowly/quickly the shush as silken robes fall to the ground with shy smiles
and giggles of proud young Sisters skyclad for the first time

Softly The Lady's Maiden calls us to the Circle

Brushed/Caste and Invited all the same as decades gone past

Hands clasped laughter replaced with solemn purpose
The drum beats to keep time the heartbeat, , , the Mothers heart

Candles shimmer drums throbs a warm breath .... She is here now ...with us

The Lady's Maiden smiles and our steps now fly
Smiles and hands now entwined ... The Power Enfolds

Voices now calling chants old and ancient beyond time
Luna's silver light enfolds, encloses and energizes

Now we dance on the drumbeats
Blue smoke sends our chants spinning high

Firelight flickers blue and orange higher now snapping crackling
Sheer white light the sheen covers the dancers
as though we were all gilded in The Lady's light

Tresses swinging braided , twisted , oiled and unbound crowns
Halos of colour and curls ... clouds of shimmering tresses
Our only cloaks floating now swinging in time

And the drum slows
and the fire dies
and at once all the dancers feel the cool night air

Soft voiced the Lady's Maiden gives our thanks and dismisses the corners
and the Circle is severed and time again begins

Quietly robes are once more worn and voices rise "Do you need a ride?"

And everyday life has resumes though the air is redolent with power

Sisters glowing with power called down, soft and gentle smiles
show that The Lady's soft touch...has blessed us all

The Maiden greets and blesses each Sister
a few quiet words and the soft touching of hands
fingers softly entwin and eyes dark with Power and Secrets

This has been a Ritual a Calling a Rejoicing Reaffirmation
And we are once more connected Sisters, Elders, Teacher, Mentors

Woman all .. Sisters all.. in The Lady's Light we are once more one

Solita Shadoewalker - 2007@Copywrite
- From And The Circle Cast
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
When did my world become so small?


Who used to dance all night and chant to the dawn
When did it become day to day and dose to dose?
And why haven't I fought kicking and screaming at the unfairness

When did the day lose its colour and music all sound so distant?
It was not a sudden blitz attack but a cunning silent shadow
and before I knew it the Pain was master here
Where once there was Me with pain Now there is Pain with me

Pain now rules all I do

In sleep I cry and twitch and mewl
So attractive my dear
I don't remember that he asked to stay
He has just waltzed in and stolen what was mine

My days have lost their Beauty and I so dread the night
No comfort there no respite no calm
He controls my temper and the Joy in life
My family long have given up
How long can anyone really listen after all?
So now He is visitor no longer

He rides my shoulders and his spurs rend my back
He shows no mercy and now there is no place of rest
I am sure I would have fought Him off
if He had only not been a coward ,
to sneak up on me like that

- From Invisable Bonds
975 · Apr 2010
Shall I Dance For You ..?
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Shall I Dance for you?

Darkness has fallen and the heat of the day ebbs
Shall I sing for you?
The sun sleeps and the moon rises in the sky
shall I steppe the Circle for you.
The days toil is over and the fire is lit
the Circle caste and the drums deep thrum sounds
Shall I dance for you?
Sweet incense heavy in the cool night air
bells and voices raised in Joyful greetings
Mother let me Dance for you
Slowly stepping right then left
solemn and slow with dignity
Faster now with light steps and free hearts
At last we are flying
hands clasped and robes a flutter
our voices ringing
Mother we dance the dance in your Name
We Send your praises soaring into the star studded sky
This is our way from time unknown
Mother Daughter Teacher Guide
We celebrate the night and the Circle
and You.

