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Pain takes nice people
And turns them to evil things
Words of terror bring them down
Down to the end of their beings.
Pain has changed me
To this morbid person
I cant write of love
I have no reason
I try and try
With no success
No matter what i try to write
It just ends in a mess
Pieces of poems
No one understands
These words i speak
I form with my hands
These words i write
Are filled with demons from my head
I can no longer love
My heart is officially dead
Hung up on your tree
Your tree of love
Hung from a noose
A rope from above
You are on my mind
And in my head
I should be happy
I should be dead
Why am i like this
Only bad thoughts
Why am i like this
Head is always hot
Can never be happy
It always turns bad
For real or in my head
I am always sad
Trapped in my heads prison
Can never seem to escape
Chained down from being happy
My life is one big mistake
No one can ever love me
And the demons in my head
Sometimes i wonder
If id be better off dead
The shining glow that lights my path
A heartfealt gaze that always lasts
A sight more beautiful than any passed
Stops me dead in my weary tracks
Face so pure, sent from above
She steals my heart, and my undying love
I have not much, but my love and devotion
Ill give you my heart, and put it in motion
Cant buy you houses, or cars, or rings
I dont have riches, or fancy things
Still i can promise to do much better
Ill always love you, ill always be there
Ill do anything, no matter the task
I would move mountains to make love last
J promise dear, Ill find a way
To show my love, youll see some day
Ill forget the world, and stay a while
To hold you, love you, and see you **smile
I love you so much, words cant explain
Sitting in the dark
This pounding in my heart
I need a release
To put me at ease
I crack open the bottle
My heart at full throttle
I'll drink 'til I can't walk
Maybe 'til I can't talk
Let it rush to my brain
So I can feel the gain
An easy feeling
The joy it is bringing
I drink 'til I see clouds
I drink 'til I pass out
Then I wake the next day
Sober, when life is dull and grey
Reality hits me right in the face
At such a fast and dangerous pace
I don't know what to do or think
All I know, is I need another drink
You used me
took what you needed
caused me so much pain
and left me here wounded
I've lost so many people
to the sword in your hand
did you ever care at all
or is this all what you planned
the sense of your presence
makes my head pound
and my heart always sinks
when you make any sound
after all that I've done
and sacrificed for you
can you do me one favor
and plan my funeral
I'm fine
I'm fine
maybe if I say it out loud
it won't be a lie
my heart is dying
I'm always crying
why can't life be simple
why do good things always crumble I wish I could spend forever by your side
But these feelings inside me
I can no longer hide
I know it will fade
But its taking too long
And I don't know what to do
my sanity is gone
please please
see she is wrong
and please hurry
before I am all gone
I can't be around her
I've said this before
the two faced *****
a blood ******* monster
I can be fine
but I can't be ok
still I can fake a smile
if only for your sake
with her around
I can't be happy
too many memories
so much worry
I can't deal with her presence
but I don't want to be apart
and I can see the only way out
is a bullet through my heart
My heart was broken
Shattered to pieces
But I still sit here
Loving you no less
People call me crazy
For still loving you with my heart's tiny pieces
But they dont understand
Our love full of forgiveness
I wont throw away our future
Based on events of the past
I never want to lose you
I want this love to last
My heart, yes in pieces
Will never be the same
But with you mending it day by day
I know this isnt a game
You are picking up the pieces
Cleaning up your mess
Putting my heart back together
Again, putting our love to the test
I dont see it going wrong this time
I dont see it ending in fire
Theres so much love and clarity
Theres so much want and desire
I want to be your other half
I'll gladly take that role
For you and I can last forever
And with your love, maybe my heart can again be whole.
A door
Some walls with windows
Darkness inside
With the blinds always closed
How can someone
Be expected to call this home
And empty building
Where you sit all alone
But here she comes
Shining bright
Bringing sunshine
Opening the blinds
I feel her warmth
Radiate from her soul
Im no longer alone
This house is full
Her beauty so breathtaking
From her head to her feet
With her in my arms
My life is complete
My only wish
Is to spend forever with you
My only hope
Is that you love me too
'Cause with you in my heart
Im never alone
And with you in my life
Ive finally found my home.
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