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Ruth Mulvenna Jul 2019
You are supposed to be my best friend                                                                     When I lost my sister I thought my life was at an end                                              Its been 8 weeks you still have not visited me                                                                   You have not called just the odd text                                                                                        Do I not mean anything to you I feel very vexed                                                              We used to laugh and carry on                                                                                 And have lots of fun                                                                                                    But I need you now                                                                                                    As I am finding it hard to cope                                                                                           I need you to stand beside me and give me some hope                                                  I can understand what I have done                                                                              That has made you up and run                                                                                     If you are having problems in your life     tell me about them I want to be there for you for help and advice. I thought thats what friends were far but obviously you dont feel the same its just a crying shame. As Im in such a state I need all the help I can get but if you cant be bothered that is fine at least I have found out what your like in time a good friend is their for the good and the bad  when you are happy and when you are sad but it appears to me we are no longer friends you and me
Ruth Mulvenna Jun 2019
I cant get myself out of bed in the morning                                                               This feeling comes without warning                                                                            For days all I can do is sleep                                                                                      Dont want to speak to anyone                                                                                 They cant know im feeling this low                                                                           If anyone calls pass it of with a text                                                                           Got a bit of a cold be fine after a day or twos rest                                                      Feel so ashamed that I cant get up and  go out                                                                 Just feel liveless scared and full of doubt                                                                    The thought of leaving the house                                                                             Fills me with dread am like a frightened little mouse                                                Back up to bed I get in under the quilt                                                                        Full of disgust full of guilt
Ruth Mulvenna Jun 2019
Im lost without you in my life,I dont know whats day or night                                   I cant believe that you are gone and out of sight                                                            ­  You will forever be in my heart                                                            ­                              
I cant function now we are apart                                                            ­                             Just sleep all day and hardly see a sole                                                             ­            Cant find away out of this dark hole                                                             ­                Dont want to go out our see anyone                                                           ­         Just lie indoors away from the sun                                                                                                                          I am not angry or cross just  so lost
Ruth Mulvenna Jun 2019
I am so sorry if I ever hurt you                                                                                   That was the last thing I meant to do                                                                                 I loved you deep within my heart                                                                                All that just rowing kept us apart                                                                                  Your gone know and I need you to know                                                                  Im sorrier than you will ever know                                                                         Sorry we will no longer be together                                                                            Sorry we cant have a cup of tea                                                                               Sorry we cant be the old just you and me
Ruth Mulvenna May 2019
You have gone now and I am lost                                                                               Would do anything to get you back, at any cost                                                         Lots of the time we fought like cat and dog                                                               But now I feel like I am walking in fog                                                                       I dont know where to go,I cant get anywhere                                                            Cant think of what to say and dont really care                                                           I hope you can see me and hope you know how much I loved you so                       Although I dont want you to go away I know you are away                                I feel in denial, I want to pretend, its all a game                                                         You will come back in the end                                                                                    If it has taught me anything it is this,treat the people you love with care and respect,cause none of us know how much time we have left. Always be kind and caring ,and nice ,make them proud
Ruth Mulvenna May 2019
I loved you since I was born,you were the best big sister ever known.                           We lived together for many years                                                                                  Brought up three children together they turned out well                                              You made sure they all got well educated,it was very important to you                 We were all happy together for many years                                                                 You and I then parted as we rowed alot                                                                      The love we had seemed to be forgot                                                                         We had lots of pressure and no outside support                                                             Both going through pain both going through hurt                                                        Now my sweet sister you have just passed today                                                    And I dont want you to go away                                                                                                                                          I wish you could come by and sit with me                                                                And have a nice cup of tea
Ruth Mulvenna May 2019
At last I feel safe and sound                                                                                          I live alone and that is fine                                                                                                    Have no one to answer to                                                                                                     Am my on boss                                                                                                                I still have friends and go out and have fun                                                                      But dont come home to a controlling one                                                                                Come home and its just me and the cat                                                                          She is happy and dosent answer back                                                                               I used to be so afraid,always scared to speak                                                                   When I lived with you I felt weak                                                                                Looking back I think you were the weak one                                                             You could not bear to see me have fun                                                                          Now your gone Ived got my like back
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