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Ruth Mulvenna May 2019
At last I feel safe and sound                                                                                          I live alone and that is fine                                                                                                    Have no one to answer to                                                                                                     Am my on boss                                                                                                                I still have friends and go out and have fun                                                                      But dont come home to a controlling one                                                                                Come home and its just me and the cat                                                                          She is happy and dosent answer back                                                                               I used to be so afraid,always scared to speak                                                                   When I lived with you I felt weak                                                                                Looking back I think you were the weak one                                                             You could not bear to see me have fun                                                                          Now your gone Ived got my like back
Ruth Mulvenna May 2019
Everything I do and say, you take the wrong way                                                        I try my best to be good,I get you groceries and cook you food.                                              I take you where you need to go,but its never enough                                                 You find fault in everything ,and it just tough.                                                    I cannot understand how you never see                                                                    How difficult you can be                                                                                                                                                                                       You never see the good in folk                                                                                      Always whining complaining and its no joker                                                            People try to help you as best they can                                                                            But you never seem to understand                                                                            Youre always so hard done by                                                                                       But you make others cry                                                                                               If you carry on this way , all your friends will go away.
Ruth Mulvenna Apr 2019
For most of my life I have been in a very bad dark place.                                                Most of my relationships were toxic looking back in hingsight its such a waste               People always seemed to want to control me, I dont know why?                                     I just wanted to be loved not treated like crap and despised.                                        There have been times when I thought about ending it all                                             I was so messed up my head was all over the place.                                                    Trying to keep everyone else happy all around me .                                                    People will say you should only get treated the way you allow yourself to be treated.I am sorry but I dont aggree. The people who treat you like that its their problem .I have been treated like ******* for years through childhood and adulthood. I have had enough its time to stand up for myself and promise myself no more.I am not putting up with this behaviour any more not for one more second.In relationships just because someone does not beat you up it does not mean its not abuse. Always putting someone down always laughing at their plans thats abuse. I feel its emotional always chipping away at their confidence.How could someone say I love you and then treat you like that. Its wrong I have left now and I am not going back. It may be difficult financially but I will have peace every penny I spent had to be checked over by you.You need professional help, not me  you are controlling and thats not normal. You are no longer my problem. I am gone and im not coming back no longer will I feel trapped
Ruth Mulvenna Apr 2019
I lost my father when I was 12 was left with a pyscho brother violent as hell  .      My father told me you would help,I was with him when he passed he said it will all be well .You turned your back on all of us.My mother you ignored and treated like dirt.You witnessed the violence time after time but still you did nothing is that not a crime?You only lived a few minutes away but in your home I never did stay. You were so cold and would never talk about your  only younger brother my father.I never could understand you so cold and cruel.In the village you and your wife were looked upon as up market kind an nice.Deep down I knew the real you.I lost my father when he was 55 not very old he would be 93 if he were still alive.You lived until your were 93 your funeral I never went to .I would have only been a hypocrite.Its strange to think I always want you to love and be proud of me but you were empty cold and ugly.I never wished any harm on you but will never understand the things you did not do.You never called the police on him even when you seen the destruction that he caused.I no longer want your love or respect and  to me you were pathetic.You hid behind your own four walls and never grew a set of *****

— The End —