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232 · Feb 2014
this dream still haunts me
Rope knotted over my bare ankles and wrists,
Tying me down to this freezing glacier,
I try to escape,
I suffocate and try to shake your hands off my mouth,
You coax me to stay calm,
To stop strugglung,
"Just give up for now and let the ice break and take me in"
"Something better awaits beneath the surface, youll see"
And i almost listen to you,
Because the more i fight,
And the more i try to escape
From these unbreakavle grasps,
The more the rope burns and slices my skin,
Stinging and peeling,
Your grip over my mouth tightens,
And i only grow more parched from my screaming,
But for some reason,
Even with this pain,
231 · Feb 2014
Doomed World
I give up
I'm not this strong
I give up
I'm always wrong
I took those cruel words
Cut them deep into my skin
I took those cruel words
Called them a brutal sin
I'll let the world see
Exactly what it did to me
I'll let the world see
Exactly how it made me bleed
This world is filled with hate and war
This world is filled with so much bore
This world never let me reach the shore
This world never let me ever soar
230 · Feb 2014
Kill me slowly
They say you can't live without a heart
But here I am, cold and dead inside
You gave me empty promises
Ones that I thought you would keep
Because you called me different
You made me feel like you would actually care
But the heart can't lie
Now you're killing me
You're telling me you want me back
But you don't want me
You just want the satisfaction
You want the heart
You like the power
You knew that I was broken
Still you picked up the pieces
And claimed them as yours
I trusted you
A heart can't break twice I thought
But sadly I was mistaken
And maybe it will keep breaking
The longer you stand at my door
The meaningless words you say
The ones that you don't believe yourself
You have already broke my heart
Now you're hear to finish me off
Just promise to **** me softly,
Just to let me think you actually care.
227 · Feb 2014
Even in daylight everything seems blacked out,
It follows over me like a black cloud,
It makes me want to lash out,
It has me drinking until I pass out,
It has such a strong grip on me,
So many defeats I'm just waiting on a victory,
Life is a struggle,
Life is a puzzle,
Just hope I can fit the pieces together,
This thing called life has got to get better,
While most people are out having fun and drinking,
I'm sitting alone in a dark room just thinking,
With a blank stare on my face no blinking,
In my own separate mind space,
Just hoping I can find the faith,
To guide me on this journey,
To help me escape from this sickness and madness,
I guess it's safe to say I suffer from sadness.
222 · Feb 2014
In love with you
Sometimes at stoplights

I turn to you

And see the silhouette of your face

And decide all over again

That I’m in love with you.

I look out the window, down

At the gravel road beneath your tires

So you won’t see me blushing

Or biting my lip when you laugh

And inside my head, I beg you to make

Another lap around the neighbourhood.

Sometimes the distance between

My hand and yours

Hurts to think about

Because how easy would it be

For me to reach over

And curl my fingers into yours?

And maybe I wouldn’t even

Have to pretend

I didn’t mean to.

I wonder if you saw the way

My lip trembled when I thought

Maybe I’m just going crazy -

I wonder if you heard

About the way your name

Makes my head spin.

Sometimes at dawn

When I’m only now saying

Goodnight to you, I think about

Saying, “wait,” at the last minute

But I wonder whether or not

I would be able to go through with it -

Whether I even had any idea

How to put this into words,

Or if I might just start crying

Because oh my god,

How long have I wanted to kiss you?

I wonder if, all those times

I paused and told you

Anything just to say another word,

You knew.
Because I can't find it in my heart
Where I used to care.
Because I can't find in my heart
Where I care.
Because I can't find in my heart.
Because I can't find my heart.
I can't find my heart.
Find my heart. </3
218 · Feb 2014
Dark Beauty
I miss your darkness
and how the weight of it
caused me to gravitate closer.
So close,
that I knew I would be changed by the intensity.
I miss your smile,
and how your fake laughter fooled everyone in the room,
but me.
I miss how at ease you seemed in my arms,
and the security we found in the family we created.
Sweet sleeping beauty,
I miss you. <3
216 · Feb 2014
I promise
That everything I say
Will only be the truth
Which will be as clear as day
No matter what may happen
My intent will never stray
I will never conspire
And I will never betray
216 · Feb 2014
And lately
Waking up has been the same thing
as pulling a sweet lull
from the beats of my heart.

It's been like stopping what struggled to start,
and saying things like
later, later
tomorrow, tomorrow.

