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Donielle Sep 2020
What a seemingly endless, barely apparent path I have traveled
To be welcomed into the comfort of
Only me, I
Have timidly found that there is nothing more relevant to my choices than
Me. Only I
Can arrive at the realization
That us
And we do not exist,
Cannot manifest
Because neither he, her, she, nor him -
And especially not you -
Makes any difference in the end.
Donielle Sep 2020
Silent sunrise
Or cataclysmic rainfall.
The magic exists regardless of what you want,
But you have to make the choice whether or not you want to see just how beautiful it is.
Donielle Sep 2020
Of course
No problem
That's ok
I'm fine.
Not really
No thanks
Never mind
Forget it
Turn around
Donielle Sep 2020
She closed her eyes.
She went deep within herself until the world became quiet,
And she found the notes to the hymn she was born with.
She sang like the birds
And danced like the trees,
While the rain cleansed her soul
And made her feel whole again.
She was saved.
Donielle Sep 2020
Our eyes only show us what we're looking for,
The things like bright smiles, winks, and belly laughs.
We train ourselves not to pick up on the gray things like
Side steps and shoulder shrugs,
Small memories shared in the moonlight that fall on deaf ears.

Better to be blinded by the truth
Than live thinking blue is the grass that is supposed to be greener,
Or that the sky is red because it's warm,
For that only means the world is burning down.
Donielle Sep 2020
There's a mask stuck to my face.
I didn't put it there,
Wearing it like an opportunity for fun.
It grew upon me,
From me,
The result of all i have tried to erase of me,
Every fear,
Every worry,
Worn into this mask to remind me
That I am more
Than what I allow the world to see.
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