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RBHM Apr 2018
Liking you...
Is like liking acid;
I know it'll burn me,
But I can't help but pour it on my skin.

Liking you...
Is like liking leaves;
It's there for one season,
But gone for the next.

Liking you...
Is like chasing the winds;
You know you can try to follow,
But there is no way of keeping up.

Liking you...
Is like liking colors;
It has many shades with so many layers,
To peel back and watch as beauty emerges.

Liking you...
Is like running into flames;
You know you'll come out burnt,
But you also know you need the heat it provides.

Liking you....
Is all so different,
But also familiar.

Liking you...
Can not be described using all the words and phrases in the English language;
It is something new and old,
Something scary and bold,
Something that can not be untold.
RBHM Apr 2018
Do you know that tiny feeling,
That starts deep down in the dark hole you call a heart?

That feeling of a candle flickering before the darkness engulfs the light it sparked.

Do you know that growing feeling,
That starts to fight its way to the surface?

That feeling of a hollow space in a vacuum being filled with light, intensity, air, beauty.

Do you know that entrancing feeling,
That starts to show itself to its surrounding bodies?

That feeling of your lung's alveoli once again grasping at the air particles that have crawled their way in through you throat after a deep exhalation.

Do you know that burning feeling,
That licks at the objects surrounding it with magnified intensity?

That feeling of a fire eating at its surroundings with the heat of a thousand suns and the sounds of a million thunderclaps.

Do you know that mortifying fear,
That starts from the surface and crawls its way in, destroying all with beauty in its path?

That feeling of not knowing what'll happen next, at a time where information of the future is what keeps you grounded and fed with the emotions and senses of being alive.

Those are all the feelings of loving someone.
RBHM Apr 2018
The war between the mind and the heart,
Is one a ****** fight,
Where soldiers are lost,
And dignity is stolen.

Whoever comes out triumphant,
Slathered in the opponent's failure,
Reveals our deepest-rooted canals of fear and needs.

If the heart makes its way out,
Limply and broken,
We know of our need to be loved for,
Or of our raging wanting to help others.

If the mind wins this round,
Fail-proof and fueled with logic,
We recognize our trepidation of seeming weak,
Or of our phobia of getting hurt.

So the next time your mind and heart brawl for the spotlight,
Shine a little bit on both,
Because light in great amounts can shatter all beauty.
RBHM Apr 2018
I talked to you on the phone,
You asked for my problems,
And I told them to you,

Spilled out all the things wrong with me,
All the things right with me.

You listened.
Said nothing for a while.
And I asked for your problems.

You told me one,
The one issue that you had,
Something that didn't even have to do with you,
One thing so simple and strung together.

And in that moment,
I realized how messed up I was,
How I was a defect.

And I wished,
Silently that night,
That I had your simple life.

I also wondered,
In that cruel head of mine,
If this meant that when harsh reality catches up to you,
Your life will turn sour.

Because how else would it be fair?

Why would pain and suffering,
That I didn't deserve,
Only affect me?
RBHM Feb 2018
white specs
dimpled into the
spilt black ink
that stretches on into
infinite lengths
RBHM Jan 2018
I broke a little more today,
So here I am,
Writing poems,
Trying to fix the damaged.
RBHM Jan 2018
Ice melts,
It almost always happens.

Did you catch that?
The uncertainty in-between the written words.
Adding 'almost' gives away the secret that ice only melts at a temperature of 0 degrees or higher.

You almost always love me,
Almost always care for me,
Almost always need me,
Almost always something.

I can't blame you for it, now can I?
Blame you for the lies that I made?
For all the rumors that I spread?
For all the hatred that people feel towards you?
For hating me?

No. I can't.
That is almost always your job.
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