Solie - 2006
- From A Crone  Recalls
870 · Jan 2010
Prayer To A Goddess
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010
Prayer To the Goddess

I open the door well before
the dawn's pale light

and feel You caress my face

reminding me that You are still here ..
that in the night You have missed nothing
and that even while I slept
I am in your care

In April your touch will be warmer
more gentle
but no less insistent
nor less enlightening..
For when I forget You remind me ..
that there is no step I can take
that I take alone , without You
no action through which You do not move
no air that You do not feel me breathing
no moment so short that I do not share it with You
no music through which Your heartbeat does not comfort me

Goddess of the winter moon
be patient with me
I am slow to awaken in this January cold
but I will find You in the bitter wind
as I found You in the sunshine of summer
and though I may need
reminding now and then
I know, and will always know
that You are near and I am your child

Solitaire Archer-2005

- From And The Circle Cast
855 · Apr 2010
And She laughed..
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
I was so busy , so involved
polishing and shining all my troubles trespasses and faults
polishing them with my thoughts pulling them through my mind
shining them with endless repetition till it is rote
coddling them to my heart
Woe is me.. an ancient call of victims everywhere

And She laughed a glorious silver cascade that began in a soft chuckle and the scent of lilies

And I was offended

Who had dared to make fun of me?
Who would belittle my close held misery?
What could they know of my pain?

And She laughed ..

softly I felt the warm embrace that is my Lady
Child ..What is this?
Tell me why you collect these woes What pleasure can it bring?
But Lady..if I don't keep them polished and true how will anyone know?

And She laughed,
Exactly, My child
and She threw my carefully polished stones into the air and the scent of Lilly's rained down.

And She laughed...and I laughed

Solitaire - 2007@copywrite
- From A Crone  Recalls
846 · Apr 2010
If I Need You ...
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
If I Need You.

"Call me if you need me ***." It was the sign off of an old friend
When I need you? When I can't sleep and the house screams it's silence?
When I need you? When my food tastes like ashes and is not worthwhile making?
When I need you? When a snapshot snatches my breathe away and I can no longer breathe?
When I need you? When I cannot stop crying long enough to get out of the shower?
When I need you? When the days run one into the other with no meaning?
When I need you? When the day is dark no matter the time and the world stops turning?
But I am the strong one , confidante and funny .I am the fixer and mother .. teacher
When I need you? Every day Every Hour Every moment....When I need you?
I am past asking now, I can wear the mask easily now, No one realizes ...
Don't worries I'll call I answered as I hung up the phone and watched my hand tremble
When I need you? Oh Lady I need you my friend and I am sorry I cannot let you know
When I need you
Solita Arcanes
- From Invisable Bonds
836 · Jun 2014
... and She laughed
Solitaire Archer Jun 2014
I was so busy , so involved
polishing and shining all my troubles trespasses and faults
polishing them with my thoughts pulling them through my mind
shining them with endless repetition till it is rote
coddling them to my heart
Woe is me.. an ancient call of victims everywhere

And She laughed a glorious silver cascade that began in a soft chuckle and the scent of lilies

And I was offended

Who had dared to make fun of me?
Who would belittle my close held misery?
What could they know of my pain?

And She laughed ..

softly I felt the warm embrace that is my Lady
Child ..What is this?
Tell me why you collect these woes What pleasure can it bring?
But Lady..if I don't keep them polished and true how will anyone know?

And She laughed,
Exactly, My child
and She threw my carefully polished stones into the air and the scent of Lilly's rained down.

And She laughed...and I laughed

Solitaire - 2007@copywrite
799 · Apr 2010
The Hour Of Shadowed Soul
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Between indigo twilight and dawns rose gold
There is an hour
of shadowed soul
I am chasing sleep with tomorrows toil
so finite is time on this mortal coil
oaths and vows, promises unkept
leave me searching now for my latest misstep
So much needs doing how can I dream
fretting now for tasks yet unseen
should have could have might have beens
my place of rest uneasy seems
Between lightnings crack and thunders roll
There is an hour
of shadowed soul
half recalled tasks things yet undone
laying here far from the rising sun
careening thoughts chase sleep far apace
spinning like the dancer captive in a music case
Between fading moon and rising Sol
there is an hour
of shadowed soul

- From Invisable Bonds
798 · May 2014
I never loved you... anyway
Solitaire Archer May 2014
I never loved you anyway !!

