Ever so slowly the light changes and the day begins
A quiet nudge at my knee and a soft call from the bottom of the staircase
sleep clumsy I slip slop down to the morning cold kitchen and waiting souls
Snap, radio on and kettle filled, impatient calls and ankle swarming
Hurry Hurry time for me!!
Morning incense lit in the eastern window and the can opener whirling cans round in a demons dance
one two three four all the way to seven
seven twitching tails, pacing pacing swift furred paws dancing a morning dance.
well behaved waiting turns sudden silence concentration on the morning meal
then all is done ...
with flashing eyes and laser quick dashes it is time for rolling games and sudden pounces shadow fights and sudden leaps.
Time for belly rubs and scratching ears ..and suddenly its quiet.. Small still piles of velvet fur so soft and still
The morning begins in love and light ... as blessed I am to share this turn with seven gentle souls
They have taught me to be calm to wait there is no need to rush all things in their time
love unconditional and ever forgiving
Small lives small bodies soft head butts and total trust ever the same and ever new
Eyes older then time and then kitten quick...they pounce on bed mice as the once more they bring a smile to a stoic face.
Solita -2006
- From And The Circle Cast