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Oct 2014 · 3.1k
I hate
Dominic sin Oct 2014
I hate ******,
I hate racist,
I hate narcissistic people,
I hate criminals,
I hate subliminal messages,
I hate werid fetishes,
I hate killers,
I hate murderers,
I hate child molesters,
I hate sodomizer,
I hate spiders,
I hate fear,
I hate my mirror,
I hate low battery,
I hate battery (crime)
I hate pedophiles
I hate crocodiles
I hate the sun,
I hate to run,
I hate sin,
I hate my sinister grin,
I hate villains,
I hate millions,
I hate billions,
I hate trillions,
I hate people who dont hate what I hate,
I hate everything,
Oct 2014 · 735
Nothing heart felt
Dominic sin Oct 2014
Its hard to come up with something heart felt,
when you never felt anything from the heart,
coldheartedness is a disease that decrease the heat
in your soul,It shows when your pain grows ad you have no where else to go,
So ive been told,
Oct 2014 · 819
Idk what to call this
Dominic sin Oct 2014
Im a monster who ate his foster parents like they were carrots,
brain dead since the day I ate lead paint, my teacher ms.garret feed it to me when I was eight, I thought I tasted great so I told her to make me more, she said sure but you have to eat it off the floor,

Till this day I still hate her, my vision was always blurrd so I always called her sir, thats double astigmatism for you, All these years I never knew the sky was blue, Yeah its true im not the best poet nor am I the worst poet, But I am an insane poet who shows it through his reckless antics that are not from this planet, spending his time wisely tryna crame it down your throat, Ok I spoke enough for now, but in an hour or two ill be back with some more poems for you
Oct 2014 · 777
Without a memory
Dominic sin Oct 2014
I cant remember who I am,
is my name sam, dan or brandon?
Am I a father, brother or son?
Do I explore the woods for fun?
Why can't I remember who I was?
I try as hard as I can to remember who I am,
Maybe this is my destiny, maybe this is how its supposed to be,
Me without a memory,
Oct 2014 · 727
Dominic sin Oct 2014
A mind without a soul or body is a bold step for mankind,
a heart without a beat is neat untill you cant see nor feel your   feet,
Im a nuisance who writes and types senseless lyrics to confuse the spirts also I never feel regrets unless there about my countless debts,
Never mind im out of time, not alot of words in this world that can rhyme, I hope you can see what I saw when I wrote this poem because your probably pondering to yourselfs I think I know him.

— The End —