I never loved you anyway
You only started my heart beating

I never loved you anyway
You only hung the stars

I never loved you anyway
The sun merely rose at your command

I never loved you anyway
You only held my soul

I never loved you anyway
Your smile only blinded my senses

I never loved you anyway
You only taught me how to laugh

I never loved you anyway
Your arms only held me safe

I never loved you anyway
You only opened my souls eyes

I never loved you anyway ... So why would I miss you, Now that your gone

When I never loved you anyway

Solita 2006
779 · Mar 2014
Solitaire Archer Mar 2014

I scream at the night that offers no sleep

I scream at my arms, hands
that wont allow me to brush my hair or carry my pets

I scream at the bed
the source of safety and rest as it becomes a cage

I scream at these pills and tonics and patches useless USELESS

I scream at friends and loved ones
because they tire of me and recede

and I scream and scream and scream with no sound at all

Solitaire 09/09/09
765 · Apr 2010
A Morning Dance
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Ever so slowly the light changes and the day begins

A quiet nudge at my knee and a soft call from the bottom of the staircase
sleep clumsy I slip slop down to the morning cold kitchen and waiting souls

Snap, radio on and kettle filled, impatient calls and ankle swarming
Hurry Hurry time for me!!

Morning incense lit in the eastern window and the can opener whirling cans round in a demons dance

one two three four all the way to seven

seven twitching tails, pacing pacing swift furred paws dancing a morning dance.

well behaved waiting turns sudden silence concentration on the morning meal
then all is done ...
with flashing eyes and laser quick dashes it is time for rolling games and sudden pounces shadow fights and sudden leaps.

Time for belly rubs and scratching ears ..and suddenly its quiet.. Small still piles of velvet fur so soft and still

The morning begins in love and light ... as blessed I am to share this turn with seven gentle souls

They have taught me to be calm to wait there is no need to rush all things in their time

love unconditional and ever forgiving

Small lives small bodies soft head butts and total trust ever the same and ever new

Eyes older then time and then kitten quick...they pounce on bed mice as the once more they bring a smile to a stoic face.

Solita -2006
- From And The Circle Cast
736 · Mar 2010
In Secret in Darkness ..
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
In Secret in Darkness

Hushed tones and coded messages

Is the light denied me? Am I not allowed to dance among the lily's?

I so love my Mothers Lunar light but the kiss of Sol on my face is life

My Lady never hushed my voice nor told me to limit my Sisters and Brothers

The Lady has not kept me from the warmth of Sol

She has not hushed my voice She has not denied me the light

When did this life I love begin to need secrets and darkness?

I don't believe this Path is only visible in the darkness

I believe in the celebration of My Lady

I feel Her in the summer warmth and the in the glory of my garden

in the colour explosion that is fall and springs promise

and the clean cold fire of winter

I will shout it !! I will dance it !! I will sing it

To Her glory I will celebrate this Path

I glory in the soft gift of twilight and the safety of the night

I need no secrets for my Lady She hears m y softest voice and loudest call

No I will not hide nor whisper in the dark I will not hide my face

I am Witch and I am My Lady's Handmaiden and I will hide no more

Solitaire @ 2009
- From Night Thoughts
725 · Mar 2014
... and hearts to hold
Solitaire Archer Mar 2014
Hearts to hold

In a cabin old on a cold dark night an elder sits by a candle light
on the tabletop a parchment lay and an old mind casts back ... to a long ago day

Two are seated side by side on a winters night near a bright fireside
speaking low through the night they bide

They spoke of things of large of small
spoke of things, of no import at all
one began withs querys soft and low
answer me my friend yes or no

If your heart doth break would you come to me?
If mine were in want .. could you let them be?
If thirst you felt would you drink from my well?
If gold was the need would your goods you'd sell?

