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David Oliver Jun 2020
With no apparent choice but to surrender to authority, we ponder upon the outcome of this alien situation.
Forcibly denied of things we took for granted, on so many levels we must endure separation.
Widely labelled as the new normal, it is definitely not anywhere near normal at all.
Normality implodes and fades away, the elite ivory towers now crumble and fall.
The stillness reveals a simpler picture, it destroys the illusion that people must fight.
The silence allows space for clear thoughts, and vision enhanced by the abundance of light.
David Oliver Jun 2020
Searching for words to describe these strange feelings and struggling to bring a way to make sense of what is happening.
There is so much chaos in the atmosphere causing so much despair these sensations are frightening.
A whirlwind of emotions and anxiety destroying control in the struggle of power, when a minute feels like it is taking an eternity but a whole week appears to be gone in an hour.
There is no point in going through this stress and it will serve no purpose other than to hold us frozen in fear, and the only outcome of this whole debacle will be feeling desperate to be anywhere but here.
We need to be as friends and not as enemies because the pain and conflict just has to stop, it’s us against us in this fight and the truth is that nobody is coming out on top.
David Oliver Jun 2020
I hope that these words find you well,
and bring brightness to your day,
I hope that they bring a smile to your face,
and that smile will want to stay.
I know that times are quite hard,
as I am feeling it too,
but hopefully this little poem,
brings happiness from me to you.
I am really trying my best,
to hold my head up high,
to feel hope in my heart,
that will shine like the sun in the sky.
Please remember that people still care,
and want the best for you,
though this may seem hard to believe,
I hope that you know it is true.
You do not need to be lonely,
if you want to talk then just say,
reach out and you will find others,
that will help you to have a good day.
David Oliver Jun 2020
On the days when it seems that the well has run dry and there is nothing left to give, be thankful that you have been given another new day for you to live.
With shelter to protect you and food and water and power and light , know that you are luckier than others and don’t give up the fight.
Remember that all is not lost and there is still so much more to gain, in time the storm will clear and the sun will dry up the rain.
David Oliver Jun 2020
Release your self from the grip of anxiety and fear of that which has not yet been,
beyond the haze of darkness and pain are so many wonders there to be seen.
The beauty of life is still so very present and willing to embrace you with love, the supportive Earth, the fields and the trees and the deep blue skies up above.
Take a deep breath, feel the sun on your skin and let yourself feel blessed, slow your racing heart and be still in your self and take a well earned rest.
David Oliver Jun 2020
Life need not have to be so difficult that every day seems hard to bare,
times do not have to be so hard that you have tears rolling down your face,
happiness does not have to be so out of reach that you want to give up on trying to find it,
love does not have to be so far away that you will never know it’s warm embrace.
Your mind does not always have to feel like a prison that you wish to be free from every day,
you do not have to feel frustrated and overwhelmed by nagging doubt,
you do not have to keep all the thoughts that rattle round your brain locked inside,
if there are things that you want to say then speak them aloud and let them out.
You are deserving of help and care just as much as anybody else,
you do not have to suffer in silence without others willing to hear your voice,
you do have people that want to know you and help you to feel that you matter,
you do have value and the right to be happy and you are cared about and you do have a choice.
David Oliver Jun 2020
Fly high just like an eagle with wings spread out wide,
Soar above the Earth and feel your power from deep inside.
Ride along the rising current blowing strong and sure,
lifting you up high towards the Sun on swells of air so pure.
The dominant alpha of the open skies
just you and the golden sunlight,
strong and certain and built for purpose with talons just as sharp as your sight.
Claim your power and let it show, be free to travel to where you want to go.
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