My lungs don't buy these lies,
and even now

It's harder to breathe.
214 · Mar 2014
One Day
Everything is going to fall apart
But even that day I'll know you still have my heart
I may not be the one for you
But you are the one for me
And maybe I won't end up with you
But *** I'll always wish it was just us two
Then again everything I wish for does not come true
But that wont stop me from loving you.
Written a few days ago.. sometimes I really wish my gut feeling could just be wrong for once.
214 · Feb 2014
Cold Words
People throw knives at one another,
Not so much the cold steel,
But words.
Black and white.

Sticks and stones,
They might now break your bones,
But they sink down
Into something that youll never be able to take back.
Because words are glue,
They hold this world together,
And when i found those words,
You cut into my very heart.

I never thought i did that to you.

I never thought i used my words to cut into you,
But i guess i did,
So i guess its fair.

And now we're both kids at the playground,
Waiting for the other to cry first,
Neither of us wants to,
But this game goes on far too long.

So im going to play on the monkey bars,
Like the child that i am,
Because there is freedom in the sky,
And in the movement of my body.

So im going to go clean out my new car,
And dance in the driveway with my love,
And im


To stop using my words
*Like knives
212 · Feb 2014
The Cycle Starts Again
I stare at my ankle and the thin red lines scream at me
I'm not sure if it's disappointment for stopping
or for starting again.
Now they settle into my skin,
beckoning me back,
to the dark days when the blade and I were lovers.
And blood ran cold to the razor's kisses.
Do I fall to his temptation?
Or do I rise above this?
I guess I'll find out tonight.
208 · Mar 2014
No meaning
Maybe I'm weak, maybe I'm strong.
But what's the meaning when you ain't coming home?
So I go inside and close this door, and as I have so many times before.
I'm so confused and don't know what to do.
I've tried to hold on to what we've had and go on.
All the time I have to deny, this pain I feel inside.
If only I could, I would.
Beg you to stay, down on my knees, bleeding screaming
" Please, don't go away..."
206 · Mar 2014
Yours and Mine
Our eyes are the same,
A nice shade of blue,
Through those eyes you have seen,
All that was then,
And all that was new.
Your hair is dark,
My hair is light,
You have that special spark,
All that you bring is bright.
Your lips are soft,
Soft enough to kiss,
You have a big heart,
Big enough to miss.
Your arms invite me in,
You make me happy when I'm sad,
All the time I am with you,
For that I am glad.
I'm in love with your soul,
I know I can count on you,
Somewhere in my mind,
I know you love me too.
193 · Feb 2014
It's hard to sleep
Because at 1 a.m.
When your heart aches
And bleeds the blood,
From every one of your heartbreaks,
It's hard to silence your cries,
The pain rips through you,
Like a cold wind on a winter's day,
And you have no hope in hell,
Of trying to stay warm.
The wind,
Makes its way,
Into every part of your body,
And the blood spills out
Of you like
Cries from a newborn baby,
Before you even knew what a heartbreak was.

You can't just close your eyes
And try to sleep
After something like that.
193 · Feb 2014
An Old Love
I was still in love with you on your bad days

When you wanted to be nowhere, nothing,

When you disappeared under the covers and

I felt them shake with sobs and the first thing you said

When you felt my hand trailing up your spine

Was, “I’m sorry, love. Did I wake you up?”

Sometimes, with puffy, red eyes, you’d tell me

To leave you. You’d tell me that loving you was

A waste of my time and that I deserved more

Than you could ever be, but when you fell against

The front door, kicking and screaming at me

For giving you a reason to stay that you didn’t want,

I was there. Even when I was the only string

On your finger, the only thing keeping you from

Floating away, I loved you.

At night, when the sound of rain falling on the windowsill

Kept me awake, you’d tell me what your world was like.

Sometimes it would scare me, just like it did you,

But I told you that you could stay in mine awhile.

Sometimes you would stop talking mid-sentence

And I would ask you what was wrong.

When you said nothing at all, I knew you hadn’t

Said, “nothing at all.” I knew there was a difference.

You said you didn’t understand me, why I would

Stay with you when you were like this, and I said,

"I’m in love with you," eleven times over

Until I thought, for about an hour,

You believed me.
170 · Feb 2014
Me with you is not Me
I change when I'm around you,
and not in a good way, no.

With every second I spend with you,
my soul is twisted like it is wet laundry,
wrenching all that is within.
You break my mold,
and get under my skin.
I really can't see why I'm sold,
that you're the one I need.

Perhaps I'm addicted to who I am around you,
or maybe I'm just sick, but

I change when I'm around you,
and not in a good way, no.

— The End —