From the fireside came this return
as the two in the night watched the firewood burn

Most beloved this I say to thee
listen well.. to my words take heed

If all I had was food for one
share I would with your daughter and son
And if I found myself without hope I know that you would share with me your cloak
I know if fire I had your hearth I would willingly come

You and I know this is true as rain
through good or ill true friends we remain
What is mine is yours till the end of time
Heed what I say and with these words bind

Hearts first one now forever are two
love gladly accepted ... given not due

So on a winters night so dark and cold under candlelight sits a friend grown old
an elder now no hand to hold and the quill still shakes her tale all told

Now she smiles at last and is no longer cold
hurrying now a Sisters hand to hold and so ends my tale of friendship true
a story known by very few

a tale of a night so long long ago

of kith and kin ... and hearts to hold

Solace Arcanna 2012
Solitaire Archer Jun 2014
vWhen did my world become so small?


Who used to dance all night and chant to the dawn
When did it become day to day and dose to dose?
And why haven't I fought kicking and screaming at the unfairness

When did the day lose its colour and music all sound so distant?
It was not a sudden blitz attack but a cunning silent shadow
and before I knew it the Pain was master here
Where once there was Me with pain Now there is Pain with me

Pain now rules all I do

In sleep I cry and twitch and mewl
So attractive my dear
I don't remember that he asked to stay
He has just waltzed in and stolen what was mine

My days have lost their Beauty and I so dread the night
No comfort there no respite, no calm
He controls my temper and the Joy in life
My family long have given up
How long can anyone really listen after all?
So now He is visitor no longer

He rides my shoulders and his spurs rend my back
He shows no mercy and now there is no place of rest
I am sure I would have fought Him off
if He had only not been a coward ,
to sneak up on me like that

707 · Oct 2012
What is your need?
Solitaire Archer Oct 2012
Shall I show how to catch tomorrow's shadow?
Or wait perhaps a candle spell

Come let me ask you ..What do you would know?

Shall we light sweet incense and send our voices high?
Do you want a dream read or a potion made

perhaps a brand new page for your book
or know the properties of jade?

Tell me Sister What is your need?

What do you seek? How may I please?

You came to see me? To sit a spell and chat?
to spend the afternoon with me and my calico cat?

Forgive me my Sister I had forgotten your heart

Sit here by the fire and again we will start

I have forgotten the way to cherish my friends I thank you My Sister I will begin again

Solita @2007
- From A Crone  Recalls
669 · Mar 2010
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010

She sits by the fire and stirs her ***
the day has been a long one and tonight's new moon means no sleep tonight
for there are times right for harvest and can be done no other time
The folks of the village depend on her art for to bring new life
and easing the pain of the living as well as honouring the dead
There is no Rede or three by three here
no shiny wands or talismans
she is elder here and thus respected perhaps feared
but she lives her life alone
She was the beginning
a first footer here
seeking only to serve
little profit is found outside of the town
What would she thinks of our books and our Rede
She who never learned to read
Was She more or less then I?
Did She seek to lead?
Would she smile at our toys our trinkets and beads
or shake her head and turn to leave

I wonder what the First Ones would see looking now at me and thee

Solita - 2007
665 · Jun 2014
Hold me while I weep
Solitaire Archer Jun 2014
While I Weep ...
Hold me while I weep

Hold me while I weep
Only allow my tears to drench your hands as you cradle me

Hold me while I weep
While I shake and cough against you

Hold me while I weep

I will not ask you to fly to the sun
Nor build me a castle in the sky

Do not dry my tears nor try to make
that which has rended me right once more

Do not weep with me

I ask you only

To hold me while I weep

Solitaire @ 2007
665 · Apr 2010
what "The Google" has said
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Becoming a Witch

I heard all the grumbles so I sat for a bit , the group getting ready for a quiz Let it rip
"I don't know if its worth all this study and trouble ... I mean really who cares if I use a candle on my altar thingie for the west to signify water?
I mean Lets get to where we get to DO stuff and wear all that cool Jewish jewelry"

"Yes ! and I want at least 13 cats cause that's my lucky number but I wont have time to clean up after them good thing they are independent"

"I want to get to the spells I hate my hair and I want to be taller and I really need to make Sarah sorry she took Jim
Look at this little table its full of neat stuff a Old Book and a funny curved knife and another one that's straight too "
This incense smells great and I bet that it's ***, did you do the assignment? No way did you?"

