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Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
There is a thief who lives with me

A thief that steals constantly
He steals my sleep my time and my peace
He saps my strength and shortens my reach

There is a thief who lives with me

He steals my hope and shortens my days
He runs his hands along my spine clenching and twisting and he smiles
His reach extends from my spine to my eyes locking me in his vice
He wraps my mind in his dull red haze and he makes me stupid and vile

There is a thief who lives with me
We battle every day every hour waking sleeping
There is no time when he is not a constant companion
He keeps me spinning in bed searching for a place of rest
Every hour it is He that controls my work and my play

There is a thief who lives with me

I try to seal my world from him
I stuff the cracks and bar the doors
Dark the windows and stopper the gates
He finds me no matter

There is a thief who lives with me

But he knows me well, this thief of mine and soon he's found the cracks
The chinks in my Armour he knows so well and soon his art he racks

There is a thief who lives with me a companion old and wearisome
There!! You see he comes stealing minutes and hours
My thief of days

My Pain

Solita _2007
- From Invisable Bonds
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Small Circle

Luna awakes and I watch Her slow rising
carefully bathed and anointed and robed
the house is still
Incense hangs thick in the still air for sanctity and peace

My staff extends
protection invitation proclamation

Care full movement so slow that no breath flickers the candles

quietly the sounds of drums and flute a heartbeat a blood beat

Whispered calls Invitation Entreaty Prayer

Languid heat no blazing fire no joyful companions

This small Circle is mine alone

Mine and Hers

My first steps are done I await Her presence Her pleasure

My heart meets the drumbeat and in that moment the Circle is no longer empty

She has come

I am enfolded enriched reminded renewed

This has been my way for decades now though I am welcome in other Circles

This is my peace my safe haven my joy my treasure

- From And The Circle Cast
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Becoming a Witch

I heard all the grumbles so I sat for a bit , the group getting ready for a quiz Let it rip
"I don't know if its worth all this study and trouble ... I mean really who cares if I use a candle on my altar thingie for the west to signify water?
I mean Lets get to where we get to DO stuff and wear all that cool Jewish jewelry"

"Yes ! and I want at least 13 cats cause that's my lucky number but I wont have time to clean up after them good thing they are independent"

"I want to get to the spells I hate my hair and I want to be taller and I really need to make Sarah sorry she took Jim
Look at this little table its full of neat stuff a Old Book and a funny curved knife and another one that's straight too "
This incense smells great and I bet that it's ***, did you do the assignment? No way did you?"

"Well its just meditation so she wont be able to tell whether I focused or not why should I bother ...I have all the books and can download online"

"I don't need a teacher at all anyway I can figure this out looks easy enough to me why should I practice when I can sit here and Google most anything I need to hear?"
"Ya you know that you right I'm not going to stay, will the rest of you come we have better things to do today?"

Sudden silence I heard as they left with a bluster why indeed must they know Wand from a Censor why should they trouble about flowers and herbs with Google right here its all but absurd
When I think of the time i spent learning this craft between dish's an husband an 2 full time jobs
yet the days that were allotted made my heart light as slowly the mystery's came in to light

Why do I bother to Teach in this time ...I'm slower then Google and memory betrays and fast is not anything now I can claim
So my classes get smaller seems like each year there must be an Insta-Witch lurking out there
So I take my old books and bones and memory and tuck us in bed Tomorrow we will see what "The Google" has said

- From Night Thoughts
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
What is the worst thing about the pain?" She asked me, none had asked me before

So I sat and thought and watched those around me..and what I found out surprised me

So I counted the broken promises and canceled dates
the half done dinners and shortened holidays

The eyes of my friends and family have gone from concern to disappointment to boredom and at last to the shifting that denotes no pleasure in my company.
the visits and phone calls have slowly dried up till there
are none

What is the worst part of dealing with chronic pain?

Its the isolation and the looks that say "well, She looks fine"

Oh My Sweet Lady !!

I wish that pain was bright pink
I wish it glowed and sparkled

and...I could hand it off to someone else to deal with for awhile.. How long would you carry this burden my dear friend?
Would you like to carry my "invisible" disability?

It is me that turns invisible unseen and unheard

Will you take the endless burning pain even temporarily?

Will you take the 12 hour days granted to me and not the

24 that Sol promises?

Will you take the broken dates and spoiled dinners?

Will you watch their faces go from loving concern to polite excuses to loveless and dutiful?

for an hour a day .. a moment..?

Never mind,

What is the worst part of living with pain?

The worse part is of course ;)

.. I cannot dance till dawn my friend

... this is the worst part.,
- From Invisable Bonds
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Ever so slowly the light changes and the day begins

A quiet nudge at my knee and a soft call from the bottom of the staircase
sleep clumsy I slip slop down to the morning cold kitchen and waiting souls

Snap, radio on and kettle filled, impatient calls and ankle swarming
Hurry Hurry time for me!!

Morning incense lit in the eastern window and the can opener whirling cans round in a demons dance

one two three four all the way to seven

seven twitching tails, pacing pacing swift furred paws dancing a morning dance.

well behaved waiting turns sudden silence concentration on the morning meal
then all is done ...
with flashing eyes and laser quick dashes it is time for rolling games and sudden pounces shadow fights and sudden leaps.

Time for belly rubs and scratching ears ..and suddenly its quiet.. Small still piles of velvet fur so soft and still

The morning begins in love and light ... as blessed I am to share this turn with seven gentle souls

They have taught me to be calm to wait there is no need to rush all things in their time

love unconditional and ever forgiving

Small lives small bodies soft head butts and total trust ever the same and ever new

Eyes older then time and then kitten quick...they pounce on bed mice as the once more they bring a smile to a stoic face.

Solita -2006
- From And The Circle Cast
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
Smoke Incense sweet Drums and Fire The soft mummer of laughter

The Circle has been swept and cast the Sisters draw near it's time at last
The drumbeat is Her magnified heart that which turns the world
Slowly stepping hands entwined voices raising faces to the silver light

Following the age old steps sing once more our songs of old Rejoice Revel Renew

Spinning under an ancient sky chanting Names now forgotten wrapped in blue gray smoke and The arms of The Lady

Oak and Elder Quartz and Myrrh Sword and Staff and Wand old and older tools and treasures from time so long ago
Music faster now Drum filled ears , flying feet and laughing eye's I see in my Sisters Beauty and Joy and Pride Strength undenied

In your Name we dance In your Name we sing This our tribute our gift our offering May it be pleasing My Lady

In your Light we are safe.

Solita -2006
- From And The Circle Cast
Solitaire Archer Apr 2010
I have called you in my dreams in my pain
I have called and gone unanswered
I have waited and waited
I have listened in joy to your song
and watched in Rapture as you danced till dawn
using the blue/grey smoke as stepping stones to the gilt rimmed moon
Swinging tresses yellow and green ribbons entwined in the scent of DragonsBlood
Listened to your voice as you called in Power
And watched afar as the nights Power came to
rest on your shoulders and soften the colour of your eyes
Unreachable Untouchable Unknown
Warm nights and soft rain
Smoke and Fire and Song
Freedoms Dance and Lady's Call
But I have called you in my sleep in my pain

Did you know?
- From Night Thoughts
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