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Solitaire Archer Mar 2010

She sits by the fire and stirs her ***
the day has been a long one and tonight's new moon means no sleep tonight
for there are times right for harvest and can be done no other time
The folks of the village depend on her art for to bring new life
and easing the pain of the living as well as honouring the dead
There is no Rede or three by three here
no shiny wands or talismans
she is elder here and thus respected perhaps feared
but she lives her life alone
She was the beginning
a first footer here
seeking only to serve
little profit is found outside of the town
What would she thinks of our books and our Rede
She who never learned to read
Was She more or less then I?
Did She seek to lead?
Would she smile at our toys our trinkets and beads
or shake her head and turn to leave

I wonder what the First Ones would see looking now at me and thee

Solita - 2007
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
When did my world become so small?


Who used to dance all night and chant to the dawn
When did it become day to day and dose to dose?
And why haven't I fought kicking and screaming at the unfairness

When did the day lose its colour and music all sound so distant?
It was not a sudden blitz attack but a cunning silent shadow
and before I knew it the Pain was master here
Where once there was Me with pain Now there is Pain with me

Pain now rules all I do

In sleep I cry and twitch and mewl
So attractive my dear
I don't remember that he asked to stay
He has just waltzed in and stolen what was mine

My days have lost their Beauty and I so dread the night
No comfort there no respite no calm
He controls my temper and the Joy in life
My family long have given up
How long can anyone really listen after all?
So now He is visitor no longer

He rides my shoulders and his spurs rend my back
He shows no mercy and now there is no place of rest
I am sure I would have fought Him off
if He had only not been a coward ,
to sneak up on me like that

- From Invisable Bonds
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
In Secret in Darkness

Hushed tones and coded messages

Is the light denied me? Am I not allowed to dance among the lily's?

I so love my Mothers Lunar light but the kiss of Sol on my face is life

My Lady never hushed my voice nor told me to limit my Sisters and Brothers

The Lady has not kept me from the warmth of Sol

She has not hushed my voice She has not denied me the light

When did this life I love begin to need secrets and darkness?

I don't believe this Path is only visible in the darkness

I believe in the celebration of My Lady

I feel Her in the summer warmth and the in the glory of my garden

in the colour explosion that is fall and springs promise

and the clean cold fire of winter

I will shout it !! I will dance it !! I will sing it

To Her glory I will celebrate this Path

I glory in the soft gift of twilight and the safety of the night

I need no secrets for my Lady She hears m y softest voice and loudest call

No I will not hide nor whisper in the dark I will not hide my face

I am Witch and I am My Lady's Handmaiden and I will hide no more

Solitaire @ 2009
- From Night Thoughts
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
The candle is lit and the house slumbers as
I turn the pages of this most personal tome it is not magik but memory
that urges the turning.
From the Oh so careful initial lines of a Very young woman beginning her search
with every I dotted and T crossed
every day logged and noted .To the busier
days of finding teachers and noting the questions that HAD to have answers.
With accolade's that came when at last I was asked to lead and the tears and uncertainty when the time had come to leave.
The wonder and renewal that comes with teaching and the pride as my students stand on their own and go forward.
Too the life moments when my attention was scattered a parents passing the ending of a marriage
Every drop of candle wax and oil stained sheet recalls vivid memories and tears and laughter.
My Book is not as pretty as I once thought it would be ,
But I met My Lady in its pages and for that I will every be grateful.

Solita Shadoewalker
- From Night Thoughts
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
I Thought You Should Know.

The Lilly's opened today
and I thought you should know

I sat and watched the rain wash over the roses you planted
and I thought you should know

Your favorite movie played this weekend and I watched it alone
and I thought you should know

The world turns still, Growing and dying blooming and fading

Its odd and I thought you should know

You would think the earth would crack open
the skies would explode in anger,
the seas should all boil away

And I thought you should know ..

The Lilly's bloomed today and your not here.

- From Night Thoughts
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
the questioner

why does he question he never listens never believes
I am so tired now and there is no hope left
Why am I so important He has come such a long long way
The same questions day after day hour after hour
they never vary the tone does though
righteous anger and wheedling sweetness
wrapped in the cloak of God
He points out the cell window to the ******* piled high
and the dancing flames below
He believes he threatens death , to me a sweet release
No mercy here no understanding only pious mouthings
Ah I am tired leave me be
you can take nothing more from me
This cycle is done and the race is over
but not the final judge is He
Softly sweet light enfolds and for a time the pain subsides.
Yes indeed its time I am called to home
stepping out of that bound gray rag I feel for her that She I was
But no more the chains for me My Lady has come to take me home
and set my spirit free

Solita -2007
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
The Power Enfolds

Its dark now and the silver light of Luna coats everything with a gilt edge
the air is cool , not yet summer warm and it softly bites my skin,
Still shy after all this time aware of the marks of time

not vanity really ... but the awareness of being a Crone now

Slowly/quickly the shush as silken robes fall to the ground with shy smiles
and giggles of proud young Sisters skyclad for the first time

Softly The Lady's Maiden calls us to the Circle

Brushed/Caste and Invited all the same as decades gone past

Hands clasped laughter replaced with solemn purpose
The drum beats to keep time the heartbeat, , , the Mothers heart

Candles shimmer drums throbs a warm breath .... She is here now ...with us

The Lady's Maiden smiles and our steps now fly
Smiles and hands now entwined ... The Power Enfolds

Voices now calling chants old and ancient beyond time
Luna's silver light enfolds, encloses and energizes

Now we dance on the drumbeats
Blue smoke sends our chants spinning high

Firelight flickers blue and orange higher now snapping crackling
Sheer white light the sheen covers the dancers
as though we were all gilded in The Lady's light

Tresses swinging braided , twisted , oiled and unbound crowns
Halos of colour and curls ... clouds of shimmering tresses
Our only cloaks floating now swinging in time

And the drum slows
and the fire dies
and at once all the dancers feel the cool night air

Soft voiced the Lady's Maiden gives our thanks and dismisses the corners
and the Circle is severed and time again begins

Quietly robes are once more worn and voices rise "Do you need a ride?"

And everyday life has resumes though the air is redolent with power

Sisters glowing with power called down, soft and gentle smiles
show that The Lady's soft touch...has blessed us all

The Maiden greets and blesses each Sister
a few quiet words and the soft touching of hands
fingers softly entwin and eyes dark with Power and Secrets

This has been a Ritual a Calling a Rejoicing Reaffirmation
And we are once more connected Sisters, Elders, Teacher, Mentors

Woman all .. Sisters all.. in The Lady's Light we are once more one

Solita Shadoewalker - 2007@Copywrite
- From And The Circle Cast
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