"Well its just meditation so she wont be able to tell whether I focused or not why should I bother ...I have all the books and can download online"

"I don't need a teacher at all anyway I can figure this out looks easy enough to me why should I practice when I can sit here and Google most anything I need to hear?"
"Ya you know that you right I'm not going to stay, will the rest of you come we have better things to do today?"

Sudden silence I heard as they left with a bluster why indeed must they know Wand from a Censor why should they trouble about flowers and herbs with Google right here its all but absurd
When I think of the time i spent learning this craft between dish's an husband an 2 full time jobs
yet the days that were allotted made my heart light as slowly the mystery's came in to light

Why do I bother to Teach in this time ...I'm slower then Google and memory betrays and fast is not anything now I can claim
So my classes get smaller seems like each year there must be an Insta-Witch lurking out there
So I take my old books and bones and memory and tuck us in bed Tomorrow we will see what "The Google" has said

- From Night Thoughts
664 · Apr 2010
Small Circle
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Small Circle

Luna awakes and I watch Her slow rising
carefully bathed and anointed and robed
the house is still
Incense hangs thick in the still air for sanctity and peace

My staff extends
protection invitation proclamation

Care full movement so slow that no breath flickers the candles

quietly the sounds of drums and flute a heartbeat a blood beat

Whispered calls Invitation Entreaty Prayer

Languid heat no blazing fire no joyful companions

This small Circle is mine alone

Mine and Hers

My first steps are done I await Her presence Her pleasure

My heart meets the drumbeat and in that moment the Circle is no longer empty

She has come

I am enfolded enriched reminded renewed

This has been my way for decades now though I am welcome in other Circles

This is my peace my safe haven my joy my treasure

- From And The Circle Cast
650 · Apr 2010
My Lady's Place
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
My Lady's Place

At last the house is quiet and empty and with an old thrill I approach a worn and battered chest
The room itself is evening dim and cool as the sun has left the sky
a faint scent of candle wax and sweet incense welcomes and entices
old books and and arcane sigils jars and hanging herbs
hand made oils and potions line shelves glow softly in the setting sunlight
This small cupboard is my place where I study and speak to My Lady
Write read sing laugh question cry caste pray and worship

My small Circle my private solace

...My Lady's place and here I am home.

Solita @2007
- From A Crone  Recalls
650 · Apr 2010
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
I am in a dark silent place without scent or colour

I am beyond reach and fear

Perhaps beyond hope and love

It is a difficult place to reach and there are no rewards ... no guarantee 's

Will you reach for me? Will you extend your hand when there is no hope of gratitude or acknowledgment?

Will you shrug and say "Ive done my best" and wander on?

Will you pass me by because I am unable to call to you?

Once you called me friend , Sister, teacher ... Do these have meaning to you still?

I find myself here in a darkling place it is a quiet place it is a safe but deadly place ..will you leave me here in this soft warm trap?

Or ... will you chance my wrath and pull me kicking and screaming into the light and the world of the living and life

will you endure my screams and futile battles?

And at last ...bring me home to you?

Shall I wait for you ..or sleep My Friend, Sister.Teacher, Shall I wait?

Solita 2006
649 · Apr 2010
May it please ...
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Smoke Incense sweet Drums and Fire The soft mummer of laughter

The Circle has been swept and cast the Sisters draw near it's time at last
The drumbeat is Her magnified heart that which turns the world
Slowly stepping hands entwined voices raising faces to the silver light

Following the age old steps sing once more our songs of old Rejoice Revel Renew

Spinning under an ancient sky chanting Names now forgotten wrapped in blue gray smoke and The arms of The Lady

Oak and Elder Quartz and Myrrh Sword and Staff and Wand old and older tools and treasures from time so long ago
Music faster now Drum filled ears , flying feet and laughing eye's I see in my Sisters Beauty and Joy and Pride Strength undenied

In your Name we dance In your Name we sing This our tribute our gift our offering May it be pleasing My Lady

In your Light we are safe.

