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Dikshya Mar 2022
Please bring me peaches
The sweetest and the juiciest you find
But no, don’t bring me anything
I don’t need any thing, but you
I’m waiting
Was playing your little housewife
Cleaning the mirror in the washroom
Doing the dishes
I even bought a little black dress and red roses
Was waiting for you
Laying on the bed in this little black dress
Playing music of my favorite artist on YouTube
Put flowers in the water
You came home
You undressed me
That little black dress played it’s role -
I got your attention
I was kissing you and eating makeup from your face
That what is like dating a model
The word destiny is following us everywhere
Is it a destiny?
When you were reading my hand
You said our lines look the same
Are they?
So funny that you also read horoscopes
We both eating plant based
Let’s order Thai curry as always
Put on some jazz music
And share a joint
While that little black dress is laying crumpled beneath the black blanket
Dikshya Sep 2021
Who am I?
Am I this?
Or am I that?
Or am I nothing at all?
Dikshya Aug 2021
I feel really bad
And I don’t know
What to do
And I mean it
Nothing is meaningful
I feel like
Every minute
I can disappear
Just dissolve in the air
I’m telling you
Watch me fading
My mind is blurry
I wish I could have
Some control
I wish I could handle
This overwhelming ****
I’m melting in space
I’m merging with objects
God I hate this anxiety
Which attacks me at night
When you’re away
And it seems like
I’m in that movie
About the sin city
And everything’s wicked
I panick
Cold sweat
All over my body
Dikshya Aug 2021
Split on tho halfs
On behalf
Of the ******* Lord
******* it
I fall in love
With the fallen angel
Of my sacred dreams
I praise you
I adore you
I’m away from you
Probably forever
Who cares?
Knock knock
Who’s there?
No one
You’re not here
And I’ve become
Dikshya Aug 2021
I’m so afraid to forget you
Like I’ll loose everything
Like I’ll loose your love
Like I’ll loose any hope
Like I’ll loose the sense of home
Like I’ll give up on something sacred
Like I’ll become completely cynical
Like there’s gonna be no way back
Dikshya Aug 2021
I will wait for you
Doesn’t matter how long
Should I wait
I will wait for you
Even if you don’t bring me
Any flowers
I will wait for you
Even if it’s very cold outside
I will wait for you
Even if everyone will say
Not to wait for you
I will still wait for you
Because you are worth waiting
Dikshya Aug 2021
I’m disabled
You knocked me out
When you left
I gave you so much
But I’m ready to give you
Even more
If you want me to
I wish that
You want me to
I don’t care
About the food
I’m eating
I don’t care
About the news
I don’t care
About the beauty
Of the sunset
If I’m not meeting it
With you
Without you
Colors lost their brightness
And all what mattered
Lost it sense
But did I loose
The hope
To see you soon?
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