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Ruth Mulvenna Mar 2020
You didnt love me,you controlled me                                                                           I was so scared of upsetting you                                                                                    Every day I never knew what way you would be                                                         Thought it was love and care but that was not true                                                       My head was always bouncing and fear was in my heart                                      Always tried to do my best to keep you happy                                                     Nothing was never enough,your cruel jibes                                                                 Your twisted mind games                                                                                            I always thought it was my fault                                                                               But that was not true                                                                                                   Because the nasty twisted hateful one was you
Ruth Mulvenna Feb 2020
I waken up all alone                                                                                                   Sometimes I do online shopping                                                                                Just to have someone in my home                                                                              I can talk with for a while                                                                                                          When the postman/woman calls                                                                         Its great to talk to them and have a chat                                                                      They have to be polite and leave to do their work                                                             Loneliness is an awful thing                                                                                        Trying to fill your day                                                                                                Is very hard and sometimes you see nobody                                                               From morning to night                                                                                                When you see someone you talk to much                                                               Company is a wonderful thing dont take it for granted
Ruth Mulvenna Oct 2019
leave me alone, to live my own life                                                                             for your laurels and gains,I will never strife                                                           your sitting room gossip,dosent interest me                                                              I would rather be with children,happy and free                                                     for children our so young and astute                                                                           Teaching you things you would never learn in a book
This poem is a tribute to my late mother as she wrote it years ago
Ruth Mulvenna Oct 2019
I moved in to the house next door to you                                                              ­       You were so kind to me decent and true                                                           Never had I met anyone like you before                                                           ­      When I called your name me you never did ignore                                                     We became good friends I would like to think                                                           You were clever and smart and and pulled me from the brink                           We only knew each others for 10 months                                                           ­   But you meant the world to me                                                               ­                    You were so humble and how wonderful you were you just couldnt see                    In nature you had a great interest                                                         ­                        As a person you were one of the best                                                             ­           You passed away one Wednesday                                                        ­                     I felt so sad you had gone away up in heaven you will stay now your happy and at rest please know Leonard you werent one of but you were the best
        &you were a gem         &bsp;                                                 In heaven you will be
Ruth Mulvenna Aug 2019
I love you but sometimes, I dont like you                                                                   You are my child and I will always put you first                                                         Now your up and grown home of your own                                                         I feel you think you know it all                                                                                  You are very good at making me feel small                                                                  We discuss my finances out in the open                                                                   You decide what I can afford and what I cant                                                           I live alone and just wanted a little dog                                                                     For company and  to cuddle and love                                                                        But you decided I could not afford it                                                                      And preached to me like you were God
Ruth Mulvenna Jul 2019
Even though its 2019                                                                                           He cant be himeself                                                                                                   was brought up in a strict home                                                                             Man marries woman and they start up a home                                                   They settle down to married life                                                                               He provides she is a stay at home wife                                                                    Soon a couple of kids come along                                                                               A boy and a girl how can that be wrong                                                                     But still inside he is not happy                                                                              His wife he loves but just not in that way                                                                   Has struggled since he was 15 always new he was gay                                                But could never be seen that way                                                                             It would break his wifes heart not to mention the kids
His parents would wonder what they ever did                                                                  So he just goes on through this life                                                                               Trying to cover up so no one can see the real him
Ruth Mulvenna Jul 2019
I am here but I am not ,I hurt but you will not see                                                       Trying my best just to be                                                                                            No one seems to notice, no ome seems to care                                                            I am no longer young and fair                                                                                     Am older now and just go through the motions                                                         My heart is broken but who has a notion                                                                      Someday I hope to see you again                                                                              Until then I will try to get peace with the pen                                                             Even my so called best friend she never calls                                                              Is she scared of me breaking down is she scared if I fall                                             Im lost so unhappy feel like I have long part of me                                                                                                                      Want her to come back and sit down just to see                                                          Her again would make me so happy
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