Solita -2006
- From And The Circle Cast
642 · Apr 2010
A Daughters Age's
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
you were my hero the controller of my world
you knew what was safe and what would harm me


who do you think you are the controller of my world?
Do you think you know ... EVERYTHING?
what is safe and what will harm..puleeeze


WHERE are you? I know you know everything Help me!
You always knew what was safe what was right
Help me for I am lost...


Wait!! Wait!! you cant go yet
you who controlled my world taught me right from wrong safe from harm
I thought I knew everything ... but I am not ready for you to leave

Mother Mentor Teacher Hero Friend
Good Bye Ma I loved you too no matter our differences , I always loved you

Solitaire Archer - 2005 RIP Frances Hunter

Author's Location: Toronto, Ontario
- From A Crone  Recalls
631 · Mar 2010
Falling Star
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
Tonight I saw a Falling Star
So I made a wish to dream on
I wish you time to try and to fail and try again
I wish you an uncluttered mind and curious soul
I wish for you a steady friend to hold in your heart till time dost end
I wish for you a stunning sunrise at beginning of every day
I wish for you a place of comfort and solace when your in need
I wish also for trials and tests for in completing these you will
gain both strength and wisdom
I wish you laughter ... great big chortles... giggles and shy sweet smiles
I wish you empathy and its sturdy twin tolerance.
and at days end may you sleep deep, dream sweet and safe under Our Lady's silver light
All these things I have wished for you
none can you hold in your hand...
or cash at the bank or even exchange it for something more grand
Because this wish is my wish
wished on a falling star

I make this wish with all my heart

I make this wish with all my spirit

I make this wish for you

All the ones that touch my spirit
met and yet to be

I will never force nor bind anyone with this wish

it is a gift and as with any gift must accept it or deny it

In my Lady's name ...
These are my WORDS
This is my WAY

Solita Shadoewalker -2007
- From Night Thoughts
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010
I am a Woman

I am a woman turning to stone
each day each night while I sleep
My muscles tighten harden and quit
My friends leave

I am a woman turning to stone
my reach shrinks and strength fails
my temper dwindles and emotions pale
and now my family too stops listening

I am a woman made of sand
slowly daily hourly
I am being eroded
By the pain that is now my constant companion
drop by drop cup by cup it rains down on this
She of sand

small aches and pains cramps and the dull burning throb
That never really leaves
gallon by gallon deluge by uncounted deluge
the mind numbing pain that leaves you wanting only the cool dark end
the pain that sits you down hard!!!

and steals your breath away

I am a woman hardly there at all ... anymore

Solita @2007
- From Invisable Bonds
622 · Apr 2010
Did you know?
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
I have called you in my dreams in my pain
I have called and gone unanswered
I have waited and waited
I have listened in joy to your song
and watched in Rapture as you danced till dawn
using the blue/grey smoke as stepping stones to the gilt rimmed moon
Swinging tresses yellow and green ribbons entwined in the scent of DragonsBlood
Listened to your voice as you called in Power
And watched afar as the nights Power came to
rest on your shoulders and soften the colour of your eyes
Unreachable Untouchable Unknown
Warm nights and soft rain
Smoke and Fire and Song
Freedoms Dance and Lady's Call
But I have called you in my sleep in my pain

Did you know?
- From Night Thoughts
610 · May 2014
Solitaire Archer May 2014

everywhere I look there are traces of you
like smoke wrapped around the bare limbs of a fall tree
a soft scent so elusive yet it permeates my life
an open book or your coffee cup
traces everywhere

I do well ..really
until I hear your favorite song
and I double over in pain
I wasn't ready for you leave
you should have waited

you left a shirt on your chair
I sleep with it now
it's not the same
you should have waited
I never got to say good bye

I would have told you
how much you were needed
how much you were loved
I had so much left to say
and I never said Goodbye

but you left your traces..
on my heart
on my soul

I only  wish you had waited ...

