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Dikshya Aug 2021
You’re thinking I’m crazy
Yeah, I’m definitely mad
And definitely in love with you
My baby
I’m in love with life
In love with myself
And my body too
Like I fully accept it
Thinking about nothing
But you
Having childish hopes
Spinning in my head
Don’t **** the romance
Let it grow
In something bigger
I wish we could
Be together
For real
Not only
In my head
Dikshya Aug 2021
Everything can happen
Any time
I wanna learn you language
I want to speak to you in your mother tongue
I wanna bite your lips
They’re so sweet
You’re my baby
I wanna ******* everywhere
I wanna ******* in your parents bedroom
How have I become so possessed?
I’m just obsessed with you
Talking with my therapist about you
Talking with my friends about you
Talking in my head about you
All the time
I’m so drunk
And you’re the strongest *****
I’ve tried so far
You’re my muse
And my seducer
To think about you every minute
To write thousands words
To describe my feelings
To write you out of my head
But yet
You still there
You have taken all the space
You’re everywhere
Dikshya Aug 2021
Looking at your pictures
In my gallery
And not getting bored
To look at them
Seeing you
Isn’t that magical?
My love to you
Is unconditional
Just so you know
I’m going with the flow
Following my path
Looking forward to see you
Don’t know where
But I will see you
For sure
Not only on photograph
Dikshya Aug 2021
Let’s see each other
Some other time
Some other place
But see each other
Dikshya Aug 2021
Smoking cigarettes
And not to care
About it
Not for a minute
Not at all
Are you coming
To my home country?
I’d love to show you
Everything around there
My favorite spots
My favorite places
Where I spent my childhood
I want you to meet
My mom
To have conversation
Just three of us
Go out of the city
Maybe go to a club
Listen to music
Dance till the dawn
Kiss insanely
Singing love songs
Waking up together
Maybe watch Netflix
In bed
Talk about life
Talk about anything
Sharing everything
Forget about problems
Being pure
Loving each other
Dikshya Aug 2021
I’m at the beach
Where you were holding
My hand
While you were sleeping
Hand in hand
Swimming together
You said you can’t
Lay back on the water
Only with my help
You could
For a while
Until the tide
Has covered your body
What a moment
How precious was it
Dikshya Aug 2021
Enjoying my life
Being spontaneous
Taking my time
Trust only those
Who worth it
Clean up the room
Get rid of the mess
In my head
Being ridiculous
And don’t care about it
Laughing out loud
Singing on the streets
Holding your hand
In mine
Drinking beer
On the beach
Wine at the bar
And jin at home
Sharing my feelings
Watching the tides
Facing the future
Putting on make up
Looking pretty
Waiting for your validation
Coping nobody
Being myself
Saving electricity
Eating plant based
Not checking on news
Not scrolling Instagram
Being present
Feeling good
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