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Kori Tullier Oct 2017
You can smell it, bleed it, see it
Everyone has a fear of something
Some don't like to admit it
Others let the fear over come them
All things crashing to the ground
People of this world hide
They fear everything far too much
We are the warriors of HOPE
We fight for the people
We die with pride and dignity
Some fight because they want to
The rest fight because they have no choice
People want all the fighting to end
Nobody will forget the suffering
Kori Tullier Oct 2017
I've got a secret,
I've kept it so long.
I'd have told you sooner,
But I was too afraid.
Afraid to be rejected,
To be laughed at.
I hid it away,
And kept it for seven years.
But now is the time,
I need to tell you.
My heart has been chasing you,
Since the moment we met.
I have since then learned,
That you felt the same.
We were both scared,
Didn't want to risk the friendship.
But now we see,
Just how ridiculous we were being.
Kori Tullier Oct 2017
Here I stand,
My hands in yours,
Pledging myself to you.
For it was you who freed me,
You who showed me how to live again,
And you who mended my heart.
I am promising to love you without reason,
To be the shield for your back as you are mine,
And to forgive you first when we fight.
I love you as you love me.
Bound together we shall be.
Forever, you and me.
Kori Tullier Oct 2017
You plunged your knife deep in my heart.
You did not mean to,
You were only following orders.
But then you apologized,
Said how it was all my fault,
That none of this needed to happen.
I loved you,
No matter how much you broke me.
I loved you,
No matter how many mind games you played.
I loved you...
And I still do,
Through all the pain...
I'm still here,
And I have no plans on going anywhere.
Maybe I'm stupid,
Maybe I'm insane.
But the pain I bare with you,
Is better than the emptiness without you.
You plunged your blade deep into my heart,
Only to pull it out and do it all over again.
Kori Tullier Oct 2017
He is master,
I am slave.
He commands,
I obey.
He doesn't hurt me,
But protects me.
I don't ignore his wants,
But fulfill his needs.
He didn't demand my submission,
But he has it completely.
For my trust is his reward,
And our love is most pure.
Kori Tullier Oct 2017
Listening closely,
Can you hear it?
The sweet pitter patter of the rain on the roof,
The wind blowing through the trees,
The boom of the thunder as lightening strikes.

Close your eyes,
Can you feel it?
The sand creeping between your toes,
The sun beating down on your skin,
The waves splashing against you.

Peer out the window,
Can you see it?
The fresh layer of snow on the ground,
The bird in its nest laying on eggs,
The children building snowmen.

You're walking downtown,
Can you smell it?
The freshly baked bread,
The crisp air of spring,
The flowers of the new bloom.

It's your anniversary,
Can you taste it?
The succulent spices grilled into that steak,
The years that wine took to age,
The vanilla in that newly churned ice cream.
Kori Tullier Oct 2017
We whoa those who do not fight with their brothers
We destroy all who oppose us
We can and will destroy all borders
We believe what we do is right
We fight for those we love
We are the brothers and sisters of truth
Fight with us and you shall win
Betray us and face the consequences
Die with pride and dignity
Die defending a growing nation
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