May The Lady Hold You Gently My Love

Solita - 2006
Solitaire Archer Jun 2014
You've Done Nothing Today!!!

The angry words rocketed around the room
echoed by the of the slamming door

Darkness descended on the cold kitchen floor
without a sound he was there shaking and small

Why is he angry and why did you lie
you always have told me it's the truth you abide

looking into that tiny face I found
tears and dark confusion there

Why child of my heart , do you say I lie?
with his tear washed face
I cupped in my hands

Nothing was done today as you know
no laundry nor cleaning and I did nothing I sighed

But Momma he cried have you forgotten it all?

The walk on the beach and playing dodge ball
remember the birds nest and the first bluebells
I know you remember that old wishing well

I dropped to my knees and enfolded him then
held him so tight he cried Momma "when"
So I've washed off my face and pinned up my hair
Put a casserole in and a note to be fair,

Gone for walk. we have allot to do,
we are doing nothing again today,
Bright Blessings to you

596 · Jan 2010
Solitaire Archer Jan 2010

I see you stand there so tall and strong
bravely facing what will come
You have no fear of battle
and will hold our banner sweeping
Its not the surge of men and arms that will make you turn aside
It is times like this
On moon bright nights when all are sound and sleeping
The whyspered thoughts
and empty arms and a hearth fire your not keeping

We have made our choices you and I
and other hands will rock the cradles

We will be the Guardians of our Way now as long as we are able.

The trumpets blows and the camp awakes it is time again for strength
Now you rouse them all with your sirens call
and battle songs and chants

We are the Guardians of our Way and the time has come to let our

steel dance.

Solita - 2006-@-Copywrite
- From Night Thoughts
588 · May 2014
Shadowed Soul
Solitaire Archer May 2014
Between indigo twilight and dawns rose gold
There is an hour
of shadowed soul
I am chasing sleep with tomorrows toil
so finite is time on this mortal coil
oaths and vows, promises unkept
leave me searching now for my latest misstep
So much needs doing how can I dream
fretting now for tasks yet unseen
should have could have might have beens
my place of rest uneasy seems
Between lightnings crack and thunders roll
There is an hour
of shadowed soul
half recalled tasks things yet undone
laying here far from the rising sun
careening thoughts chase sleep far apace
spinning like the dancer captive in a music case
Between fading moon and rising Sol
there is an hour
of shadowed soul

584 · Mar 2010
the questioner
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
the questioner

why does he question he never listens never believes
I am so tired now and there is no hope left
Why am I so important He has come such a long long way
The same questions day after day hour after hour
they never vary the tone does though
righteous anger and wheedling sweetness
wrapped in the cloak of God
He points out the cell window to the ******* piled high
and the dancing flames below
He believes he threatens death , to me a sweet release
No mercy here no understanding only pious mouthings
Ah I am tired leave me be
you can take nothing more from me
This cycle is done and the race is over
but not the final judge is He
Softly sweet light enfolds and for a time the pain subsides.
Yes indeed its time I am called to home
stepping out of that bound gray rag I feel for her that She I was
But no more the chains for me My Lady has come to take me home
and set my spirit free

Solita -2007
571 · Nov 2015
My Sorrow
Solitaire Archer Nov 2015
My Sorrow

It is my fault..of course it is
Something I did ... or did not do
Something said..perhaps without thought
or something unsaid..My fault entirely

What did I miss
What should I have said
I have searched my mind and my heart too
But you left for some reason you needed to go
my fault of course it is ...entirely

Failure ..Guilt...Regret ...Sorrow
An ending never wanted
My fault ... My fault
My Sorrow
552 · Dec 2015
Solitaire Archer Dec 2015
I didn’t want much

The sound of my name in your mouth

conjuring the taste of honey and long and lazy Sunday mornings

I didn’t want diamonds

To see the soft rise and fall of your chest as you slept and the scent of fresh

brewing coffee

I didn’t want forever

Just to watch shadows chase our story across your dreams and wondering

if I would make an appearence in them

But I didn’t want much … which turns out … was just as well

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